China To Join Russian Air Strikes In Syria, Russia Gains Iraq Air Base


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
China To Join Russian Air Strikes In Syria, Russia Gains Iraq Air Base

BELGRADE – DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that China sent word to Moscow on Friday, October 2, that J-15 fighter bombers would shortly join the Russian air campaign that was launched Wednesday, September 30. Baghdad has moreover offered Moscow an air base for targeting the Islamic State now occupying large swathes of Iraqi territory, reports.

Shenyang J-15
Shenyang J-15

The J-15 warplanes will take off from the Chinese Liaoning-CV-16 aircraft carrier, which reached Syrian shores on September 26, according to DEBKAfile. This will be a landmark event for Beijing: its first military operation in the Middle East as well the carrier’s first taste of action in conditions of real combat.

Thursday night, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi, made this comment on the Syrian crisis at a UN Security Council session in New York: “The world cannot afford to stand by and look on with folded arms, but must also not arbitrarily interfere (in the crisis).”

A no less significant development occurred at about the same time when Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, speaking to the US PBS NewsHour, said he would welcome a deployment of Russian troops to Iraq to fight ISIS (Islamic State / ISIL) forces in his country too. As an added incentive, he noted that this would also give Moscow the chance to deal with the 2,500 Chechen Muslims whom, he said, are fighting with ISIS in Iraq.

Baghdad and Moscow have just concluded a deal for the Russian air force to start using the Al Taqaddum Air Base at Habbaniyah, 74 km west of Baghdad, both as a way station for the Russian air corridor to Syria and as a launching-pad for bombing missions against ISIS forces and infrastructure in northern Iraq and northern Syria.

A joint Russian-Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi war room has been working since last week out of the Iraqi Defense Ministry and military staff headquarters in Baghdad to coordinate the passage of Russian and Iranian airlifts to Syria and also Russian air raids. This command center is also organizing the transfer of Iranian and pro-Iranian Shiite forces into Syria.

Russia has thus gained a military enclave in Iraq, just as it has in Syria, where it has taken over a base outside Latakia on the western coast of Syria. At the same time, the Habbaniyah air base also serves US forces operating in Iraq, which number an estimated 5,000.

Source: China to join Russian air strikes in Syria, Russia gains Iraq air base – report | InSerbia News

It'll be interesting to see if Obama wants to draw any red lines against Russia and China... :lol:

USA pwnd on the world stage by Putin.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The undeclared red line is already behind the Russian forward advance. I think both Russia and China have decided to meet the western hordes right where Greater Israel bloats out beyond its rubber borders. Greater Israel is already a failed nightmare, that's why Nuthingyahoo is out of his mind already.

Chow mein and vodka... Cool! Maybe it'll take some of the "terrorist" heat off Uncle Sam. Breathing space isn't a bad thing when you're broke

They wish they were as good as simply broke. All thier captive friends are already leaving the sinking hulk. Christmas in the Holy Land should be spectacular this year. Maybe even see Tel Aviv rubbleized.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Dunno about "rubbelized".... Seems to me there's a lot of resent ... uh ... fugget about it....

Yeah I'm just projecting my own best finish, could happen though, could be smooth sailing for a while, down with the zionist hordes, fu ck them, I'm beyond caring about their peculiar prediciment. Fu ck them hard. Why should humanity care about them/? There are the others in there millions. Let the chosen be sacrificed, it's what God wants, fu ck them, it's what God wants, demands. Are they more important than my chickens? No they arent. Gimme a big sword lord. Swish they're outta here.

I find it very interesting how Russia and China are going up against the U.S. both monitarily and militarily.

Russia, China Sign Deal to Bypass Us Dollar | Al Jazeera America
The dollar is a debt based currency, I owe nothingn to no body, debt free or dead, thats my mantra, every morning I sing that tune.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The undeclared red line is already behind the Russian forward advance. I think both Russia and China have decided to meet the western hordes right where Greater Israel bloats out beyond its rubber borders. Greater Israel is already a failed nightmare, that's why Nuthingyahoo is out of his mind already.

They wish they were as good as simply broke. All thier captive friends are already leaving the sinking hulk. Christmas in the Holy Land should be spectacular this year. Maybe even see Tel Aviv rubbleized.
That would make Russia and China the same as the Nut is. Ruble rather than rubble will be the trend and Isreal will have 5M Arabs returning home to deal with. An Arab majority in elections will mean the Jews can return to religious studies as they are missing a few points made in their holy books, like missing the ending which is the best part.

The fun part is watching the Russia bashers here trade sides while trying to save face.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
I think all of these parties deserve the punishment by God.
Specially those who started the fire: the Zionists.
The situation, if deteriorates may be a risk for the World peace.
These guilty are playing with fire, when they are on the brim of a volcano.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I think all of these parties deserve the punishment by God.
But the murdering, beheading rapists of DOUCHE don't, right selfsame?

Specially those who started the fire: the Zionists.
Good. Call down Allah's wrath on the one country that ain't bombing your heroes.

The situation, if deteriorates may be a risk for the World peace.
After we finish killing every DOUCHE assbag from Morocco to Indonesia, there'll be peace.

Nothing more peaceful than a dead DOUCHE.

These guilty are playing with fire, when they are on the brim of a volcano.
Well, when you're on the brim of a volcano, playing with fire don't seem like much of a risk.

Russia bashers, who.

I think this is great, Putin once again kicking azz and Obama sitting on the side lines watching. LOL
See, in Boomster-world, the U.S. isn't doing airstrikes in Syria and Iraq.

Shows clearly that the U.S. is no longer a world power.
When will you be invading?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Tecumsehsbones;2168873]But the murdering, beheading rapists of DOUCHE don't, right selfsam
Wow someones watching too many Zionist propaganda clips.

Good. Call down Allah's wrath on the one country that ain't bombing your heroes.
Wow someones swallowed a big piece of Zionist bullsh it pie.

After we finish killing every DOUCHE assbag from Morocco to Indonesia, there'll be peace.
Where did you learn diplomacy? Oh I forgot you're clearly an American devil.

Nothing more peaceful than a dead DOUCHE.
You have a limited vocabulary.

Well, when you're on the brim of a volcano, playing with fire don't seem like much of a risk.
For christ sake man/woman you're all B flick street babble.

See, in Boomster-world, the U.S. isn't doing airstrikes in Syria and Iraq.
Just hospitals and markets.

When will you be invading?
You've already been invaded and fully Zionized dummy.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Wow someones watching too many Zionist propaganda clips.

Wow someones swallowed a big piece of Zionist bullsh it pie.

Where did you learn diplomacy? Oh I forgot you're clearly an American devil.

You have a limited vocabulary.

For christ sake man/woman you're all B flick street babble.

Just hospitals and markets.

You've already been invaded and fully Zionized dummy.

Take some of Megahurts's pills.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
He's just a bit green for some reason. He sure left Texas in a hurry.

Yeah, came to my senses, why be a Texas resident and pay $500 a month for healthcare and drive all over the USA and Canada, when I could live in Canada and drive all over Canada and the U.S. and because I show my residency in Canada I get free health care...

I still visit Texas once a month a see my friends.. and get paid to drive there..

But EH! After you elect Donald Trump, maybe I will return. ;)


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

That's funny Boomer.

Yes, FREE HEALTH CARE, my pay checks are the same, and my net pay after taxes are the same.

The notion that Canada has higher taxes than the USA, is ignorant. Property taxes are cheaper in Alberta than Plano, Texas.

Not to mention, most of the republicans running are in for lower taxes and a consumption tax.. In Canada that's call the GST, and in plenty of Provnces, income taxes are cheaper than in many Eastern states and California to Washington state.

Try living on both sides of the border and earn a pay check before you shoot your mouth off.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yes, FREE HEALTH CARE, my pay checks are the same, and my net pay after taxes are the same.

The notion that Canada has higher taxes than the USA, is ignorant. Property taxes are cheaper in Alberta than Plano, Texas.

Not to mention, most of the republicans running are in for lower taxes and a consumption tax.. In Canada that's call the GST, and in plenty of Provnces, income taxes are cheaper than in many Eastern states and California to Washington state.

Try living on both sides of the border and earn a pay check before you shoot your mouth off.

Is that why Canadians cross the border to fly? Is that why I see two prices on the back covers of my books... the Canadian being the more expensive one? Is that why Canadians cross the border to shop?

Don't be so foolish. You're health care is not free.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom! The evangelicals are wetting their pants; they smell Armageddon just around the corner. Let the rapture begin! Won't miss you Bozos one bit.