Only 61% of Canadians say they’re satisfied with their sex lives


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
There is nothing, and I mean nothing, funnier than having men tell women what they like. :roll:

Stupid macho bullsh*'s ridiculous and the farthest thing from attractive that it could be.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
There is nothing, and I mean nothing, funnier than having men tell women what they like. :roll:

Stupid macho bullsh*'s ridiculous and the farthest thing from attractive that it could be.

Maybe you just haven't meet a man who could please you. Most of them are pathetic it's true.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
There is nothing, and I mean nothing, funnier than having men tell women what they like. :roll:

Stupid macho bullsh*'s ridiculous and the farthest thing from attractive that it could be.

What does a woman like? What leads to happiness and
contentment? What can the knuckle draggers do to get
out'a the basement and be better than they are?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
What does a woman like? What leads to happiness and
contentment? What can the knuckle draggers do to get
out'a the basement and be better than they are?

What does a woman like? Hey, here's an idea, maybe ask her? Lol.

Happiness, contentment, satisfaction.....all very subjective, individualistic things. There is no one answer. So I think I'd suggest the first thing a "knuckle dragging basement dwellers" might want to give up is the notion that there is one.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
What does a woman like? Hey, here's an idea, maybe ask her? Lol.

Happiness, contentment, satisfaction.....all very subjective, individualistic things. There is no one answer. So I think I'd suggest the first thing a "knuckle dragging basement dwellers" might want to give up is the notion that there is one.

Sounds like a none awnser.

We all know there is a right answer for every different situation.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
What does a woman like? Hey, here's an idea, maybe ask her? Lol.

Happiness, contentment, satisfaction.....all very subjective, individualistic things. There is no one answer. So I think I'd suggest the first thing a "knuckle dragging basement dwellers" might want to give up is the notion that there is one.

Let me rephrase. In the interests of the nation, and to
improve this 61% thing from the O.P., how 'bout some
general guidelines, like...drop the Macho Bulls**t unless
appropriate, etc...


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Let me rephrase. In the interests of the nation, and to
improve this 61% thing from the O.P., how 'bout some
general guidelines, like...drop the Macho Bulls**t unless
appropriate, etc...

Your wasting you're time, she ain't going to drop the combination to her lock. :)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Let me rephrase. In the interests of the nation, and to
improve this 61% thing from the O.P., how 'bout some
general guidelines, like...drop the Macho Bulls**t unless
appropriate, etc...

If she answers she will degrade her feminine mystique. If the man does not know what she likes he will try harder to please. I believe the effort is what they appreciate, even if it killes you.

There are no dependable shortcuts.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Let me rephrase. In the interests of the nation, and to
improve this 61% thing from the O.P., how 'bout some
general guidelines, like...drop the Macho Bulls**t unless
appropriate, etc...

Well first of all, I have to address the "unless appropriate" part....there is no time that Macho Bullsh*it is appropriate. It's always stupid.

Case in point.

Your wasting you're time, she ain't going to drop the combination to her lock.

This is why you're a knuckle dragging basement dweller and always will be. :roll:

If, Ron, you are actually referring to things like being protective or standing up for someone, that is entirely different than "macho bullsh*it" only really becomes macho bullsh*it when knuckle draggers who can't tell the difference think it means pounding their chests and bragging on the internet. (and I know you well enough to know you can the difference, ;))

As far as improving the 61% thing, people have to figure out what it is that they really want and learn how to be okay with that. Accept themselves and I guarantee they will have far more satisfying sex lives.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
If she answers she will degrade her feminine mystique. If the man does not know what she likes he will try harder to please. I believe the effort is what they appreciate, even if it killes you.

There are no dependable shortcuts.

Not looking for shortcuts....just a different honest perspective.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Not looking for shortcuts....just a different honest perspective.

You must be a strong gentleman, your hair must always look as though a slight breeze were ruffling it just barely perceptably your eyes must be deep and slightly wetish, your voice must be soft but firm,. I don't realy know, these are rumours I've heard over the eons.