Abolish the Senate


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
If it's the same amount per child, then it's based on bums in class, not parental salaries. The only that can happen is if the money is first pooled and then divided by number of students.

And it does cost more because one system might be overcrowded and the other with idle seats resulting in inefficiencies. Not to mention separate school boards.

each school is given THE SAME AMOUNT PER STUDENT...it is a fact not a feeling

it has zero to do with parent's salaries

each classroom can ONLY have a certain number of children in it for grade 6 and under...it's government legislated that is why there are so many split classes these days....thus other than the running of the building itself and bussing it is a moot point

and to clarify with the bussing...public and separate now share busses when it is to the advantage of the area where the schools are located...thus another moot point

thus faith based education isn't going anywhere in the next few decades


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Them I misunderstood. I thought you were saying parents get to choose which system their money goes to. Now I think we're agreeing that the money equally divided per student independently of parents' salaries.

That still leaves redundancies in separate school boards.

And it still leaves discrimination.

But like the senate, official bilingualism, the treaties, and other parts of the conatitution, no party will touch it with a ten foot pole, except maybe a majority NDP if it should have the courage to open the Pandora's box we call a Constitution.

And it still leaves discrimination.

But like the senate, official bilingualism, the treaties, and other parts of the conatitution, no party will touch it with a ten foot pole, except maybe a majority NDP if it should have the courage to open the Pandora's box we call a Constitution.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Them I misunderstood. I thought you were saying parents get to choose which system their money goes to. Now I think we're agreeing that the money equally divided per student independently of parents' salaries.

That still leaves redundancies in separate school boards.

And it still leaves discrimination.

But like the senate, official bilingualism, the treaties, and other parts of the conatitution, no party will touch it with a ten foot pole, except maybe a majority NDP if it should have the courage to open the Pandora's box we call a Constitution.

And it still leaves discrimination.

But like the senate, official bilingualism, the treaties, and other parts of the conatitution, no party will touch it with a ten foot pole, except maybe a majority NDP if it should have the courage to open the Pandora's box we call a Constitution.

no you didn't misunderstand...parents do choose which system their tax dollars flow to

we are not agreeing...you are wrong

there is no discrimination IF you want your child to have A FAITH BASED EDUCATION


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Wow, just wow. Arguing against something and you don't have a clue. Seems to be the thing for so many on here.

I think Peterson changed the system in Ontario to divide the public coffers to the two separate boards. But I think Ontario is the exception to the rule as most places do directed donations as Ontario did before Peterson.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I tend to agree given the current situation. However I think it's purpose is good, but it has to be filled with people with a working brain and there definitely has to be strict rules as to expense claims and the vouchers have to be double checked and signed off as to their propriety. Things like $25 breakfasts should be absolutely taboo. Where second homes are claimed, only the time of actual residence there should be claimed and should be confirmed by presenting utility bills. Too bad these bastards have to be monitored like kindergarten kids. And after one breach their a$$ is fired out of there.

Hate to say it, but a $25 meal (even breakfast) isn't that big of a
stretch of the imagination in todays day & age. I work away from
home much of the time, and much of that time is in oil country. $25
doesn't get you much, depending on where you are & your choices.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Mulcair vows to consult premiers on abolishment of 'archaic' Senate if elected

Mulcair told CTV’s Question Period that in his travels across the country, he has not met “a single person in any province” who supports maintaining the Red Chamber.

Mulcair vows to consult premiers on abolishment of 'archaic' Senate if elected | CTV News

Everyone knows that politicians keep their promises.

It's understandable that conbots are jaded curmudgeons because they keep getting taken for a ride by the reforrrrrm parties in this country.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island

It's understandable that conbots are jaded curmudgeons because they keep getting taken for a ride by the reforrrrrm parties in this country.

It is the reformists that are making this country great despite the protests by those that don't want to pull their own weight.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It is the reformists that are making this country great despite the protests by those that don't want to pull their own weight.


It's going to fun watching you fools fight amongst yourselves now that Mackay is gone.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
It's understandable that conbots are jaded curmudgeons because they keep getting taken for a ride by the reforrrrrm parties in this country.
I didn't realize Dullmop "I won't raise your taxes" McGullicutty was a reform premier of ON.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Hate to say it, but a $25 meal (even breakfast) isn't that big of a
stretch of the imagination in todays day & age. I work away from
home much of the time, and much of that time is in oil country. $25
doesn't get you much, depending on where you are & your choices.

Maybe I'm out of touch but here in Vernon we can still get a full breakfast for under $10. How many of those guys even eat a full breakfast, I think most would have coffee and toast and pocket the $25. I suppose it's a little different when delivered to the room along with a $16 orange juice. :) :) :)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Maybe I'm out of touch but here in Vernon we can still get a full breakfast for under $10. How many of those guys even eat a full breakfast, I think most would have coffee and toast and pocket the $25. I suppose it's a little different when delivered to the room along with a $16 orange juice. :) :) :)

Damb! Good for you! I wish! I suppose I could hunt and find
something like that if I was around home, but $15 would still
be a good find, and not if I was in oilfield country away from
home working.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Damb! Good for you! I wish! I suppose I could hunt and find
something like that if I was around home, but $15 would still
be a good find, and not if I was in oilfield country away from
home working.

You better move to B.C. I bet for $15 here you could get a small steak with your eggs!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
You better move to B.C. I bet for $15 here you could get a small steak with your eggs!

Yeah. My issue is that although 46yrs old, I'm a labourer for all
intents and purposes, and I'd need three breakfasts. A decent
buffet (no waiting) is more my speed given a choice. Darn near
everything that goes into me is burned off still.

Anyway, $25 (even for breakfast) for a good feed isn't that


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yeah. My issue is that although 46yrs old, I'm a labourer for all
intents and purposes, and I'd need three breakfasts. A decent
buffet (no waiting) is more my speed given a choice. Darn near
everything that goes into me is burned off still.

Anyway, $25 (even for breakfast) for a good feed isn't that

I've got no argument with that, but you probably do more work by 10 Monday morning than the entire senate does by noon Wednesday. :)