I don't know if 2014 being th ehottest year on the instrumetnal record is official yet. It's pretty close with 2010 adn 2005, I think. I imagine you'll see spike whenwe get a strong El Nino year though. Although, El Nino itself may have changed ita behaviour due to ocean warming.
We're all going to die but none of us will die from anthropogenic global climate disruption.It was hotter a few hundred years back so to say this or any recent year is the hottest is preposterous.
There is abso?utely nothing to panic about. Nobody is going to die.
It was hotter a few hundred years back so to say this or any recent year is the hottest is preposterous.
There is abso?utely nothing to panic about. Nobody is going to die.
It was hotter a few hundred years back so to say this or any recent year is the hottest is preposterous.
Crawling out of the coldest period in 10,000 years is a good, natural thing. Feeding stupid people misinformation of it being something new to humanity is a fraud of epic proportion and needs to be stopped.
Crawling out of the coldest period in 10,000 years is a good, natural thing.
Feeding stupid people misinformation of it being something new to humanity is a
fraud of epic proportion and needs to be stopped.
There is nothing good or evil about physics. The scientific heavyweights--Lindzen, Spencer, Dyson--readily admit that anthropogenic emissions of CO2 are warming the atmosphere.
There is nothing good or evil about physics.
I agree 100%. Telling people that emissions of COI2 are not likely warming the atmosphere is also a fraud of epic proportions. The whole denier bit is a fraudulent game. The scinetific heavyweights--Lindzen, Spencer, Dyson--readily admit that anthropogenic emissions of CO2 are warming the atmosphere. They just disagree that it will be catastrophic, or argue that the uncertainty makes the impacts difficult to predict. The deniers deliberately and repeatedly try to obfuscate this--as evidenced, for example, by you and Eagle Smack repeatedly posting pictures of drywall whenever the conversation gets technical.
Lindzen is now retired/gone emeritus; aka "a gun for hire" to any denier interest/organization... his decades long past work gave him some chops; however, he repeatedly got debunked in his recent last decade work trying to substantiate his position for "the lowest of the low climate sensitivity". The 90+ year old geezer Dyson has long-ago reached his best before date... but, as you say, he agrees with the AGW theory but his big "beef" is with the predictive capability of models/modeling. There is, of course, that infamous interview of Dyson where's he asked to speak to the specifics of models/modeling that he has concerns over... where he indicates he's not a subject expert and doesn't really know anything about climate models/modeling... and that at his age he's not prepared to even attempt to make him self knowledgeable in that regard. Spencer is just a charlatan fraud... plain and simple; his failed science is LEGION!
More to it than that Zip but you've never been known as being one of the brightest around here.
Carry on!
the point was, in relation to Freeman Dyson, if the guy is going to call out climate models/modeling and then flat out say he knows nothing about them... he has no credibility in that regard. Of course uncertainty in models is high... and past and future work continues to refine and improve models. Since we don't have the obvious luxury of a 2nd earth to play with, scientists work with what they have... and readily speak to the uncertainties involved.
huh! Who considers climate sensitivity a constant? Obviously, short-term and
long-term feedbacks are key to realizing just what the outcome will be. On what
basis could you conceivably argue for low sensitivity when the extent of
long-term feedbacks isn't yet known? Interesting that you would key on the
minimum... the maximum didn't lower, did it? And the "most likelihood range
you're speaking to "nominal"... which doesn't effectively factor feedbacks which can either amplify or dampen warming. Other than modeling and paleo, when you speak of "observational evidence" to date... just what are you addressing, particularly in regards feedbacks (most pointedly, long-term)? The ready-reference question awaits you: if you argue for low climate sensitivity, just how do you explain the large temperature swings of the long distant past?
The observational evidence to date is an increase in global average temeprature of about 0.8 deg C and an increase in CO2 from about 280 to 400 ppm.
I suspect that climate sensitivites will be low until they reach a critical limit at which time the system will bifurcate and settle into a new equilibrium/homeostasis. This is typical of the behaviour of complex systems, in my experience.
Ever notice the miniscule rise in temperature that has waldo's knickers in a knot all start with the advent of more accurate measuring devices?