Ontario's economy to top Canada's provincial growth rankings in 2015


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Looks like theres some salty individuals here. Maybe we could get the Ontario Premier to run federally. Looks like she's doing a heck of a job.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Bump for Flossy

Good find Boom

Moody's Investor Services: California has an unfunded pension liability of $120 billion, while Ontario had a surplus of $5.7 billion as at March 31, 2013.

Moody's Investor Services: Ontario is in some ways better positioned to tackle its fiscal challenges than California. Both have large, diverse economies, which provide access to large and productive tax bases and support their investment-grade ratings. But California’s legal and political environments create obstacles to timely budget management and revenue-raising, which restricts its freedom of action relative to other US states and some sub-sovereigns, including Ontario

Moody's Investor Services: Constitutional constraints on budgeting flexibility continue in California, although modest governance changes have helped the state achieve three years of on-time budget passage.In comparison, Ontario has relatively stable revenues and like other Canadian provinces, has strong fiscal flexibility, on both the revenue and expenditure sides of the ledger.

per the related Fraser Institute study: Some might argue that this comparison is unfair, because Canadian provinces shoulder a larger share of government duties, vis-a-vis the federal government, than their U.S. state counterparts. Nonetheless, this comparison shows the limits of relying on tax hikes to escape the fiscal hole

Ontario Debt Looks Much Worse than California’s – At First Glance

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Moody's Investor Services: Ontario is in some ways better positioned to tackle its fiscal challenges than California. Both have large, diverse economies, which provide access to large and productive tax bases and support their investment-grade ratings.

Here's the problem, Ontario's diverse economic base has deteriorated significantly in the last years along with the infrastructure.

Add to this the punitive tax environment and it stalls things further


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Here's the problem, Ontario's diverse economic base has deteriorated significantly in the last years along with the infrastructure.

you mean in the year since that WSJ article I linked that drew reference to the Oct 2013 Moody's analysis... all that in a year-to-year and a half? :mrgreen:

Add to this the punitive tax environment and it stalls things further

wow! How did RBC get it so wrong then, hey? Of course, your buzzword bingo play means nothing... care to qualify that "punitive tax environment" you're speaking to..... and... what presumed (or claimed) impact you're implying it has had?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
you mean in the year since that WSJ article I linked that drew reference to the Oct 2013 Moody's analysis... all that in a year-to-year and a half? :mrgreen:

wow! How did RBC get it so wrong then, hey? Of course, your buzzword bingo play means nothing... care to qualify that "punitive tax environment" you're speaking to..... and... what presumed (or claimed) impact you're implying it has had?

You figure it out, or better yet, in another year or so, go back and review this remarkable progress that WSJ and RBC project.

The facts are there and you can do as you please.

PS - maybe do a comparison of venture start-ups in the neighbouring jurisdictions as a weather vane.... Who am I kidding, you'd never do that as it will undermine your preconceived notions of what ought to be as opposed to what actually is.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
you mean in the year since that WSJ article I linked that drew reference to the Oct 2013 Moody's analysis... all that in a year-to-year and a half? :mrgreen:

wow! How did RBC get it so wrong then, hey? Of course, your buzzword bingo play means nothing... care to qualify that "punitive tax environment" you're speaking to..... and... what presumed (or claimed) impact you're implying it has had?

Didn't you hear?

TD, CIBC and RBC are all lefty sympathizers.

And don't get me started on that commie rag, the Toronto Sun.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

I guess that's what Cannut meant by Ontario leading the way in Canada, leading in job loses.

Ontario loses jobs in December | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

Lost 39,000 positions in December 2014. :lol:

What does Winnie have to say about that....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
He doesn't understand money. They never taught it at the community college.

I Am Cornholio!

They do teach it. Just not in the liberal arts classes.

ANyway this is probably true that Ontario will have the fastest growing economy mostly because it is starting from nothing. Of course percentages can be used to bolster your side in an argument fairly easy if there are no hard numbers available. If you made $1 last year and $2 this year it is a 100% increase. But you still only made a dollar. If you made $100 last year a 100% increase is a significant amount more money.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
"old dyke"... per CC Board Rules, is that an acceptable labeling of a Premier of one of Canada's provinces? How does it make you feel when you write something like that?

What you call a public figure, is not covered under CC rules. You'll have to find something else to whine about.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
Quote: Originally Posted by waldo "old dyke"... per CC Board Rules, is that an acceptable labeling of a Premier of one of Canada's provinces? How does it make you feel when you write something like that?

I like the truth waldumb. Go back to progressive school.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
What you call a public figure, is not covered under CC rules. You'll have to find something else to whine about.

no worries... I acknowledge your acceptance of the purposeful derogatory insult labeling of Ontario Premier Wynne and the unrelated and unnecessary pointed emphasis made to her sexual orientation.