Globe & Mail Chastises Cons For Oil Reliance


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012

I must argue with the headline. The Cons chose to ignore and turn their backs on manufacturing.....

Canada forgot to plan for its future by leaning on oil and the loonie

Off the backs of those industries, Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 19 per cent between 2010 and 2014. But most of that growth was driven by factors outside Canada’s control. China’s economy was booming and, with it, its insatiable need for resources. Oil prices were fixed artificially high by the OPEC, Iranian petroleum supply was cut owing to sanctions, millionaires from precarious economies, including China’s, increasingly sheltered their wealth in havens such as Canadian housing, and “fracking” technology unlocked new petroleum resources in Western Canada.

Many remain optimistic that petroleum prices will recover, but there is strong reason to believe low prices are here to stay. Unlike previous price vacillations that were created by shocks in supply or demand, the price-setting regime of oil has changed. In the past, prices were set monopolistically by OPEC; they’re now set competitively. Low-cost producers, such as Saudi Arabia, used to intentionally lower output to create artificial shortages that boosted prices. With such high prices, more expensive resources such as oil sands and shale oil became viable. Realizing that high prices would eventually lead to OPEC’s demise, the cartel stopped price fixing. The world is now sitting on massive inventories of oil that will take years to consume. On top of that, Iranian oil sanctions are being lifted, adding to cheap supply. Barring some geopolitical catastrophe, the new prices are here to stay.

Canada forgot to plan for its future by leaning on oil and the loonie - The Globe and Mail


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006

I must argue with the headline. The Cons chose to ignore and turn their backs on manufacturing.....
This kind stupidity (Especially now that he's not even in office) always makes me laugh at people like you and the other fluffer, Flossy...

And this is why

If oil is all that really matters in the economic story of the Harper years, I’m not sure how to fit certain staggering sums into the narrative. He presided over the creation of a $950-million fund to subsidize auto industry innovation, plus another $100 million for the sector’s suppliers. A cool billion went into something called the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative. The Tories even set up a regional development agency for southern Ontario—paralleling those long-established distributors of largess in Atlantic Canada and the West—with $920 million to dole out, including $200 for “advanced manufacturing.”


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Yup, Harper hardly behaved like a conservative. When you factor the budget deficits, it's hard to understand why people that like to call themselves conservative liked him so much

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I don't buy it. Our relatively high dollar is the culprit that damaged manufacturing and the Conservative government had little to do with that. Our dollar was never really "high" in the big, bad world. It was the bottom falling out of Greenback during the credit crisis that made our currency "high". I don't see the Canadian government at work, there.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
In related news, the editorial staff was rushed to a fine Canadian universal-health care hospital after an extended session of violent fingerwagging at the Yanks and the Conservatives led to a potentially fatal boo-boo in their index fingers.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Interesting how the G&M offer no realistic options on what the Feds might have done... Hell, the prov gvt in Ontario has done more to scatter the mfg sector than the feds ever could, but hey, why get hung up on small details like that?

I don't buy it. Our relatively high dollar is the culprit that damaged manufacturing and the Conservative government had little to do with that. Our dollar was never really "high" in the big, bad world. It was the bottom falling out of Greenback during the credit crisis that made our currency "high". I don't see the Canadian government at work, there.

NorAm mfg is fully noncompetitive on an international scale. Factor-in the punitive prov/fed taxes, Mr. Wynne's re-jigged plan to gouge industry on energy costs and the general mismanagement of the regulatory environment and you have your explanation for why the mfg sector died far quicker than it should have

In related news, the editorial staff was rushed to a fine Canadian universal-health care hospital after an extended session of violent fingerwagging at the Yanks and the Conservatives led to a potentially fatal boo-boo in their index fingers.

.... Film at 11

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Yup... The collective ring of fire developments would have attracted billions in investment and millions of direct man-hours of work, all generating tax for Ontario.

Sad that the powers-that-be are so near-sighted
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
If you have the best you don't get rid of it.

So if Stephen is the best, you're saying the Conservatives have peaked and will never be as good as they were. I disagree. There are far better people available to the party...and people that are willing to promote conservative ideals and balanced budgets.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Typical Gloom&Wail drivel. Ontario did its best to destroy manufacturing all by itself despite massive infusions of tax dollars from have provinces.Same for Quebec. Every year Billions are given to Bombardier to distribute to otherwise unemployable tradespeople.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
This kind stupidity (Especially now that he's not even in office) always makes me laugh at people like you and the other fluffer, Flossy...

And this is why

If oil is all that really matters in the economic story of the Harper years, I’m not sure how to fit certain staggering sums into the narrative. He presided over the creation of a $950-million fund to subsidize auto industry innovation, plus another $100 million for the sector’s suppliers. A cool billion went into something called the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative. The Tories even set up a regional development agency for southern Ontario—paralleling those long-established distributors of largess in Atlantic Canada and the West—with $920 million to dole out, including $200 for “advanced manufacturing.”

Manufacturing was bought and paid for by India and China. Started with Chretien's Team Canada mission to China and just continued on from there. I love how the left likes to say they champion the working class while picking their pockets dry.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I don't need stats, I fully trust your experience.

30 years ago there were a handful of Toyotas and Datsuns on the streets. These days imports far out number the big 3.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Re: Globe & Mail Chastises Cons dFor Oil Reliance

Typical Gloom&Wail drivel. Ontario did its best to destroy manufacturing all by itself despite massive infusions of tax dollars from have provinces.Same for Quebec. Every year Billions are given to Bombardier to distribute to otherwise unemployable tradespeople.


What the hell are you smoking?

Manufacturing was bought and paid for by India and China. Started with Chretien's Team Canada mission to China and just continued on from there. I love how the left likes to say they champion the working class while picking their pockets dry.

That is happening to the entire industrial West, not just Ontario. The Americans, British have a far deeper case of postindustrialitis than we do, thus far.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Re: Globe & Mail Chastises Cons dFor Oil Reliance


What the hell are you smoking?

That is happening to the entire industrial West, not just Ontario. The Americans, British have a far deeper case of postindustrialitis than we do, thus far.

See post #2. After that you can dig on your own if you don't believe us. That is not even including equalization funds.