Prince Andrew in some SERIOUS Hot Water


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
OK we're talking 17 not 8. There's a bit of a difference there. Specifically the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as menstruation, breasts and hips. Women don't just magically inherit those things on their 18th birthday.

I'm not defending it. I am a student of human nature, not a judge of it. And it has been my observation that men like youth and women like power. Maybe younger women have a better chance of successful child rearing, or a capable of having more children than older women? Maybe women are more likely to successfully look after their first child than future ones.
I agree. She was 17 not 11.

I think many things go on in the human brain related to sex for's ego driven etc...when I was young I would witness old men make comments about or flirt with young women and their wives would become angry and call them stupid old fools..and now that I am older I get it...young girls may respond to the flattery but in their little minds they also know their bodies give them power in many ways and I think there's a certain type of male who is completely oblivious to that...they think they are different than other wrinkled up old men...they have something special...really with that age difference they don't

It is disgusting to find a 16 or 17 attractive.
I disagree...It's not disgusting to find a 16 or 17 year old attractive. It is disgusting to act on it because it indicates poor judgement.

I find it quite interesting that he was away vacationing with Fergie and that she defends him. She did not have to do that. She could have remained quiet. When an ex is quite willing to publicly defend it indicates to me one of a few things...she is responding solely for her daughter which will back fire if proven wrong OR they had a mature and non savage split up. That's unusual but does happen...many ex's would take the opportunity to knife him...either she has unusual integrity OR he deserves to be defended because he is a decent human being.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
It just occurred to me this isn't Nazi boy Harry but Andrew. I guess I got my royals crossed. This is the kind of story that I would have expected from Harry.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013

I disagree...It's not disgusting to find a 16 or 17 year old attractive. It is disgusting to act on it because it indicates poor judgement.

Yeah, true. I guess I meant it makes me feel disgusted with myself. Because I know that any year now, I'll be walking along with my daughter and I'll see some old guy checking her out, and I'll want to throttle him. :lol:


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
It just occurred to me this isn't Nazi boy Harry but Andrew. I guess I got my royals crossed. This is the kind of story that I would have expected from Harry.

He's still a bit too young to get this much attention over something like this I think.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Yeah, true. I guess I meant it makes me feel disgusted with myself. Because I know that any year now, I'll be walking along with my daughter and I'll see some old guy checking her out, and I'll want to throttle him. :lol:
yes that's an interesting does one feel when some 40 year old horny old guy looks at your daughter and thinks about sex and how wonderful it would be to boink her, not quite the same experience as looking at those big perky 20 year old

that's what keeps some old guys wise and's restraint


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
takes some of the attention off slick willy.
nah I don't think it does...I think rather it displays a certain "group" of people that live in a very different world than the average individual and unlike the little guy they don't set political boundaries because they are all one colour


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
yes that's an interesting does one feel when some 40 year old horny old guy looks at your daughter and thinks about sex and how wonderful it would be to boink her, not quite the same experience as looking at those big perky 20 year old

that's what keeps some old guys wise and's restraint

I was on a cruise with my sister's family. She has two beautiful daughters and my brother-in-law would be BS when ANY male took a second look at his daughters. That includes boys their age. His girls were 15 and 17....lmao.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I was on a cruise with my sister's family. She has two beautiful daughters and my brother-in-law would be BS when ANY male took a second look at his daughters. That includes boys their age. His girls were 15 and 17....lmao.
yeah I love some of those t-shirts



Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Titch of a problem here, what do they call under age? I don't know if he is guilty or not
however if they are saying the act took place in Britain when she was sixteen then the
under age thing goes out the window. According to a reporter or someone speaking
from Britain on a program I think it was Nancy Grace, I only watched a small portion of the
show. On that program it said legal age is sixteen in Britain. I have a hard time believing
anybody anymore after the Bill Cosby thing and i do wonder about copy cat people but I
am willing to let the evidence come out on way or the other


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Whether she's underage or not, it would appear it was not consensual. It would be considered rape whether she was 9 or 99. I wonder what Blackie will do if it turns out she's telling the truth.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It's more than just a news story Your Silliness. She's filed court papers so this is going to move forward whether you and Blackie like it or not. I can say one thing for sure. I'm really not surprised you would be so dismissive of of woman that claims she was raped and enslaved. You and Blackie make a great pair. Maybe you're part of the reason Karrie left.

You certainly can be an idiot. So far I haven't formed an opinion on the matter because I simply don't know what did or didn't transpire. All I've done is point out considerations to ponder. She wouldn't be the first person to file frivolous court papers (happens all the time and then they are no shows at court) He may be totally innocent or totally guilty or somewhere in between. I don't have a horse in this race so really don't give a fiddler's f**k. However unlike you I'm not so shallow as to be forming opinions based on what a tabloid prints. You sure have a knack for making yourself look stupid. Is that an inherited trait or do you have to work at it? :) :) :) :)

Titch of a problem here, what do they call under age? I don't know if he is guilty or not
however if they are saying the act took place in Britain when she was sixteen then the
under age thing goes out the window. According to a reporter or someone speaking
from Britain on a program I think it was Nancy Grace, I only watched a small portion of the
show. On that program it said legal age is sixteen in Britain. I have a hard time believing
anybody anymore after the Bill Cosby thing and i do wonder about copy cat people but I
am willing to let the evidence come out on way or the other

I used to watch Nancy Grace quite a bit and I believe her intentions are good, but her judgment is often clouded by her emotions, some of which may be caused by tragedy in her own life. J.M.H.O.

Yeah, true. I guess I meant it makes me feel disgusted with myself. Because I know that any year now, I'll be walking along with my daughter and I'll see some old guy checking her out, and I'll want to throttle him. :lol:

Exactly, I have 5 young grand daughters!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Sometimes the difference between admiration and leacheroerous gawking is whether the recipient finds the gawker/admirer attractive.

I also think that some are just better than others at sending out and/or reading small signals that say "yes" or "no"


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Sometimes the difference between admiration and leacheroerous gawking is whether the recipient finds the gawker/admirer attractive.


But sometimes the energy the gawker/admirer sends out is received and that changes how the gawked at feels about it. There is a very different stance and look in the eye of someone who is leacherously "drooling" at someone compared to the individual who is simply admiring the beauty before them.

People neglect to think about their own body language and their fellow mans ability to read that body language accurately alot of the time.

We seem to think others put more importance on what is said, rather then the actions involved.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"SERIOUS Hot Water"? Perhaps! I'd be willing to bet 50 cents that if we could see Andrew a year from now, he'll still likely be living life as he lives it now.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
It makes us different from you who, apparently, celebrates the notion that a national figure is treading a fine line between legal and illegal sexual relations with a minor

Whether it's legal or illegal depends on which country you're in. And in the vast majority of the world's countries it is perfectly legal to have sex with a 17 year old girl or boy.

Let's look at Europe. In Spain the age of consent is 13.

It is 14 in Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino and Serbia.

It is 15 in Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Iceland, Monaco, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden.

It is 16 in Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Northern Cyprus, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

It is 17 in Cyprus and Ireland.

The ONLY countries in Europe where it is illegal to have sex with a 17 year old are Malta, Turkey and Vatican City, where the age of consent is 18.

This girl was 17 at the time that these alleged offences occurred. She was hardly a "minor". When these suppsoed offences occurred in London there were no laws whatsoever being broken.

Doesn't matter how long... Those pedos don't last more than a few days in Gen Pop

They usually do. One of the jobs of prison guards is to stop prisoners killing each other or themselves to ensure that their fulls entences are served.

It's not disgusting to find a 16 or 17 year old attractive. It is disgusting to act on it because it indicates poor judgement.

What a load of drivel.

If I want to go out and meet some sexy 16 year old girl in a bar and take her back to my flat and shag the living daylights out of her then that's what I'll do. I'm perfectly entitled by law to do that and there's nothing you can do about it. To say it's 2disgusting" is completely and utterly ludicrous.

Lorde is a big royalist, of course. Hence her stage name.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
What a load of drivel.

If I want to go out and meet some sexy 16 year old girl in a bar and take her back to my flat and shag the living daylights out of her then that's what I'll do. I'm perfectly entitled by law to do that and there's nothing you can do about it. To say it's 2disgusting" is completely and utterly ludicrous.

Christians are not big fans of dirty old men shagging their teenage daughters. You should convert to Islam. They tolerate that kind of thing.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Christians are not big fans of dirty old men shagging their teenage daughters. You should convert to Islam. They tolerate that kind of thing.

He's a grown man who is no longer married and can therefore shag who he likes as long as it's legal. And 17 is legal in most countries. What the hell has it got to do with you who he's shagging?