Half of world’s Muslims are inbred due to generations of incest


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
No, it is not true. Only Islam promotes incest, and child sexual slavery.

I don't want such stupid reply; one like Petros, MHz or another one seeking after the truth, may give the right answer, derived from the Law of Moses.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Convert and turn yourself into a rat!!!!! It's the Islamic way.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Yes. Really. Christian - Israelite is reality. Christianity is born out of hatred for Jews and no, Jesus was not a Jew. He was an Israelite.
You may get a pretty good argument from scholars who cite that Jesus was deeply Jewish. Not getting into it though because it's not important these days.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
My point? Never argue with someone smarter than you are. Get it?

who's arguing? That has nothing to do with the article. Maybe you've posted in the wrong thread? or maybe you're high?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Most likely they are just copying the royalty of Europe.

Stands to reason there will be problems with inbreeding. When you breed animals too close to get the bloodlines pure you also get high strung stupid animals.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Quran 4: 22-24, which means:
{[In the pre-Islam period, they considered it lawful to marry the wife of their father following his death; therefore, God forbade Muslims, from that, in this aya:]

22. And marry not the [women] whom your fathers married, except what occurred in the past a. Surely, that b is indecent c and hateful [to God], an evil way.

23. Prohibited to you [for marriage] are: ––
your mothers,

sisters d;
father's sisters,
mother's sisters;
brother's daughters,
sister's daughters;
foster-mothers who gave you suck
mothers of your wives;
your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom you have gone in
f, –– no prohibition if you have not gone in g; ––
[those who have been] wives of your sons proceeding from your loins
and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time
i, except for what is past [before the Islam j]; for God is Oft-Forgiving k, Most Merciful l.

24. Also [prohibited for you are] women already married m, except those [female war-prisoners] whom your right hands possess n: thus has God commanded you o.

Lawful to you in marriage are all [women] other than those mentioned, [on condition] that you seek them [in marriage] with your wealth p in honest wedlock, not fornicating.
And those, with whom you seek enjoyment by [marrying] the [female prisoners of war whom you own], give to them their dowry
q as an obligation. r
And there is no blame on you in what you do by mutual agreement s after the obligation t [has been stated.]
Surely, God is All-Knowing
u, Most Wise v.}

a i.e. except that which took place in the time of the Jahiliah or the pre-Islam period, so God will not accordingly punish those who become Muslims and abandoned this custom.
b i.e. taking the wife of your father, as your wife.
c i.e. adultery.
d Whether she is the daughter of your father or the daughter of your mother.
e unless they were few times of suckling, i.e. less than seven times of suckling, then she is not considered as his mother; but if the times of suckling are more than seven then she becomes his mother in suckling (or foster mother) and she is forbidden for him in marriage.
f i.e. the daughter of your wife, but she is the seed of a previous husband of your wife, and she grew up in your home, then you are forbidden to marry her because her mother is your wife.
g It means: if you make the marriage certificate with a woman, then you divorce her or your wife dies before you have made sexual intercourse with her, and she has a daughter who is the seed of her previous husband, and you want to marry the daughter, then you are not blamed.
h If he is your true son, then his wife is unlawful to you; but if he is your adopted one and is not your true son, then no blame on you to marry his wife if he divorces her or he dies.
i i.e. you are not allowed to marry two sisters at one time, unless the first one of them dies or you divorce her, then you may marry the second.
j about which you are not blamed.
k to those who repent.
l to believers.
m Whose husband has not divorced her; the husband for her is like the unassailable stronghold.
n i.e. the wives obtained by the captivity; i.e. the women of the idolaters or associaters, whom you took captives by war, then you are not blamed to marry them after they are clear with one menstruation for the non-pregnant woman; while the pregnant: one month after she is delivered of her pregnancy, they may then be married.
o i.e. God prescribed for you the prohibition of what He prohibited and making lawful all that He made lawful to you; so don't contradict it.
p Which is the dowry.
q That is because the Muslims used to marry the women of the captivity without dowry; therefore, this aya was revealed concerning them.
r God prescribed the dowry for every wife even though she is a captive. So the dowry is a duty of the husband that he should give to his wife even though she is a captive.
s Concerning the dowry: whether it is much or little.
t after stating the sum of the dowry.
u About the advantages of His servants.
v Concerning what He prescribed for them.

However, anyone who claims that the aya implies the “mut’aa”or "enjoyment": i.e. that a man marries a woman for a short period of time, then divorces her, and then she marries another man, and so on many times, then he is a sinner, and such "enjoyment" is forbidden; it is actually a sort of adultery.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Most likely they are just copying the royalty of Europe.

Stands to reason there will be problems with inbreeding. When you breed animals too close to get the bloodlines pure you also get high strung stupid animals.

High strung, piss poor immune and bad teeth. Just look at the Brits.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Quran 4: 22-24, which means:
{[In the pre-Islam period, they considered it lawful to marry the wife of their father following his death; therefore, God forbade Muslims, from that, in this aya:]

22. And marry not the [women] whom your fathers married, except what occurred in the past a. Surely, that b is indecent c and hateful [to God], an evil way.

23. Prohibited to you [for marriage] are: ––
your mothers,

sisters d;
father's sisters,
mother's sisters;
brother's daughters,
sister's daughters;
foster-mothers who gave you suck
mothers of your wives;
your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom you have gone in
f, –– no prohibition if you have not gone in g; ––
[those who have been] wives of your sons proceeding from your loins
and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time
i, except for what is past [before the Islam j]; for God is Oft-Forgiving k, Most Merciful l.

24. Also [prohibited for you are] women already married m, except those [female war-prisoners] whom your right hands possess n: thus has God commanded you o.

Lawful to you in marriage are all [women] other than those mentioned, [on condition] that you seek them [in marriage] with your wealth p in honest wedlock, not fornicating.
And those, with whom you seek enjoyment by [marrying] the [female prisoners of war whom you own], give to them their dowry
q as an obligation. r
And there is no blame on you in what you do by mutual agreement s after the obligation t [has been stated.]
Surely, God is All-Knowing
u, Most Wise v.}

a i.e. except that which took place in the time of the Jahiliah or the pre-Islam period, so God will not accordingly punish those who become Muslims and abandoned this custom.
b i.e. taking the wife of your father, as your wife.
c i.e. adultery.
d Whether she is the daughter of your father or the daughter of your mother.
e unless they were few times of suckling, i.e. less than seven times of suckling, then she is not considered as his mother; but if the times of suckling are more than seven then she becomes his mother in suckling (or foster mother) and she is forbidden for him in marriage.
f i.e. the daughter of your wife, but she is the seed of a previous husband of your wife, and she grew up in your home, then you are forbidden to marry her because her mother is your wife.
g It means: if you make the marriage certificate with a woman, then you divorce her or your wife dies before you have made sexual intercourse with her, and she has a daughter who is the seed of her previous husband, and you want to marry the daughter, then you are not blamed.
h If he is your true son, then his wife is unlawful to you; but if he is your adopted one and is not your true son, then no blame on you to marry his wife if he divorces her or he dies.
i i.e. you are not allowed to marry two sisters at one time, unless the first one of them dies or you divorce her, then you may marry the second.
j about which you are not blamed.
k to those who repent.
l to believers.
m Whose husband has not divorced her; the husband for her is like the unassailable stronghold.
n i.e. the wives obtained by the captivity; i.e. the women of the idolaters or associaters, whom you took captives by war, then you are not blamed to marry them after they are clear with one menstruation for the non-pregnant woman; while the pregnant: one month after she is delivered of her pregnancy, they may then be married.
o i.e. God prescribed for you the prohibition of what He prohibited and making lawful all that He made lawful to you; so don't contradict it.
p Which is the dowry.
q That is because the Muslims used to marry the women of the captivity without dowry; therefore, this aya was revealed concerning them.
r God prescribed the dowry for every wife even though she is a captive. So the dowry is a duty of the husband that he should give to his wife even though she is a captive.
s Concerning the dowry: whether it is much or little.
t after stating the sum of the dowry.
u About the advantages of His servants.
v Concerning what He prescribed for them.

However, anyone who claims that the aya implies the “mut’aa”or "enjoyment": i.e. that a man marries a woman for a short period of time, then divorces her, and then she marries another man, and so on many times, then he is a sinner, and such "enjoyment" is forbidden; it is actually a sort of adultery.
There you go, in Islam it's ok to inbreed, and rape children.

Good of you to admit that.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Some inherited diseases are racial or familial, like a disease called Neiman Pick disease, which is the fat infiltrating inside the neurons or cells of the nervous system. It is a serious disease .. it is in Jews only; of course the marriage of relatives having such disease will lead to appearance of more cases of such disease. Therefore, God prevented the fat for the Children of Israel, as a punishment for their disobedience.

While for rats, pigs, apes and others .. I have an explanation. :neutral:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Some inherited diseases are racial or familial, like a disease called Neiman Pick disease, which is the fat infiltrating inside the neurons or cells of the nervous system. It is a serious disease .. it is in Jews only; of course the marriage of relatives having such disease will lead to appearance of more cases of such disease. Therefore, God prevented the fat for the Children of Israel, as a punishment for their disobedience.

While for rats, pigs, apes and others .. I have an explanation. :neutral:
So you admit you're mother and father were related before marriage. Good for you.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Quran 4: 22-24, which means:
{[In the pre-Islam period, they considered it lawful to marry the wife of their father following his death; therefore, God forbade Muslims, from that, in this aya:]

22. And marry not the [women] whom your fathers married, except what occurred in the past a. Surely, that b is indecent c and hateful [to God], an evil way.

23. Prohibited to you [for marriage] are: ––
your mothers,
sisters d;
father's sisters,
mother's sisters;
brother's daughters,
sister's daughters;
foster-mothers who gave you suck e,
mothers of your wives;
your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom you have gone in f, –– no prohibition if you have not gone in g; ––
[those who have been] wives of your sons proceeding from your loins h;
and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time i, except for what is past [before the Islam j]; for God is Oft-Forgiving k, Most Merciful l.

24. Also [prohibited for you are] women already married m, except those [female war-prisoners] whom your right hands possess n: thus has God commanded you o.

Lawful to you in marriage are all [women] other than those mentioned, [on condition] that you seek them [in marriage] with your wealth p in honest wedlock, not fornicating.
And those, with whom you seek enjoyment by [marrying] the [female prisoners of war whom you own], give to them their dowry q as an obligation. r
And there is no blame on you in what you do by mutual agreement s after the obligation t [has been stated.]
Surely, God is All-Knowing u, Most Wise v.}

a i.e. except that which took place in the time of the Jahiliah or the pre-Islam period, so God will not accordingly punish those who become Muslims and abandoned this custom.
b i.e. taking the wife of your father, as your wife.
c i.e. adultery.
d Whether she is the daughter of your father or the daughter of your mother.
e unless they were few times of suckling, i.e. less than seven times of suckling, then she is not considered as his mother; but if the times of suckling are more than seven then she becomes his mother in suckling (or foster mother) and she is forbidden for him in marriage.
f i.e. the daughter of your wife, but she is the seed of a previous husband of your wife, and she grew up in your home, then you are forbidden to marry her because her mother is your wife.
g It means: if you make the marriage certificate with a woman, then you divorce her or your wife dies before you have made sexual intercourse with her, and she has a daughter who is the seed of her previous husband, and you want to marry the daughter, then you are not blamed.
h If he is your true son, then his wife is unlawful to you; but if he is your adopted one and is not your true son, then no blame on you to marry his wife if he divorces her or he dies.
i i.e. you are not allowed to marry two sisters at one time, unless the first one of them dies or you divorce her, then you may marry the second.
j about which you are not blamed.
k to those who repent.
l to believers.
m Whose husband has not divorced her; the husband for her is like the unassailable stronghold.
n i.e. the wives obtained by the captivity; i.e. the women of the idolaters or associaters, whom you took captives by war, then you are not blamed to marry them after they are clear with one menstruation for the non-pregnant woman; while the pregnant: one month after she is delivered of her pregnancy, they may then be married.
o i.e. God prescribed for you the prohibition of what He prohibited and making lawful all that He made lawful to you; so don't contradict it.
p Which is the dowry.
q That is because the Muslims used to marry the women of the captivity without dowry; therefore, this aya was revealed concerning them.
r God prescribed the dowry for every wife even though she is a captive. So the dowry is a duty of the husband that he should give to his wife even though she is a captive.
s Concerning the dowry: whether it is much or little.
t after stating the sum of the dowry.
u About the advantages of His servants.
v Concerning what He prescribed for them.

However, anyone who claims that the aya implies the “mut’aa”or "enjoyment": i.e. that a man marries a woman for a short period of time, then divorces her, and then she marries another man, and so on many times, then he is a sinner, and such "enjoyment" is forbidden; it is actually a sort of adultery.
Selfstump,,,,how many people in here do you think will read your repetitious crap.? Why not speak in your own words? If people wanted to read that shyt don't you think they'd get the book ,,open it up and read it? They would not go to a computer and go to a forum to read the shyt.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
You cannot prevent people from reading the words of the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible.