In his Christmas letter Trudeau portrays Muslims as victims of hate crimes


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...... and when he was first elected as a MP I predicted he would become leader of the Libs.... people like you laughed. When he became leader, I predicted he would become the next PM, people like you scoffed at the idea. Now that he is PM, I stand by what I said during the election, He will be PM for at least 2 terms.

He's going to have to make big changes to his procedure. He's an idealist and it doesn't work too well with masses.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Yes, when Liberals can't defend as statement, they try to attack the person making the statement...

Typical Liberal Logic, calling everyone they don't agree with Racist, Red necks, Stupid, or whatever.

WTF do you know about logic?


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
"The main message in Trudeau’s letter is dealing with importance of opening the heart to the needy (Syrian refugees, unprivileged etc.), being kind and generous to your neighbour and fellow Canadians and supporting the middle class."

I hope Trudeau is thinking about being generous to our own 'needy' who are sleeping under bridges without nice new winter coats like he presented to the refugees.
And I hope he remembers to care about the middle-class when he can no longer pay the interest on the gigantic deficit and has to wring us for more taxes!
He's a f***ing mealy-mouthed hypocritical daydreamer! I doubt if even a bomb up his A$$ would wake him up to what the real world is like!

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
...and look who's labeling me a liberal....

I don't have to TRY to attack you, Boom ... I can do that just by being here. Paranoia will do that. Get help or stay off my highways....


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I don't know where you goin with the logic angle but you are you and it will be entertaining, thankyou Boomer.

"The main message in Trudeau’s letter is dealing with importance of opening the heart to the needy (Syrian refugees, unprivileged etc.), being kind and generous to your neighbour and fellow Canadians and supporting the middle class."

I hope Trudeau is thinking about being generous to our own 'needy' who are sleeping under bridges without nice new winter coats like he presented to the refugees.
And I hope he remembers to care about the middle-class when he can no longer pay the interest on the gigantic deficit and has to wring us for more taxes!
He's a f***ing mealy-mouthed hypocritical daydreamer! I doubt if even a bomb up his A$$ would wake him up to what the real world is like!

Calm down Mom. What middle class? You upper Canadians

...and look who's labeling me a liberal....

I don't have to TRY to attack you, Boom ... I can do that just by being here. Paranoia will do that. Get help or stay off my highways....

You are more or less in my same age bracket, possible a decade older and wiser. I hope Boomer lives and prospers you too.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
...and look who's labeling me a liberal....

I don't have to TRY to attack you, Boom ... I can do that just by being here. Paranoia will do that. Get help or stay off my highways....

I'm not Paranoid... I just extremly hate Trudeau and when he fails which he will, I'll take great pleasure in gloating about his misfortune and those who voted for the fluff and I will reiterate my past statement; anyone who voted for Trudeau, is a traitor to Canada.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'm not Paranoid... I just extremly hate Trudeau and when he fails which he will, I'll take great pleasure in gloating about his misfortune and those who voted for the fluff and I will reiterate my past statement; anyone who voted for Trudeau, is a traitor to Canada.

Try not toletthemundane world bother you, it/s always like this.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I'm not Paranoid... I just extremly hate Trudeau and when he fails which he will, I'll take great pleasure in gloating about his misfortune and those who voted for the fluff.

Meh ... I figure you were more fun as Doom 'n' Gloom Boom hunting down asteroids, earthquakes, volcanoes and things that go bump in the night - you know: more things to be scared of that you can't do a thing about. Stoking hate's fire is counter productive.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I'm not Paranoid... I just extremly hate Trudeau and when he fails which he will, I'll take great pleasure in gloating about his misfortune and those who voted for the fluff and I will reiterate my past statement; anyone who voted for Trudeau, is a traitor to Canada.

Ya, you are paranoid.

He, and his Liberals, will be in power for at least 2 terms. There's nothing you, or your paranoid buddies, can do about it. Just like there was nothing you could do about him gaining a majority in this past election.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Meh ... I figure you were more fun as Doom 'n' Gloom Boom hunting down asteroids, earthquakes, volcanoes and things that go bump in the night - you know: more things to be scared of that you can't do a thing about. Stoking hate's fire is counter productive.

Doom and Gloom, that was just fun.. I can't believe there are actual people out their planning for the day.. now that's paranoid.

I'd rather live my life, skiing, hiking, horse back riding, shooting, fishing... LIVING.