Here's why it's time to kick Turkey out of NATO


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Here's why it's time to kick Turkey out of NATO

Yesterday two Turkish fighter jets shot down a Russian aircraft over Syria.

Today Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, acknowledged that the Russian jet had indeed been over Syrian territory — but for a grand total of seventeen seconds.

I do not want to agree with a man who has propped up Iran, or stuck a dagger in Ukraine. But it is hard to dispute his conclusion: this was not an accident.

Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau were asked which side they were on, and both said Turkey. That’s what the NATO treaty says.

Turkey made sense in NATO sixty years ago, when we needed all the allies we could get against Russia. Now it’s Turkey that’s picking fights, and Turkey that’s aiding our enemies. Time to kick them out.

source: Here's why it's time to kick Turkey out of NATO - The Rebel


I hope Russia will invade these damn Turks, took back Istanbul.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Turkey doesn't act alone, or make decisions alone. NATO can take the heat for this rather than Turkey alone. Turkey isn't the biggest nation gone rouge in NATO anyway.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Turkey doesn't act alone, or make decisions alone. NATO can take the heat for this rather than Turkey alone. Turkey isn't the biggest nation gone rouge in NATO anyway.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It is good to someone stand up to Russia. For a long time PM Harper was the only western leader with the balls to do so. Having Russia bogged down in the muddle east is a good thing as trudOWE won't stand up for our northern sovereignty.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Six months ago I didn't know who Ezra was.

And know I do.......

Gosh. It's not as if Ezra Levant hasn't been humiliated enough recently.

As if the people of Paris hadn't suffered enough, as if they hadn't seen enough ugliness.

Well now that horror show just got a little uglier.

Because the self styled Rebel Commander Ezra Levant is in the City of Light, sowing his darkness.

He seems disappointed that the French aren't in a feverish frenzy, and attacking their Muslim neighbours.

His recent trip to Paris to try to convince the French to hate Muslims as much as him and his crazies do was a complete bust.

This trip has been depressing, because no one here is angry. They certainly aren't talking about -- God forbid -- letting people arm themselves. It's time for irrational hatred. It's time for vehement patriotism. This city needs a slap in the face.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Doesn't matter.Russia is NOT our friend.

I'm sorry, but Russia is our ally in the fight against ISIS. The French President is looking to build a coalition with Russia in order to fight ISIS. And we should not be allying ourselves with an Islamist-ruin dictatorship that is sympathetic to ISIS. This you're going to have to accept. Or do you not want ISIS to be defeated, or something? It seems like this terrible shooting down of a Russian jet is showing where certain people's real sympathies lie in the war against ISIS.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Russia ain't fighting ISIS. They're mostly fighting the FSA.

Remember how you were saying yesterday the Russians proved the Su was never over Turkey, Captain Pugwash?

Well, now Lavrov is admitting it was. Kinda makes a body wonder who's the bigger liar, you or Putin.

Then the answer comes to me. Putin is the liar. You're just the sucker.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Russia ain't fighting ISIS. They're mostly fighting the FSA.

The Free Syrian Army are a bunch of savage, murderous, barbarians not much better than ISIS. The main allies of the Free Syrian Army are the Islamic Front, a bunch of Islamists.

The Russians are fighting the anti-Assad Free Syrian Army because they know, rightly, that the anti-ISIS Assad needs to stay in power in order for ISIS to be defeated. The Russians are fighting the FSA in order to keep Assad in power in order to defeat ISIS.

And it's not just the Russians who believe it's vital that Assad stay in power in order for ISIS to be defeated. Even some (more sensible) Western countries now see this. The Austrians have stated recently that the West should work with Assad in the fight to defeat Isis.

The West should work with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the fight to defeat Isis, Austria’s foreign minister has suggested.

Sebastian Kurz said that leaders must be “pragmatic", in a departure from the West's official approach to the conflict which is partly based on accusations that Mr Assad's regime has committed war crimes against its civilians.

The official operation against Isis has seen a US-led coalition target the extremist group in Syria without the involvement of Mr Assad's regime.

However, European diplomats have privately suggested that Mr Assad should be involved in the operation against Isis, which has claimed swathes of Syria and Iraq since the summer of 2014 to form its so-called Islamic State.

Highlighting the Syrian government’s alleged war crimes, which were outlined in an Amnesty International report published in May, Mr Kurz: "We need a pragmatic common approach in this respect including the involvement of Assad in the fight against Islamic State terror."

“One should not forget the crimes that Assad has committed, but also not forget the pragmatic view of the fact that in this fight we are on the same side” he told reports during a state visit to Iran, Syria’s ally.

President Bashar al-Assad should have role in fight against Isis, says Austrian foreign minister | Middle East | News | The Independent

The Russians are RIGHT to support Assad and to fight the FSA. In order to defeat ISIS we need a West/Russia/Assad coalition.

Remember how you were saying yesterday the Russians proved the Su was never over Turkey, Captain Pugwash?

Well, now Lavrov is admitting it was.
How long for? 17 seconds?

I should remind you, yet again, that the hypocritical Turks had fighter jets making TWENTY incursions into Greek airspace in just ONE DAY back in July and that, in the whole of 2014, Turkish fighter jets entered Greek airspace 2,244 times.

If the Greeks had shot down every single Turkish jet that had entered Greek airspace on each of those occasions, the hypocritical Turks would now no longer have an air force.

And the Turkish murdering a Russian airman is a war crime.

You're just the sucker.
Nah. Just a common sense pragmatist is siding with the Russians and not the Islamist Turks.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Maybe Pukin had it coming, from what I hear he's been an A$$hole of late! :)

And yet, unlike Turkish President Erdogan, Putin isn't turning his country into an Islamist-run dictatorship that is supportive of ISIS.