We need to close down Calais until the French get a grip


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
If the Americans think the American-Mexican border is bad, they want to take a look at the British-French border. For years, now, migrants have gathered in the far north of France to try and get over to Britain. The notorious Sangatte refugee camp saw riots in 2001 and 2002. But, in recent months, the situation in places like Calais has got much worse, with a growing camp full of migrants desperate to get into Britain. And, on Monday night, 1,500 migrants stormed the Channel Tunnel, with one being killed.

What to do about it? Ukip, of course, have a sensible solution....

We need to close down Calais until the French get a grip

Closing the border with Calais is only the start of what needs to be done

Migrants queue to receive their daily food distribution at the Jules Ferry centre for migrants Photo: Francois Mori/AP

By Steven Woolfe, Ukip MEP for North West England and the party's migration spokesman
29 Jul 2015
The Telegraph

A month ago, I visited the burgeoning migrant camp in Calais for the second time in six months. On my first visit back in December, I witnessed the opening of the official camp filled with tents for food distribution, medical services, and one for power points to charge mobile phones and computers.

The British Government has donated £11 million to the new migrant camp - that’s £11 million of taxpayer’s money. Now, I think I speak for the vast majority of people in Britain when I say I'd prefer that £11 million was spent on proper border controls in Calais.

On my second visit, I saw this camp was now full with women and children and functioning how it should be. But disturbingly a new camp - or to better describe it, a shanty town - had developed outside with up to 4500 male migrants. I spoke with dozens of these unfortunate men, and a clear majority had intentions of coming to the UK. They all cited jobs and houses as the primary pull factor to the UK, stating that France does not provide that.

I spoke to many lorry drivers on my visits and they all said the same thing: they don’t feel safe in this current situation and that isn’t right. Our lorry drivers should expect the basic rights of feeling safe while working, sometimes even fearing for their lives, with reports of some drivers being threatened with knives.

It’s not the migrants who feel the full force of the law if they’re caught either, lorry drives face a £2,000 fine if illegal stowaways are found in their vehicles. Most lorry drivers fear being fined through no fault of their own. Something has to change.

A radical response is required to force the French to take action in Calais. It’s evident that current route we’re going down isn’t working. New, robust solutions are needed.

Here is my 5 point plan for solving the emergency crisis in Calais:

  1. The UK should deploy British troops to treble border staff in Calais.
  2. French troops must be deployed to Calais to support the under-resourced authorities.
  3. UK ports should prepare to filter traffic to Le Havre, Dieppe and Ostend.
  4. We should plan to take any illegal migrants found in the UK back into France
  5. If the French fail to protect the border, we should close Calais. It would be reopened when the situation is eased.

More than a dozen migrants gathering near lorries in Calais, France, desperate to get to Britain (Reuters)

The situation in Calais is becoming graver by the day. With 1,500 migrants charging the Eurotunnel on Monday night, the escalation of the problem is now visible for all to see. This 5-point plan would remind the European elite, who pontificate on taking action on the emergency, ongoing crisis in Calais to take immediate action now. Enough is enough and the UK must act.

The difficulty we face is that none of these migrants have identification. This is a problem we must face head on and overcome. If they’re allowed to come to the UK with no identification, then we put our nation at a serious risk of letting in possible criminals to Britain.

These measures are tough. The short term closure of the Dover – Calais route will cause some disturbance to holiday plans and some businesses may face minor disruption. However, it will send out a powerful message to the French authorities and that’s what’s needed in this current situation.

It’s now becoming clearer by the day that the French authorities are under staffed and under resourced putting the safety of British holiday makers and truckers at risk.

If my first 4 points are not considered and enacted, then the UK government is left with no option but to close the border with Calais, until immediate action is taken.

The safety of British holiday makers and truckers should be the government’s primary priority. We must isolate it and then deal with the issue in hand.

Steven Woolfe MEP is Ukip's migration spokesman

We need to close down Calais until the French get a grip - Telegraph


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
perhaps the thread shorted out. ;)

Come to think of it, I think there's a similar threads to this and it must have been that I was thinking about.

If you're going to defend swarms of people coming into Britain at least try and come up with an argument that at least bears a slight resembance to cogency and commensense.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Come to think of it, I think there's a similar threads to this and it must have been that I was thinking about.

If you're going to defend swarms of people coming into Britain at least try and come up with an argument that at least bears a slight resembance to cogency and commensense.
Common sense is in short supply, especially in you whining about immigrants. Just think of the invasion of your country as Karma for what Britain did to the rest of the world for hundreds of years.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Common sense is in short supply, especially in you whining about immigrants. Just think of the invasion of your country as Karma for what Britain did to the rest of the world for hundreds of years.

Bull****. The British Empire was the greatest force for good this world has ever known and millions of people around the world wish it would return.

And if it wasn't for the British Empire Canada wouldn't exist today.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You are delusional and millions of people would agree.

The British Empire was a force for good in this world. It was the most benign empire the world has ever known and the world would be much better off today were it still going.

And if there had never been a British Empire there would be no Canada or USA today.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The British Empire was a force for good in this world. It was the most benign empire the world has ever known and the world would be much better off today were it still going.

And if there had never been a British Empire there would be no Canada or USA today.
It's OK Blacky, there are medications for your condition.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
That doesnt make taking half the world by force right.

Stop transplanting wussie, PC, early 21st Century sensibilities and opinions onto eras which had very different sensibilities and opinions.

The fact is that imperialism was, for millennia, never mind centuries, completely and utterly normal and was the way of things and has been practised by countries the world over since the dawn of time.

You're just jealous because Canada (which wouldn't be here were it not for the great British Empire) has never managed to get the biggest empire the world has ever known.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Stop transplanting wussie, PC, early 21st Century sensibilities and opinions onto eras which had very different sensibilities and opinions.

The fact is that imperialism was, for millennia, never mind centuries, completely and utterly normal and was the way of things and has been practised by countries the world over since the dawn of time.

You're just jealous because Canada (which wouldn't be here were it not for the great British Empire) has never managed to get the biggest empire the world has ever known.
Still trying to rewrite history...the Bridish way as I can see.....

Ever heard of Samuel de Champlain? who established the first Colony in Québec?
He wasn't Bridish!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Calais will never be shut down and the French will continue to flood your silly island with immigrants. Britain will continue to take them.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Calais should be handed back to England, along with the likes of Normandy, Anjou, Gascony and Aquitaine and the other territories stolen by the French from the British Sovereign.

As for the immigrant crisis, something will be done about it when British soldiers land at Calais.

Still trying to rewrite history...the Bridish way as I can see.....

Ever heard of Samuel de Champlain? who established the first Colony in Québec?
He wasn't Bridish!

Canada wouldn't be here today were it not for the British Empire. Thank your lucky stars that Canada gained its independence from Great Britain, not France, otherwise you'd now be on a par with France's other former colonies like Niger and Chad, populated by 8-stone walking skeletons eating maize flour porridge and drinking cows' blood and living in twig and mud shelters.
Last edited:


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Canada wouldn't be here today were it not for the British Empire. Thank your lucky stars that Canada gained its independence from Great Britain, not France, otherwise you'd now be on a par with France's other former colonies like Niger and Chad, populated by 8-stone walking skeletons eating maize flour porridge and drinking cows' blood and living in twig and mud shelters.
Spoken like a true pompous Bridish Äss!



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Spoken like a true pompous Bridish Äss!

It's true. It's no coincidence that former British territories are amongst the wealthiest countries in the world with a high standard of living, whereas France's former colonies are all amongst the POOREST countries in the world.

Had Canada been solely a French colony rather than mainly a British one your GDP per capita would now be roughly on a par with Niger's ($771).


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Calais should be handed back to England, along with the likes of Normandy, Anjou, Gascony and Aquitaine and the other territories stolen by the French from the British Sovereign.

As for the immigrant crisis, something will be done about it when British soldiers land at Calais.

The Brits will do nothing but endure the wave of immigration. I find it funny how the French watch them all flood the tunnel and do very little to stop them. And the Brits are helpless to even shut down the tunnel and you suggest they are going to land troops in France? France will kick your azz!