Post Election Poll shows Commanding Liberal Majority


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The Liberals averaged 45.2% support in January, down one point from their December 2015 averages. The Conservatives followed with an average of 28.4% support, down 1.2 points.

The New Democrats were up 2.1 points to 16.4%, followed by the Greens at 5.7% (up 0.3 points) and the Bloc Québécois at 4% (also up 0.3 points).



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Forum Research poll: Liberals would win 70% of seats in election today

A new poll suggests that, in direction if not every detail, it is largely in tune with Canadians.

The Forum Research poll found that 49 per cent of Canadians would vote Liberal if an election were held today, producing a “super-majority” of more than 70 per cent of the seats in Parliament.

The support is so impressive that Lorne Bozinoff, president of Forum Research, said it might be time to stop referring to ongoing Liberal popularity as a mere honeymoon.

“It’s gone on far too long to be a brief post-electoral crush,” he said.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Forum Research poll: Liberals would win 70% of seats in election today

A new poll suggests that, in direction if not every detail, it is largely in tune with Canadians.

The Forum Research poll found that 49 per cent of Canadians would vote Liberal if an election were held today, producing a “super-majority” of more than 70 per cent of the seats in Parliament.

The support is so impressive that Lorne Bozinoff, president of Forum Research, said it might be time to stop referring to ongoing Liberal popularity as a mere honeymoon.

“It’s gone on far too long to be a brief post-electoral crush,” he said.
And 80% of Torontonians want subways, but you dismissed that out of hand.

it always amazes me how your beliefs in the validity of polls has a warm jello like consistency.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Forum Research poll: Liberals would win 70% of seats in election today

A new poll suggests that, in direction if not every detail, it is largely in tune with Canadians.

The Forum Research poll found that 49 per cent of Canadians would vote Liberal if an election were held today, producing a “super-majority” of more than 70 per cent of the seats in Parliament.

The support is so impressive that Lorne Bozinoff, president of Forum Research, said it might be time to stop referring to ongoing Liberal popularity as a mere honeymoon.

“It’s gone on far too long to be a brief post-electoral crush,” he said.

If 70% of Canadian voters would STILL support the Liberals that shows just how stupid they are!
The Liberals have already pulled dirty sneaky tricks, ignoring their promises of transparency and openness and blaming every woe they face on the previous government.

Dirty, sneaky tricks include allowing a debate after secretly having made a decision and finagling Air Canada into a promise of buying airplanes so that they can give money to Bombardier - To name the most recent!

The voters who expected legalized marijuana IMMEDIATELY didn't get what they voted for.
The agreement of the Provinces on the environment is hopeless. Liberals should have known that before they made THAT promise.
Liberals have spent billions already and not one penny of it has benefited Canadians.
Liberals lie, manipulate, spend recklessly on foreigners while ignoring the needs of Canadians. "Oh, we'll get to that later", is their attitude. Yeah, maybe, after the rest of the world is taken care of and there's no money left for US! Don't hold your breath!
Liberals refuse to acknowledge that ISIS is a serious threat.

They had better get to work on that legalization of pot so that the population can get dumbed down even more if they want to keep their popularity. Anyone who has even a tiny smidgeon of a functioning brain left can't possible fail to see what's really going on.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Forum Research poll: Liberals would win 70% of seats in election today

A new poll suggests that, in direction if not every detail, it is largely in tune with Canadians.

The Forum Research poll found that 49 per cent of Canadians would vote Liberal if an election were held today, producing a “super-majority” of more than 70 per cent of the seats in Parliament.

The support is so impressive that Lorne Bozinoff, president of Forum Research, said it might be time to stop referring to ongoing Liberal popularity as a mere honeymoon.

“It’s gone on far too long to be a brief post-electoral crush,” he said.
Really? So I guess you no longer like IPSOS since they now show Liberal support falling faster than a wh*res drawers on cheque day.
This is the same Forum Research that claimed in 2013 that Rob Ford was untouchable and more popular than Obama.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Really? So I guess you no longer like IPSOS since they now show Liberal support falling faster than a wh*res drawers on cheque day.
This is the same Forum Research that claimed in 2013 that Rob Ford was untouchable and more popular than Obama.
You have to excuse Flossy. Polls are only accurate or valid when they depict what he wants.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Forum Research poll: Liberals would win 70% of seats in election today

A new poll suggests that, in direction if not every detail, it is largely in tune with Canadians.

The Forum Research poll found that 49 per cent of Canadians would vote Liberal if an election were held today, producing a “super-majority” of more than 70 per cent of the seats in Parliament.

The support is so impressive that Lorne Bozinoff, president of Forum Research, said it might be time to stop referring to ongoing Liberal popularity as a mere honeymoon.

“It’s gone on far too long to be a brief post-electoral crush,” he said.
Rather shaky conclusion unless you know exactly how many people got polled and where. Polling 5000 people in Quebec and Ontario and extrapolating the results across Canada would not give accurate results.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Did anyone notice, that in his effort to be a true trudeau fluffer , he consciously missed the first paragraph of the article
Amid the selfies and the sunny ways, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal government has been confronted with some big questions: Money and deficits. War and peace. Life and death.


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2012
I would suggest less of a love for the Liberals and more of a hateful grudge against the Conservatives.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Dat solid mandate must make you super happy.

Another 8 years of Liberal majority is just peachy for you, innit?