There Goes America


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The SCOTUS ruling cannot make an immoral law legitimate.

It cannot call the murder of an unborn child something other than murder. It cannot label a abominable distortion of the institution of marriage something other that just that, something that in no way resembles the institution established by God.

To the extent that it imposes 'rights' that are irreconcilable to natural law and divine order it is just spitting in the wind. It simply is not sustainable, and will fatally undermine the constitution of the nation that it pretends to support.
But it can destroy Western civilization, according to you. And that is what I said.

But feel free to ramble like an early-stage Alzheimer's patient with his knickers in a twist.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage | Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center: Religion & Public Life

Public Opinion

In Pew Research polling in 2001, Americans opposed same-sex marriage by a 57% to 35% margin.

Since then, support for same-sex marriage has steadily grown. Today, a majority of Americans (57%) support same-sex marriage, compared with 39% who oppose it.

Attitudes by Generation

This is due in part to generational change. Younger generations express higher levels of support for same-sex marriage.

However, older generations also have become more supportive of same-sex marriage in recent years.

Attitudes by Religious Affiliation

Among people who are religiously unaffiliated, a solid majority have supported same-sex marriage since 2001.

And among Catholics and white mainline Protestants, roughly six-in-ten now express support for same-sex marriage.

Support for same-sex marriage among black Protestants and white evangelical Protestants remains lower than among other religious groups.

Attitudes by Political Party

Roughly two-thirds of both Democrats and independents (65%) now favor same-sex marriage.

Nearly two-thirds of Republicans continue to oppose same-sex marriage, though they also have become more supportive over the past decade.

Attitudes by Political Ideology

Support for same-sex marriage now stands at 79% among self-described liberals and 67% among moderates.

Far fewer conservatives (30%) support same-sex marriage.

Attitudes by Race

In 2001, roughly one-third of both whites and blacks expressed support for same-sex marriage. Today, 59% of whites support same-sex marriage, as do 41% of blacks.

Attitudes by Gender

Support for same-sex marriage has risen among both men and women in recent years. Today, 60% of women and 53% of men support same-sex marriage.

Source: Aggregated data from Pew Research Center polls conducted in each year. Question wording can be found here, and information on the Pew Research Center's polling methodology can be found here.

Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage | Pew Research Center


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Good and Evil are defined in the Logos of God.. not in the polls of an increasingly confused, ignorant, bamboozled and apostate public. That is simply of sign of a civilization in a death spiral, irrevocably torn asunder from its founding impulse and organizing principles.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Good and Evil are defined in the Logos of God.. not in the polls of an increasingly confused, ignorant, bamboozled and apostate public. That is simply of sign of a civilization in a death spiral, irremedially cut off from its founding impulse and organizing principles.
Ash nazg durbatuluk
Ash nazg gimbatul
Ash nazg thrakatuluk
Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
WOW Charlie Hobo took a swipe at Religion

Celebrating the LGBT Community win in the USA.

Wonder if any Christians are going to go shoot up the Newspaper's office now.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
change in beliefs takes a long time, generations, I have changed slowly over the years when it comes
to my attitude toward the gay community. as a very young person, it was giggled about, and made fun
of, then awareness and education and understanding by me took a long time, now I am happy knowing I
don't have any discrimination toward the gay community at all, but what I haven't experienced in my
life is 'any' of my children or grandchildren being gay, that would be another evolvement for me if
it did happen, so I am ready for that, I will be fine with it.

so, people in government are just people, like all of us, and if any of them slowly changed with the
times, that is understandable as well, they are no different than the rest of us as individuals, but
of course when it comes to party lines, they have to be careful what they say, they are a single
minded group, and will spout the same things in public, irrespective of how they feel in their home
life, with their families around the dinner table discussing issues such as this.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Same way she'll use the Iraq war, I guess.

Heck, based on her voting record, maybe Hillary's a Republican.

Republicans and Democrats: two ends of the same *****.

Are you referring to Patriarchal societies?

No, I'm not. Polygamy isn't legal here.

How about an agenda including, but not limited to, removal of tax exempt status from religious affiliated organizations which refuse to provide equal treatment to LGBT folks based on deeply held religious beliefs?

I'm sure whatever mad paranoid delusion you can come up with, that's not it.

Yet Harper has been PM how many years and has not revoked or limited gay marriage in any way. As a person, he is entitled to what every personal opinion he chooses. The fact he hasn't imposed it on everybody should be commended not scorned.

He hasn't imposed his bigotry on us because he can't. If Rick Santorum is elected the next president, he won't be able to overturn this decision either. He shouldn't be praised for being a horrible person just because he can't inflict his horrible ideas on us.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Is this what you say when you can't refute the content of the article?
Why not, you post silly memes when you can't.

Of course he is, and others are entitled to know what that opinion is.
I agree. So I ask, why do you pretend to support gay rights when you think homosexuality is abhorrent?

We should definitely not be pretending we don't care about this issue just because we are not gay.
And you should probably stop pretending you support gay rights. Since you've shown you think it's abhorrent.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Why not, you post silly memes when you can't.

I agree. So I ask, why do you pretend to support gay rights when you think homosexuality is abhorrent?

And you should probably stop pretending you support gay rights. Since you've shown you think it's abhorrent.

I support gay rights and I find homosexuality abhorrent. If you've read the good Book, you'll recall the line "hate the sin but love the sinner"! You don't have to engage in the act to support them! There's ONE thing Pierre Trudeau said that I support - something about the right of consenting adults to do as they please in the bedroom.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I support gay rights and I find homosexuality abhorrent. If you've read the good Book, you'll recall the line "hate the sin but love the sinner"! You don't have to engage in the act to support them!
Do you imply someone is gay to hurt their feelings or upset them?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I support gay rights and I find homosexuality abhorrent. If you've read the good Book, you'll recall the line "hate the sin but love the sinner"

Is this a blanket statement for all sinners?