More Seattle restaurants close doors as $15 minimum wage approaches


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I live with my choices and pay for my mistakes.


All you cheap a$$ traitors have made my fears a reality.
I can't wait for all you retired, out of touch conservatives to fukk my retirement up completely.

Looks to me like you are blaming others for your present position.

Who the fukk could live on 20 grand?

15/hr is actually 31k/yr. Do the math.

Opponents said this would happen and it is indeed happening.

Tough to swallow for some I know, but it is what it is.

Ummmmmm..... again I will point out that restaurants that don't have over 500 employees nationally, have 7 years to implement/phase in the new minimum wage. So, any restaurant closing down right now, or even in the near future, would NOT be because of the new minimum wage law.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Oh no sir the money that we don't get due to taxes should be counted as cash we can live on. lol

I use it to by my invisible prime rib.lmao

and make sure to put some sour cream on that baked tator please


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Oh no sir the money that we don't get due to taxes should be counted as cash we can live on. lol

I use it to by my invisible prime rib.lmao

Considering this thread is ALL about a 15/hr minimum wage in Seattle Washington, throwing around "monthly net" when no one here KNOWS what payroll taxes are in Washington state is just throwing out straw men arguments. Stick with the facts. The facts are that over a 7 year period starting April 1 of this year local restaurants that employ less than 500 employees nation wide, will have to implement the 15/hr minimum wage.

For those too lazy, or too stupid to look up the facts in this matter.

$15 Minimum Wage


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Considering this thread is ALL about a 15/hr minimum wage in Seattle Washington, throwing around "monthly net" when no one here KNOWS what payroll taxes are in Washington state is just throwing out straw men arguments. Stick with the facts. The facts are that over a 7 year period starting April 1 of this year local restaurants that employ less than 500 employees nation wide, will have to implement the 15/hr minimum wage.

For those too lazy, or too stupid to look up the facts in this matter.

$15 Minimum Wage
Brilliant deduction sir and I salute ye for it.:).


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
What it translates into, the restaurants, grocery stores, shops, garages and so on passing that extra cost to the customer.

That $6 burger, just went up to $7 or $8.

The Pros and Cons of Raising the Minimum Wage | When I Work

Just a big election scheme by the Liberals looking for votes..

Well duh.... of course the price of product and services to the retail customer will go up. Anyone that thinks otherwise is an idiot. However, for the mom and pop and small local to mid size restaurants, grocery stores, shops, garages and so on, will have quite a while to slowly implement this. It's not going to happen over night and there is no reason for prices to suddenly go up over night either.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Considering this thread is ALL about a 15/hr minimum wage in Seattle Washington, throwing around "monthly net" when no one here KNOWS what payroll taxes are in Washington state is just throwing out straw men arguments. Stick with the facts. The facts are that over a 7 year period starting April 1 of this year local restaurants that employ less than 500 employees nation wide, will have to implement the 15/hr minimum wage.

For those too lazy, or too stupid to look up the facts in this matter.

$15 Minimum Wage
it's too low, minimum wage should be $20 hr


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
That'll be entirely enough of the commy pinko stuff sir there's no excuse for it. Bailiff,,,,whack his peepee.
Get your hands off me you stupid bastard! What the hell are you staring at you goddam fascist pig?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
you don't know. you know a lot of propaganda you've been fed throughout our life though.

Say the tard with Che as an avatar.

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Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
“He estimates that a common budget breakdown among sustaining Seattle restaurants so far has been the following: 36 percent of funds are devoted to labor, 30 percent to food costs and 30 percent go to everything else (all other operational costs). The remaining 4 percent has been the profit margin, and as a result, in a $700,000 restaurant, he estimates that the average restauranteur in Seattle has been making $28,000 a year.

No way a business owner would stay in business for $28K a year, it is not worth the aggravation and the high risk associated with running a restaurant.