Prince Andrew in some SERIOUS Hot Water

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
And so should you be. This member of Canada's Royal Family is currently fifth in line to Canada's throne.

Here in Canada, we have a highly defined set of laws and Canadians do not tolerate pedos in any way shape or form... Quite often, we place them in Gen Pop and allow some jailhouse justice to settle the issue.

Andrewis welcome to come here and face the Judge.

(PS - Canada and the US extradite prisoners all the time)


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
It IS okay. What the hell has it got to do with you who Prince Andrew is dating? He's allowed to have a love life.

As for her being "underage", again that depends what country you're in. Seventeen isn't underage in Britain. It's perfectly legal.

So your position is it did not happen but he is free to have done it? Why the damage control if he didn't do it? Why the damage control if he is allowed to do it?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
He's lived in Englandesh for decades-and is in jail there now.

But he's Australian.

So your position is it did not happen but he is free to have done it?

I don't think he did anything wrong. And if he meets a 17 year old girl and wants to go out on a date with her and shag her then I have no problem.

Why the damage control if he didn't do it?

Because he didn't do it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don't care. Throw the child molester in jail after a fair trial and if the queen knew anything, toss her in the can as well.

Oh, I see, you don't think the Queen should be afforded the treatment provided to average citizens? We're you referring to the alleged child molestor? Did you see the victim's birth certificate. Your "true colours" are sticking out like a wedding pr1ck there Cannuck!:)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Canadians do not tolerate pedos in any way shape or form...

How does that make you any different from anybody else? Plus, have you got any evidence whatsoever that Prince Andrew is a paedophile?

Quite often, we place them in Gen Pop

For how long? Knowing liberal, Lefty Canada it'll be for a mere two years.

(PS - Canada and the US extradite prisoners all the time)

America has a history of refusing to extradite American citizens to Britain when they are wanted by the British authorities to be put on trial, yet Britain often too readily extradites its citizens to Yankeeland for trial. It's time Britain started protecting its citizens more and tell the Yanks to get stuffed when they call for the extradition of a British citizen.

We can't keep extraditing British citizens to yankeeland when America keeps refusing to extradite its citizens to Britain. Fair's fair.
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
On most of the newspapers on which he does appear on the front page, he doesn't appear as the main headline, does he?

He is on the front pages.

This is a big problem.

Hey BL... how long is England going to support the lavish lifestyles of these spoiled brats?

As you toothless commoners wallow away your lives in dingy pubs in dreary, filthy cities these so called royals are jet setting the world with your money. Suckers.

We can't keep extraditing British citizens to yankeeland when America keeps refusing to extradite its citizens to Britain. Fair's fair.

Diverting will not save Andy the pimp.

This is a big problem for the House of Saxe-Coburg and Goth. Big problem. It is the main story in all of the UK.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
How does that make you any different from anybody else?

It makes us different from you who, apparently, celebrates the notion that a national figure is treading a fine line between legal and illegal sexual relations with a minor

For how long? Knowing liberal, Lefty Canada it'll be for a mere two years.

Doesn't matter how long... Those pedos don't last more than a few days in Gen Pop


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Hey BL... how long is England going to support the lavish lifestyles of these spoiled brats?

Forever, hopefully. The last thing the British people want is a republic. Not only did it fail to work the last time (we swiftly turned into a military dictatorship) but it'll be far more expensive.

Long Live the Queen.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Forever, hopefully. The last thing the British people want is a republic. Not only did it fail to work the last time (we swiftly turned into a military dictatorship) but it'll be far more expensive.

Long Live the Queen.

You and your yellow toothed commoners pay for this. You get what you deserve... another of Lizzies spoiled whelps in trouble. A 40 year old prince flying the world to hook up with a teenager all paid for by the brits.

His daughters must be proud.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Aren't his daughters about the same age as the girl he's banging?

I wonder if they are FB friends? Do you think they follow each others Tweets?

I was just wondering if it makes sense for a play-date to be organized between his daughters and the girl he's screwing... Being the same age, they'd have a lot in common.

That's a great idea.

I wonder how Andrew would feel if his 17 year old daughters were flying off to meet some 40 year olds?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Before we get all "wound up" over this "tempest in a teacup", I think there is a few things to consider. If commoner Joe Blow screwed a 17 year old girl 14 years ago, would he be getting this kind of publicity? I'm wondering if Ms. Roberts might be "smelling" money at the end of all this! I know in some jurisdictions the age of consent is 14. (Not that I agree with it) If what Randy Andy did was so horrible why has she waited 14 years to raise the issue?

Wonderful women don't protect child molesters. They protect children. If the old bitty had an ounce of integrity, she would ask for a full public inquiry

What's a "bitty"?:)

Of course we do. Don't be so silly

Up until now I wasn't sure who was stupider, you or Blackleaf!! Now I can see you have the edge on him!:)