RAPPER AZEALIA BANKS hates Fat White Racist Conservatives


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Anyway, I get taking a swipe at someone. Been there, done that. Some topics get heated, and this is the Hot Topics sub-forum and all. But when I see someone drop a term like "jungle bunny" just to aggravate someone, I don't know, to me that's worse than someone who says it and means it. At least in the second scenario I'm going to assume they're ignorant and really don't know better. Do you see where I'm coming from?

Yes agreed.. but this hypertensive political correctness everybody is trying to attain is also becoming a little silly.

It's interesting how my black friends in Texas have no issue when I talk this way.. yet I walk into a grocery store with them and they are call me their "nigga" - people look in total shock. LOL

I know typing words, you can not hear or see the expression it is conveyed in, which really says more about it's use.

Married in Feb 10, 1989 to a Mexican girl, and when she first met my Grandmother the response was; "she's so dark."

Seriously when we walked together in Detoit, people stopped and stared. That is weird.

Anyhow, I will curb my interesting vocabulary from hence forth, but I expect the same respect, as well.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Yes agreed.. but this hypertensive political correctness everybody is trying to attain is also becoming a little silly.

It's interesting how my black friends in Texas have no issue when I talk this way.. yet I walk into a grocery store with them and they are call me their "nigga" - people look in total shock. LOL

I know typing words, you can not hear or see the expression it is conveyed in, which really says more about it's use.

Married in Feb 10, 1989 to a Mexican girl, and when she first met my Grandmother the response was; "she's so dark."

Seriously when we walked together in Detoit, people stopped and stared. That is weird.

Hey look, I get it. Context is everything. It was simply the way it struck me, that's all I was trying to convey.

Anyhow, I will curb my interesting vocabulary from hence forth, but I expect the same respect, as well.
Um, okay. I promise to curb my interesting vocabulary as well??? Lol. Dude, I was not being 'official' or anything, just commenting on something I saw. You may not know this about me but I have this annoying habit of speaking my mind. ;)


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Anyhow, I will curb my interesting vocabulary from hence forth, but I expect the same respect, as well.

Won't happen. Been there, done that. It's a one way street. Please note EXACTLY what was said. YOU were the bad guy that needs to change. goreobsessed is not here that often. That should tell you what is what and what is expected. Equality/sameness ain't part of it.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I'm not fat azalia, I love you.

NO, you are a...

Won't happen. Been there, done that. It's a one way street. Please note EXACTLY what was said. YOU were the bad guy that needs to change. goreobsessed is not here that often. That should tell you what is what and what is expected. Equality/sameness ain't part of it.



Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
mhmm, the "i have black friends" defense, quite creative.

Well personally I could care less what gore0bessed, T-Bones or anyone really thinks about my language. Until you start to pay my mortgage, electric, DirewcTV, grocery bills and sign my paychecks.. you're just another idiot schmuck on the street.

gore0bessed you would first have to get a job.

T-Bones, anybody can print off a free online Law Diploma and claim to be a lawyer.. maybe if you keep up your grades in school and graduate from high school, you can go work for a law firm, in the mail room.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Well personally I could care less what gore0bessed, T-Bones or anyone really thinks about my language. Until you start to pay my mortgage, electric, DirewcTV, grocery bills and sign my paychecks.. you're just another idiot on the street.

gore0bessed you would first have to get a job.

T-Bones, anybody can print off a free online Law Diploma and claim to be a lawyer.. maybe if you keep up your grades in school and graduate from high school, you can go work for a law firm, in the mail room.

Yeah, but not everybody can be the steely-eyed, heavily armed Biker King who's f*cked girls from Tucson to Timboctou. Only you can do that.

On the internet.

"You're so dumb you don't even know you're alive."
--Myrtle Wilson, The Great Gatsby


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Well personally I could care less what gore0bessed, T-Bones or anyone really thinks about my language. Until you start to pay my mortgage, electric, DirewcTV, grocery bills and sign my paychecks.. you're just another idiot schmuck on the street.

gore0bessed you would first have to get a job.

T-Bones, anybody can print off a free online Law Diploma and claim to be a lawyer.. maybe if you keep up your grades in school and graduate from high school, you can go work for a law firm, in the mail room.
Okay lets analyze this for a moment. All people, who don't pay your bills,,,are idiots on the street. Well alrighty then make no bones about it this man has a world view that we can all admire and learn from.:).

And I salute him for it
Last edited:


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Yeah, but not everybody can be the steely-eyed, heavily armed Biker King who's f*cked girls from Tucson to Timboctou. Only you can do that.

On the internet.

"You're so dumb you don't even know you're alive."
--Myrtle Wilson, The Great Gatsby

Have you been shopping lately? There selling lives there. You should go get one.

Okay lets analyze this for a moment. All people, who don't pay your bills,,,are idiots on the street. Well alrighty then make no bones about it this man has a world view that we can all admire and learn from.:).

And I salute him for it

No read.. Until you start paying my bills.. try to read..


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Have you been shopping lately? There selling lives there. You should go get one.

No read.. Until you start paying my bills.. try to read..
Okay let's get this straight, 'When" I do start paying your bills,,,,I'll no longer be just another idiot on the streets. Whew. There's still hope. I'd hate to think there's no hope for this idiot on the street thang.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
RAPPER AZEALIA BANKS Hates Fat White Racist Conservatives

Rapper Azealia Banks hates “white Americans” and everything about the U.S.

In a recent interview with Playboy, the 23-year-old Harlem rapper said she wanted to leave the U.S. because America is blatantly racist.

“I hate everything about this country,” she said. “Like, I hate fat, white Americans.”

“All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms.”

“Those little teenage girls who work at Kmart and have a racist grandma — that’s really America,” she added.

But isn’t it blatantly racist to say you hate white people?

Banks also claimed that racism motivates her critics and that she’s owed “reparations.”

“It’s always about race,” she said. “[New Zealand singer] Lorde can run her mouth and talk **** about all these other b*tches, but y’all aren’t saying she’s angry.”

“If I have something to say, I get pushed into the corner.”

“Really, the generational effects of Jim Crow and poverty linger on,” Banks continued. “As long as I have my money, I’m getting the f*ck out of here and I’m gonna leave y’all to your own devices.”

She previously joked about “killing crackers” in their sleep after a jury decided not to indict Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson for shooting resident Mike Brown.

Rap Star 'Jokes' About 'Killing Crackers' in Their Sleep - YouTube

Banks’ views are testament to how “social justice warriors” and the Obama administration are increasingly pushing racial conflict.

Earlier this month we reported on a school textbook that claimed only white people could be racist.

“There is no such thing as reverse racism or reverse sexism (or the reverse of any form of oppression,)” the textbook claimed. “While women can be just as prejudiced as men, women cannot be ‘just as sexist as men’ because they do not hold political, economic and institutional power.”

And it was only a few months ago that First Lady Michelle Obama claimed that a shopper at Target was being racist for mistaking her for a Target employee.

“She said, ‘Can you reach on that shelf and hand me the detergent?’ I kid you not,” Obama said. “And the only thing she said — I reached up, because she was short, and I reached up, pulled it down – she said, ‘Well, you didn’t have to make it look so easy.’”

“That was my interaction. I felt so good.”

The Obama administration is pushing racial conflict to further divide the country, according to Ben Stein, the famous actor and political commentator.

“This president is the most racist president there has ever been in America,” Stein said. “He is purposely trying to use race to divide Americans.”

“They’re handing out pamphlets about this – and it’s been described a lot in the Wall Street Journal – [that say] ‘look, the Republican candidates are targeting President Obama because he’s black and you’re black, so you gotta go out and support him,” he added. “That’s just nonsense.”

source: » Rapper Azealia Banks: I Hate White Americans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


I just heard this story on FoxNews and my first response was; "WHO??"

Anyone here on CC ever listen to her music?

The bitch has time for an interview? Does her pimp know she's not working?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Well really, it IS pretty easy to hate fat white racist conservatives.

I hate thin, black, racist liberals.

I understand that you don't grasp the difference between your predictions and facts, Blackleaf.

There's not much you do understand.

she is still a lovely looking kid

She's pug ugly.

That's really low class B00Mer. I mean really low class. C'mon. you can't articulate yourself better than that???


personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
Oh, do tell us more about your hot girlfriends and your big scary gun and your adventures, Boomster!
please do!

Look, I guess I just got fed up with gore0bsessed's Anti-American B.S. It constant and stupidity..

Anti-American, Anti-Jewish.. threads about "Death is Israel", killing Jews and the CC Hypocrites get pissed off over Jungle Bunnies.

Come off of it.. I find the attacks on Israel, Jews and the USA are just as offensive.

It's funny how "Liberals" see it different. ;)
this is defintly a bait forum