RAPPER AZEALIA BANKS hates Fat White Racist Conservatives


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Oh, do tell us more about your hot girlfriends and your big scary gun and your adventures, Boomster!

No, no you first how your a big fancy lawyer that spends 70% of his/her time posting crap online.

Most lawyers I know are researching and actually dealing with clients cases.. I guess, you don't have to many clients, just not all that good as a lawyer...

A Legal Aid Lawyer, are ya??


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
No, no you first how your a big fancy lawyer that spends 70% of his/her time posting crap online.

Most lawyers I know are researching and actually dealing with clients cases.. I guess, you don't have to many clients, just not all that good as a lawyer...

A Legal Aid Lawyer, are ya??
I don't have many clients. The ones I do have pay well indeed.

Now, how 'bout some more of your pathetic fantasies? They're always good for a laugh.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
...and all this time I though T-Bones was a "SHE" with all the Shiny Pony feminine crap.

Well, the good news is that there's no doubt you're a "he." Why, when I think back on all your many adventures as King of the Bikers, and the legends of your indefatigable cocksmanship, and how you wander the lonely roads, cold steel on your hip, keen eyes scanning for miscreants who will soon feel your two-fisted justice. . .

What a pathetic little internet hero.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
What's with the baiting? I thought that stuff was all behind you now.

Look, I guess I just got fed up with gore0bsessed's Anti-American B.S. It constant and stupidity..

Anti-American, Anti-Jewish.. threads about "Death is Israel", killing Jews and the CC Hypocrites get pissed off over Jungle Bunnies.

Come off of it.. I find the attacks on Israel, Jews and the USA are just as offensive.

It's funny how "Liberals" see it different. ;)


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Look, I guess I just got fed up with gore0bsessed's Anti-American B.S. It constant and stupidity..

He's a whole lot of "angry all the time" I agree, but in all honesty, he's really not here all that much.

Anti-American, Anti-Jewish.. threads about "Death is Israel", killing Jews and the CC Hypocrites get pissed off over Jungle Bunnies.

Come off of it.. I find the attacks on Israel, Jews and the USA are just as offensive.
Well if they're calling 'em "kikes" then I'd be agreeing, personally I'm not seeing any of that. And quite a few might say the same about your stand on Muslims (just pointing that out, not looking to start anything).

It's funny how "Liberals" see it different. ;)
See now I'm offended.....aaaaaand now it's done.

Anyway, I get taking a swipe at someone. Been there, done that. Some topics get heated, and this is the Hot Topics sub-forum and all. But when I see someone drop a term like "jungle bunny" just to aggravate someone, I don't know, to me that's worse than someone who says it and means it. At least in the second scenario I'm going to assume they're ignorant and really don't know better. Do you see where I'm coming from?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
You were making racist threads and being a moron well before that.

Were you not hugged enough as a child? Is that what the problem is? Because you do seem to have a problem, you know, connecting with people. Normally I wouldn't give a damn, but if you end up making a mess, I'm gonna be pissed.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Were you not hugged enough as a child? Is that what the problem is? Because you do seem to have a problem, you know, connecting with people. Normally I wouldn't give a damn, but if you end up making a mess, I'm gonna be pissed.

what are you talking about?