14,000 abandoned wind turbines litter the united states


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Design the system to produce what is required at low flow rather than flood stage.

Not to mention that Canada has this thing called "winter" which often times makes wind and solar absolutely useless.
How about a NG turbine that is home based and excess power is fed to the grid. When enough gensets are running you plug in for free and start yours when needed. 3d printer size turbine engine


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Not to mention that Canada has this thing called "winter" which often times makes wind and solar absolutely useless.

ENOUGH! The debate is over! Submit! Obey!

That's what people don't understand. I heard a stat last year stating that at least 20% of China's farmland has been made toxic by heavy metals. The trouble comes from the mining of them, the refining of them and the battery manufacturing process in China. Now let's think about how much food they export. Yum.

Yes that is a funny fact. We are so in tune with the environment that we just have China do all the toxic heavy metal mining and buy from them. That way we can be pompous and so environmentally conscious and keep all our cool stuff.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Can the gensets be turned into motors?
If the towers are sturdy I would hoist a sail and have the captured wind spin a much smaller prop.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
B00Mer; said:

The link is several years old and has been debunked to some extent - mind you I am NOT a big believer in wind power as solar and coal are far more efficient.

Fact check: About those 'abandoned' turbines … – Into the Wind

No doubt there are wind turbines that have been abandoned. But there are thousands of coal mines, energy plants, dams, and oil rigs that have been abandoned as well. Does that mean that we stop using these type of sources for energy? No it does not. It is a good bet that thousands of these would be abandoned if the government stopped subsidizing them like it did with some of those turbine companies.

Like I said previously, wind turbines aren't necessarily the best means of improving access to energy. But they are not the complete waste that right wingers would have you believe.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
The link is several years old and has been debunked to some extent - mind you I am NOT a big believer in wind power as solar and coal are far more efficient.

Fact check: About those 'abandoned' turbines … – Into the Wind

No doubt there are wind turbines that have been abandoned. But there are thousands of coal mines, energy plants, dams, and oil rigs that have been abandoned as well. Does that mean that we stop using these type of sources for energy? No it does not. It is a good bet that thousands of these would be abandoned if the government stopped subsidizing them like it did with some of those turbine companies.

Like I said previously, wind turbines aren't necessarily the best means of improving access to energy. But they are not the complete waste that right wingers would have you believe.

WOW a blog, that's reliable..


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
check the sources it lists and compare them with the "sources" used in yours

in fact, look at the first comment made by a reader in your link:

"I’m not a fan of wind turbines (except in very particular applications and sites), but there are several unfounded assertions in the article. And the article would be much more credible if it provided sources. I have no reason to doubt that there are 14,000 abandoned wind turbines, but I’d like to see the source."


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Interesting that so many of those reported in your site (assuming the report is accurate) to have been abandoned were started under the Reagan/Bush years, not by left wing "ecofascists".

But abandoned nevertheless.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
EagleSmack; said:
But abandoned nevertheless.

I have already acknowledged that because wind power is not entirely efficient and there are better alternatives. What bothers me is the suggestion that only liberals want it or wasted millions of tax dollars on it. In fact, right wingers are just as responsible if not more so for the wastage of public money as shown in that report by Boomer.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
How about a NG turbine that is home based and excess power is fed to the grid. When enough gensets are running you plug in for free and start yours when needed. 3d printer size turbine engine
Natural gas???? Blasphemer!!! It is the devil's gas with its "eco-friendly" CO2 emissions. You planet killing bastard. :wink: :lol:


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Natural gas???? Blasphemer!!! It is the devil's gas with its "eco-friendly" CO2 emissions. You planet killing bastard. :wink: :lol:
Plant a forest and I would assume snow does a good job of scrubbing the air from various particles. We should get credits for exporting clean air and taking out more carbon than we put in. Tax the country for the raw oil it exports and the tax comes off of their profits.
Classify it as a survival tool with the exhaust acting as a cooking device.

If a cooling trend is on the way you should be compelled to increase CO2. Lightening strikes add ozone to the air so that is a form of reducing the CO2 output.