Actually, I take issue with what you've written. You obviously have no idea of Canada's history when it comes to world war or other battles we've been involved in (i.e. Korea).
Sure, I do.
Canada has ALWAYS fought far more than her weight.
I cannot tell you how many times I have heard this line, unlike yourself I am not going to smear any fallen soldiers by disrespecting their memories. You should open up a real history book before shooting your mouth off. Any contribution, to any war is a remarkable achievement in and of itself. NO country can "punch" above its weight, that is sheer nationalistic broohaha. Grow up.
I find it extremely funny when American movies portray how the Americans have saved countries from devastation from the bad guys with no mention of what had happened before the Americans even were involved. Guess who likely made it possible - at the cost of many lives no less...the Canadians that's who. Vimy Ridge is a perfect example.
I find it even funnier you are using Hollywood (a major player in the ENTERTAINMENT industry) as documentary evidence of your assertions. Vimy Ridge, Ditsy Cup, is immensely significant within Canada because all Canadian divisions fought as a cohesive unit, it is considered the first step into independence. It is NOT considered significant outside Canada. Read history, not newspapers.
You can brag all you want about American achievements but a lot of them were only possible because the Canadians made it so.
Show me where I bragged, Ditsy Cup. And if that makes you sleep better at night, I'm glad we can be of service.
We may be small but we are mighty and we will fight to the death if the cause is Just and Right! Don't EVER underestimate the Canadian Forces. We may be small, but we're very highly trained and EXTREMELY SMART!! Ask anyone in the Military of every Western Country - UK, Germany, France, Australia and even your own American Forces. You don't screw with a Canadian Forces.
As long we understand it's your opinion, we're in agreement.
Oh, silly me, I forgot about the UN Peace Keeping Force that we participated in as well.
Nobody is denying your participation in peacekeeping.
Well when u live beside the most gentle giant on earth , You take advantage of it and blow all you're money on partying
Well I have to hand it to you, I can't argue with that.
Being, as we acknowledge the fact that even if we spent 100% of our government yearly budget on military, we would not even come close to having a military strong enough to fight back a United States attack on our sovereignty, with that budget.
I recognize that this frustrates you obviously, but as you can see it's perfectly logical for us to simply not defend at all.
So we choose to be accommodating. You say that as if we had a choice in the matter.
Where the **** do Canadians get the moronic impression the US has any desire to go to war with Canada?
It's the standard reponse to uppity Americans.
Actually I'm not uppity at all, I'm just wondering what history book you read.
Pretty much. Canada is essentially a vassal state.