Being transgender is a ‘mental disorder


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
So am I, however, we will be waiting for a long time for buddy to actually address the question.

... he just doesn't know when to drop the shovel and stop digging

You just keep telling yourself that, "Cap't" and after awhile I'm sure you'll start believing it, but I'm not too sure how many others will! What did you say the name of that ship is? You know, the one you were in charge of! :) :)


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
you suffer from a mental illness (and why the hell is that a reason to be shunned) if you have caffeine withdrawl, cannabis withdrawl, Internet gaming disorder, disruptive mood Dysregulation disorder (temper tantrum)rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder, restless leg syndrome, and the list goes on and on.

The previous list are disorders included in the DSM5, the psychiatrist's bible.

As I read in one article "Real life has been turned into a mental illness"

According to the psychiatric profession, the planet is almost totally full of people who are stark, raving mad. That is except for those who are homosexual or transgender.

Gender Dysphoria is in DSM-5. Like a lot of conditions, it's a problem inflicted on the victim. Not something that's physically innate.

Sorry, but no, certainly not.

Homosexuality is sinful and wrong. A belief in such a thing does not make one a Nazi.

It doesn't. I'm saying you're a Nazi based on the totality of your opinions.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If being transgender was a mental disorder, the takeaway would be what you do with that information. Good people would have compassion. Cruel people would use it to mock and oppress. What would Jesus do?

Absolutely correct.

If some poor soul has serious delusions (and I am not being sarcastic here) the worst thing you can do, the cruelest thing, is reinforce those delusions by buying into them, by verifying to him that they are indeed reality.

And then to go so far as to start feeding the unfortunate hormones, to say nothing of lopping off body parts, is simply cruelty on an industrial scale, on the same level as dealing with delusions by drilling holes in the skull to let bad spirits out, as they did in medieval times.

My best friend at the time, back in the paleolithic age, was mentally ill. He thought he was the Archangel Michael. His family got him help, and massive doses of lithium which allowed him to live something like a normal life. They did not buy him a sword and sew wings on his back.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Absolutely correct.

If some poor soul has serious delusions (and I am not being sarcastic here) the worst thing you can do, the cruelest thing, is reinforce those delusions by buying into them, by verifying to him that they are indeed reality.

Gender dysphoria is not a delusion. The delusion is that there's an objective truth to how we gender children and that enforcing this violently through life helps people.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Gender dysphoria is not a delusion. The delusion is that there's an objective truth to how we gender children and that enforcing this violently through life helps people.

That is exactly like saying "bipolarity is not a delusion". It is nonsense.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
You just keep telling yourself that, "Cap't" and after awhile I'm sure you'll start believing it, but I'm not too sure how many others will! What did you say the name of that ship is? You know, the one you were in charge of! :) :)

Sounds to me like you're the one struggling with it. I'd have thought in 5 or 6 hours you would have figured it out already!

Still no answer eh?

I'm guessing that you feel pretty silly now

... Put down the shovel buddy.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Still no answer eh?

I'm guessing that you feel pretty silly now

... Put down the shovel buddy.

You're still trying to figure it out eh? Keep trying, it will eventually come to you and then you'll feel really stupid! Maybe I should give you a hint....................on second though, Nah! It gives you something to do.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Homosexuality is not a choice. It is not right to blast people just because they happened to be born gay.

It's a problem a lot of people bring on themselves. No one is forced to hang out with gay people, if they don't want to, so it baffles me why people concern themselves about them.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Bipolarity can cause delusions but it isn't a delusion. And that's the only way I respond to this because you didn't actually make a point.

The point is simple: unless you are one of the very rare cases of genetic variation that result in physical abnormalities, your gender can easily be determined by a quick glance in your pants.

You do not get to choose.

If you disagree with the evidence therein, the problem is in your skull, not in your pants.

Pretending it is in your pants is cruel, unscientific, and simply stupid.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So? You can say that about ANY comments a person makes.

No I won't keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. They are perfectly reasonable, sensible, commonsense thoughts and opinions and I will air them publicly.

No, I won't shut up. Why don't you keep your pro-gay views to yourself? I don't want you spouting such pile in a public forum.

Big difference between me and my common sense thoughts and opinions is that they don't really harm anyone, yours do. You, and those who think like you, cause the death of people - young and old - without any consideration for their right to even exist.

That's why you and your opinions are dangerous and why you need to really just STFU.

But it's alright for you to tell me what to say and what not to say. You don't like it when the roles are reversed though, do you?

Pot, kettle.

Homosexuality is sinful and wrong. A belief in such a thing does not make one a Nazi.

I agree, it doesn't make you a Nazi, but it DOES make you a rotten SOB and a biggoted Azzhole.

Why should I think what the PC Brigade tell me to think?

As a Christian I believe that homosexuality is sinful and that all people who indulge in homosexual behaviour go to hell for the rest of eternity.

Homosexuality is a mental disorder.

Great that you think that, but your thoughts that you spew from your pie hole push people to die. That's why such language is dangerous (as above).

Homosexuality isn't a mental disorder. Transgenderism is not a mental disorder. Asexuality isn't a mental disorder. Gender neutral isn't a mental disorder.

Christianity on the other hand is a choice - unlike the above - and in your case, part of your mental disorder.

If not now, maybe in the future, like cancer and AIDS.

The big danger is that homosexuality spreads. If it eventually consumes the entire human race then it will eventually lead to the human race's extinction.

I've got plenty of allies, not just in this forum but in the world at large. If I was running for British PM I'd win in a landslide.

OMFG!!! I have... the moment I read this I laughed out loud. "Homosexuality spreads"?? Seriously? You *seriously* believe this?! OMG I was right, you DO have a mental disorder. It's egoism, narcissism and Gods know what else. But wow... that... I've seen it all now.

Fact, homosexuality does not "spread", it's not a disease and equating it to one - like Cancer or AIDS - is blatant ignorance on your side, to the point I can't believe you're a real person, (again; pretty sure I said you're a troll before, too).

Ty for the laugh Blackie. I needed it today even just a little.

The point is simple: unless you are one of the very rare cases of genetic variation that result in physical abnormalities, your gender can easily be determined by a quick glance in your pants.

You do not get to choose.

If you disagree with the evidence therein, the problem is in your skull, not in your pants.

Pretending it is in your pants is cruel, unscientific, and simply stupid.

Gender does not equal sexual organs.

The problem is in your skull and in the crap in your ears and over your eyes.