Legalized euthanasia- Good or Bad?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
That works good until they reach the state of diminished mental capacity and who is to judge when they cross that line?
If I've reached the state of diminished mental capacity I want out. But that is exactly the problem currently, people bail before they reach that point because they are terrified they will just linger on, and what happens if some do-gooder decides it's wrong to allow you to die? Well you have to suffer on...because they have decided it's best for you.

You have to hope you can do it prior to that point.

It might be better to wait and suffer a little longer.

I'm pretty excited about trials treating MS with stem cells. It can get pretty nasty at times. If lucky I've got another 25 years and pondered what to do if it got out of hand. Would I want my plug pulled?
I want out before I reach that point of wetting the bed and babbling on and being abused by care givers who just wish that person would die.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You are the only person I have ever heard use that expression. You make that decision for them and we'll see how far you get.

A cop/Crown and Dr and a witness can make a feral person a ward of the state with the stroke of a pen giving the Province power of attorney.

First they'll clean the feral from the streets, then go after the ones living in rectangular aluminum clad tipis in the woods


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
That is what a living will is for If people don't have the fore sight to put one together, well, Darwin. If reading a lot of the posters on here is any representation of the general public, there are plenty of people with diminished mental capacity already.
that made me LOL

I can't believe anyone who is over 45 wouldn't have a living will and is just gonna leave it to chance

good luck with that


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If I've reached the state of diminished mental capacity I want out. But that is exactly the problem currently, people bail before they reach that point because they are terrified they will just linger on, and what happens if some do-gooder decides it's wrong to allow you to die? Well you have to suffer on...because they have decided it's best for you.

You have to hope you can do it prior to that point.

I want out before I reach that point of wetting the bed and babbling on and being abused by care givers who just wish that person would die.

Wetting the bed comes long before loss of cognitive reality.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That is what a living will is for If people don't have the fore sight to put one together, well, Darwin. If reading a lot of the posters on here is any representation of the general public, there are plenty of people with diminished mental capacity already.

The problem with living wills is they are fine and dandy in a legal sense, but they can be problematic in a practical sense. What a person is agreeable to and willing to sign at age 30 when they are on top of the world in peak health might no coincide with how they feel at age 75 when in pain and discomfort and the relatives are lurking around waiting for the last breath. Then of course if they changed their mind at that juncture they'd be deemed to be of diminished capacity.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Wetting the bed comes long before loss of cognitive reality.
good because once I'm laying in bed wetting it and eating my food through a straw I'm done and no one aught to be able to tell me otherwise...far as I'm concerned once one is in their late 40's all bets are off, it's a crap shoot about how good our inherited body is and how good those chemicals are going to function from day to day


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Line 'em up. Thousands die by the hands of their doctors every year. What's a few more?



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If I've reached the state of diminished mental capacity I want out.

I reached that point years ago but I don't have any plans of going anywhere just yet. You just have to be careful that no one has any idea that you have any money and if you have gold in your teeth, keep your mouth shut. :)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
good because once I'm laying in bed wetting it and eating my food through a straw I'm done and no one aught to be able to tell me otherwise...far as I'm concerned once one is in their late 40's all bets are off, it's a crap shoot about how good our inherited body is and how good those chemicals are going to function from day to day

You can have full mobility and have incontinence. It's one of the first things to go. Especially for stroke and MS folks.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
The problem with living wills is they are fine and dandy in a legal sense, but they can be problematic in a practical sense. What a person is agreeable to and willing to sign at age 30 when they are on top of the world in peak health might no coincide with how they feel at age 75 when in pain and discomfort and the relatives are lurking around waiting for the last breath. Then of course if they changed their mind at that juncture they'd be deemed to be of diminished capacity.
wtf JLM...nothing is written in stone, ya change the damn thing, I have changed mine twice and my will once...come on boyo, go with the flow, there is nothing that can't be changed or adjusted...when one is young one probably wants a lot of the measures available to bring one back as one

I pretty much have a DNR for everything...I'm getting close to 60 if my body ends up that messed I'm good to let it go naturally not fight to do what...enjoy some ice cream and lay there babbling or all curled up after some massive cerebral thanks


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
You can have full mobility and have incontinence. It's one of the first things to go. Especially for stroke and MS folks.

sure but now we are just splitting hairs, incontinence is an inconvenience many people cope with daily and it does not diminish their daily life much

laying in a bed all day babbling and hoping someone comes to visit or waking up crying every morning because one is still alive is no way to the old days you would have just walked off into the bush and either let the animals feed or eaten a revolver...sounds okay to me

The ice-cream part sounds okay, not the 2nd part.
butter pecan or French vanilla with a bit of chocolate and caramel would be nice right about now actually


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
wtf JLM...nothing is written in stone, ya change the damn thing, I have changed mine twice and my will once...come on boyo, go with the flow, there is nothing that can't be changed or adjusted...when one is young one probably wants a lot of the measures available to bring one back as one

I pretty much have a DNR for everything...I'm getting close to 60 if my body ends up that messed I'm good to let it go naturally not fight to do what...enjoy some ice cream and lay there babbling or all curled up after some massive cerebral thanks

Cheer up Sal, as long as you can run up and down 20 flights of stairs a day you have nothing to worry about. With my brain, I'm not sure a cerebral bleed would make an iota of difference. :)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
sure but now we are just splitting hairs, incontinence is an inconvenience many people cope with daily and it does not diminish their daily life much

laying in a bed all day babbling and hoping someone comes to visit or waking up crying every morning because one is still alive is no way to the old days you would have just walked off into the bush and either let the animals feed or eaten a revolver...sounds okay to me

It does seem dementia is the brain's default back up that elimates the instinct to survive. Dieing of exposure is apparently not that sh¡tty of a way to go. No pain.

The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
You can have full mobility and have incontinence. It's one of the first things to go. Especially for stroke and MS folks.
No! Hell no! No possible way!

It is way too easy for someone in a depressed mood to be pressured into making this kind of a decision. And, how are you going to stop greedy relatives from pressuring the person?

Taking a life is simply wrong, any way that you do it.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Cheer up Sal, as long as you can run up and down 20 flights of stairs a day you have nothing to worry about. With my brain, I'm not sure a cerebral bleed would make an iota of difference. :)
agreed on the stairs bit but trust me, a cerebral bleed would make a big difference to your quality of life

on the other hand I live with a lot of seniors...I went down to use the tread mill on Monday and there was an 83 year old just finishing up her 20 minutes...I said "wow you are walking much faster than in the summer"...

"yes she said, my knee replacements are doing well now...although there is something wrong with my stomach so I need to go for tests...oh well she said, I've survived 3 cancers, a hip replacement, two knee replacements, I made it through Siberia and Russia and the death of most of my family, nothing much worries me any more." "Nothing will take me before my time".

She had a full face of makeup and kept checking herself in the mirror the whole time we were talking.

Good for her, she actually lives.

Quality over quantity


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
butter pecan or French vanilla with a bit of chocolate and caramel would be nice right about now actually
Cookie dough or apple pie was the last time I had any, that must be more than a decade ago. I hadn't realized that I have been dead all that time. lol


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Cookie dough or apple pie was the last time I had any, that must be more than a decade ago. I hadn't realized that I have been dead all that time. lol
time to get your mojo on and get some ice cream...I almost picked some up today but decided no, I'll wait for the long weekend next week.