Oregon standoff ends with gunfire and 1 dead.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
These clowns parade about flaunting the law and they get shot.
Normally I would say the police should be investigated but this
time what took them so long
You don't even know what the stand-off was about do you?

Money for the elite, like it always is so 'the law' is their hired gun and nothing more in this case.
A Tale of Cattle, Sage Grouse, and Uranium in Oregon | Farm Wars

Kill a rancher but let the big fish roam free. Velcome to Amerika.

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal: Will FBI Director James Comey Resign in Protest?

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
1. His hands were up (but in surrender or to help himself balance in the snow?) but THEN he reached for the 9mm in his pocket/holster. Twice.
2. He ran from a legal traffic stop, the cops have a right to shoot.
3. He was given AMPLE time to turn himself in at the first stop. Instead he basically said EffU to the cops and took off.
4. There were rifles fully loaded in the truck.
5. This jerk got what was coming. Remember, he's the "I have foster kids to give me income/be my slaves on my ranch and they won't take me alive" guy. Death by cop is all this was. Couldn't happen to a worse azzhole.
do you think the intentions were in the plan to kill him?what cops like to do is agitate the situation to rationale their behaviour?
what about the town hall meeting,with the neighbours,does anyone know anything about this meeting,this is the best questions the public can ask,or seek answers to determine if their was intent to kill as the only resort.
determining the origins of the town hall meeting will give truths to what was to come.
here in alberta,town hall meetings have led to and have influenced the design of the outcome,this including death,using people is part of the gig,do you think the community was purpsefully pulled into the plan for end objectivesof killing.
this is a great case for information auditors.this is a great case for the humanities.
what about the crazy bas tard which did the killing,i would love to interview him or her,and more so follow where these individuals end up in life,possibly they are the individuals who hold resentmet towards their employer,and ends up taking up craziness,
fu ck the death,there's more to the story.

the more i watch that video,the more questions i need to ask ,as the design seems a little strange,which promotes logical questions,
there is now doubt it was an ambush.

legal stop? are you joking,what fools!


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
do you think the intentions were in the plan to kill him?what cops like to do is agitate the situation to rationale their behaviour?
what about the town hall meeting,with the neighbours,does anyone know anything about this meeting,this is the best questions the public can ask,or seek answers to determine if their was intent to kill as the only resort.
determining the origins of the town hall meeting will give truths to what was to come.
here in alberta,town hall meetings have led to and have influenced the design of the outcome,this including death,using people is part of the gig,do you think the community was purpsefully pulled into the plan for end objectivesof killing.
this is a great case for information auditors.this is a great case for the humanities.
what about the crazy bas tard which did the killing,i would love to interview him or her,and more so follow where these individuals end up in life,possibly they are the individuals who hold resentmet towards their employer,and ends up taking up craziness,
fu ck the death,there's more to the story.

the more i watch that video,the more questions i need to ask ,as the design seems a little strange,which promotes logical questions,
there is now doubt it was an ambush.

legal stop? are you joking,what fools!


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Changed his mind?

Why leave the quote?

Aside from all the visceral stupidity and hate because these guys were armed, this could have ended peacefully. The occupation only lasted a month and in my opinion there was no reason not to keep negotiating for a peaceful end.

  1. The Waco seige lasted from February 28 and April 19, 1993.
  2. The Oka standoff lasted from July 11, 1990 and lasted until September 26, 1990
The protest was over re-imprisonment and grazing fees. Was that worth killing somebody? Maybe because they were cowboys with guns? Is that the reason for this visceral crap I am hearing. Bill Barillko and his call to exterminate. Damn Grumpy and his flippant, "What did they expect?"

What of it? Should we have stormed Oka after less than a month?

I don't support picking up arms against your own country as a form of protest, so I did not support the method, but I think that they may have had a legitimate protest. Grazing fees are certainly not worth taking someones life.

The militants, who had held frequent press conferences at the refuge, had called for the release of the two ranchers and for the Obama administration to relinquish control of federal lands to localities.
Here's how the eastern Oregon standoff started and how it's progressed to Wednesday, when things started winding down.

2012: Harney County ranchers Dwight Hammond Jr. and son Steven are convicted of arson for setting fires on federal land in 2001 and 2006. A federal judge sentences Dwight to three months and Steven to one year in prison.

Spring 2014: A 20-year dispute between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management over $1 million in unpaid grazing fees leads to an armed standoff.

2015: After an appeals court overturns the Hammonds' original sentences, a federal judge issues new sentences of five years to both men, with credit for time already served.

Mid-December: Militants from states across the West begin assembling in the small town of Burns to protest the pending re-imprisonment of the Hammonds over what they describe as unjust federal land policies.

Jan. 1, 2016: Community members meet with the protesters to voice their concerns in advance of a weekend rally.

Jan. 2: After an estimated 300 marchers parade through Burns in support of the Hammonds, a splinter group of armed protesters begins to occupy the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, about 30 miles south of Burns.

Jan. 3: Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the leader of the refuge occupants, says the group has no intention of violence unless the government acts against them.

Jan. 4: The Hammonds report to federal prison in California but say they will seek clemency from the president. Harney County Sheriff David Ward, during a news conference, tells the occupiers to "Go home."

Jan. 5: Ammon Bundy says the occupiers won't leave until local property owners have control over the refuge, or if the community shows they're no longer welcome. Ward says law enforcement is taking steps being behind the scenes to end the standoff.

Jan. 6: The Burns Paiute Tribe, which once held land that included the refuge, calls on the militants to end the standoff. A nighttime scuffle between occupiers and an outside group sends one man to the hospital with a black eye.

Jan. 7: The sheriff and Ammon Bundy meet on neutral ground to discuss ending the refuge occupation. Gov. Kate Brown demands that the protesters "decamp immediately."

Jan. 8: Ammon Bundy says the group doesn't plan to leave for now.

Jan. 11: After a week off, schools reopen in Burns. The militants destroy a portion of a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fence, saying they received permission from the rancher whose cattle graze on private land adjoining the wildlife refuge.

Jan. 12: The militants say they will reveal their exit plan at a meeting on Friday evening.

Jan. 13: Rancher Tim Puckett says he didn't give the militants permission to destroy a publicly owned fence and is upset about what happened.

Jan. 15: The "exit strategy" meeting doesn't happen over a dispute about where to hold the meeting. Also this day, authorities arrest the first person associated with the occupation: Kenneth Medenbach, 62, of Crescent, who drove a government pickup to Burns and was accused of having a stolen vehicle.

Jan. 16: Occupiers clash with conservationists during a daily briefing after showing off a pile of cameras they say were put up by law enforcement.

Jan. 18: The protesters say they've recruited ranchers to stop paying the federal government grazing fees and plan a "signing ceremony" for later in the week. In an evening meeting, they encourage ranchers to tear up their government grazing contracts.

Jan. 19: Conservation groups stage rallies in Portland, Eugene, Bend and La Grande to urge the occupiers to end the standoff. A community meeting in Burns, with Ammon Bundy in attendance, is punctuated by emotional and highly personal remarks.

Jan. 21: Brown, in a letter to top federal law enforcement officials, asks for "swift resolution" to the occupation. Ammon Bundy and the FBI begin negotiations to end the standoff.

Jan. 22: Negotiations stumble after Bundy questions the FBI's legal authority to operate in Harney County.

Jan. 26: Oregon State Police and the FBI confront protest leaders on their way to a meeting, about 20 miles north of the Burns, leaving one dead and taking five into custody. Two others are arrested in separate incidents.

Jan. 27: During a law enforcement press conference, Oregon FBI Special Agent in Charge Greg Bretzing says the occupiers had "ample" time to leave peacefully and that law enforcement had taken a "very deliberate and measured response" to the standoff. Ammon Bundy appears in court in Portland and tells the remaining refuge protesters, through his attorney, to "please stand down." The remaining occupiers begin to leave the refuge.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
do you think the intentions were in the plan to kill him?what cops like to do is agitate the situation to rationale their behaviour?
what about the town hall meeting,with the neighbours,does anyone know anything about this meeting,this is the best questions the public can ask,or seek answers to determine if their was intent to kill as the only resort.
determining the origins of the town hall meeting will give truths to what was to come.
here in alberta,town hall meetings have led to and have influenced the design of the outcome,this including death,using people is part of the gig,do you think the community was purpsefully pulled into the plan for end objectivesof killing.
this is a great case for information auditors.this is a great case for the humanities.
what about the crazy bas tard which did the killing,i would love to interview him or her,and more so follow where these individuals end up in life,possibly they are the individuals who hold resentmet towards their employer,and ends up taking up craziness,
fu ck the death,there's more to the story.

the more i watch that video,the more questions i need to ask ,as the design seems a little strange,which promotes logical questions,
there is now doubt it was an ambush.

legal stop? are you joking,what fools!

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
do you think the intentions were in the plan to kill him?what cops like to do is agitate the situation to rationale their behaviour?
what about the town hall meeting,with the neighbours,does anyone know anything about this meeting,this is the best questions the public can ask,or seek answers to determine if their was intent to kill as the only resort.
determining the origins of the town hall meeting will give truths to what was to come.
here in alberta,town hall meetings have led to and have influenced the design of the outcome,this including death,using people is part of the gig,do you think the community was purpsefully pulled into the plan for end objectivesof killing.
this is a great case for information auditors.this is a great case for the humanities.
what about the crazy bas tard which did the killing,i would love to interview him or her,and more so follow where these individuals end up in life,possibly they are the individuals who hold resentmet towards their employer,and ends up taking up craziness,
fu ck the death,there's more to the story.

the more i watch that video,the more questions i need to ask ,as the design seems a little strange,which promotes logical questions,
there is now doubt it was an ambush.

legal stop? are you joking,what fools!


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Cellphone Video: Shooting of LaVoy Finicum from Inside SUV

Cellphone video synchronized picture in picture with the helicopter video that has been previously posted.

Shooting occurs at around 5:30 minutes.

The cops/agents continue to shoot out all the windows in the SUV.



Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Cellphone Video: Shooting of LaVoy Finicum from Inside SUV

Cellphone video synchronized picture in picture with the helicopter video that has been previously posted.

Shooting occurs at around 5:30 minutes.

The cops/agents continue to shoot out all the windows in the SUV.

If you watched the news conference, no the cops didn't shoot out the windows.

LaVoy ran from police, illegal in Oregon.

I found it stupidly and sadly laughable that the woman said "there's children with us" and yet had NO concern for the safety of said children by actually getting them out of the situation. Instead these 'poor darlings' (rather one IIRC) was kept in the truck, maybe to drill up sympathy?

Regardless, they all agreed to flee. Every bullet that was not FBI was accounted for, and because the FBI really skrued the pooch, they're under investigation for their actions in this.

You can clearly hear LaVoy taunt the police to shoot him. He reached three times for his left side where a live weapon was held. The police had every right to shoot him (hey, others have been shot for less over the past couple of years, remember?)

This man deserves NO sympathy, he CHOSE this end fully willing to make himself into some sort of effin Martyr for a purpose that was lies and BS. He had his chances to surrender and be dealt with by the law, instead he wanted to die.

Anyone who thinks this moron deserves any respect or is some sort of a symbol is clearly out of their effin' tree.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
If you watched the news conference, no the cops didn't shoot out the windows.

far as I can tell the windows are shot out at 5:40 as he exits the vehicle. frightened law enforcement shooting perhaps but none the less.

regardless of what buddy taunts police with, they still fired first.

good thing he wasn't one of them non-white folk. heh.

#livesmatter or some such bullsh!t.