How the GW myth is perpetuated


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
"invisable benevolent harmless gas"??? Uhhh... ok, so you don't accept the greenhouse effect... is that right? I guess there's no point in challenging you to provide evidence of direct and indirect solar influences accounting for the most relatively recent global warming of the past century and more pointedly over the last 30-40 years.

The greenhouse effect applies only to greenhouses and convection.

I guess there's no point in challenging you to provide evidence of direct and indirect solar influences accounting for the most relatively recent global warming of the past century and more pointedly over the last 30-40 years.

Note the reproduction of your second point. This was done to ponder the enormous mindlessness contained therein.It's very hard for me to imagine how truly stunned you must be. So it is that the level of discussion from the CO2 lap dogs has devolved into a state of moronic denial of the Suns overwhelming monopoly in this matter. A completely new word will have to be coined to describe your position on the food chain. I have goldfish that understand the relationship of the sun to their environment and it's climate better than you.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
jeezaz that's old news! He did get his shot in though... before he died! Is this significant to you? I could take one group, say the AGU, and counter with a throw down of thousands of names/cv's of the most prominent scientists in the world... or even within APS itself. But of course, that wouldn't count... cause there's "Hal Lewis" (or at least his ghost) in your corner! :lol:

It's obvious that Lewis' statement has stabbed you in the heart.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
jeezaz that's old news! He did get his shot in though... before he died! Is this significant to you? I could take one group, say the AGU, and counter with a throw down of thousands of names/cv's of the most prominent scientists in the world... or even within APS itself. But of course, that wouldn't count... cause there's "Hal Lewis" (or at least his ghost) in your corner! :lol:

It used to be, in better days, that snake oil merchants like yourself were made to swallow their own poison in the village square before the assembled then they were stripped and driven out, women and children spat on them and cursed them roundly. No one knows how many were not this lucky, I have no doubt that honest science will correct that merciful fault.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
The greenhouse effect applies only to greenhouses and convection.

howzer... you're a "Sky Dragon"! Yes, you're in the fine company of some of the guys even the idiot Tony Willard Watts won't let lose on his anti-science WTFIUWT blog! So... since you flat out deny the greenhouse effect, I take it you presume it's the sun that's keeping the earth warm to the level of basic human survival - yes? :lol:

Note the reproduction of your second point. This was done to ponder the enormous mindlessness contained therein.It's very hard for me to imagine how truly stunned you must be. So it is that the level of discussion from the CO2 lap dogs has devolved into a state of moronic denial of the Suns overwhelming monopoly in this matter. A completely new word will have to be coined to describe your position on the food chain. I have goldfish that understand the relationship of the sun to their environment and it's climate better than you.

you were simply challenged to provide example evidence of the direct/indirect solar influences causing the relatively recent warming of the last century, in particular the last 30-40 years. You'll unwilling to do so - no biggee. That's what deniers do!

I sense that you are starting to question your own position. It's quite obvious really

There are many Lewis' that have seen reality.... Maybe some day, you will to

are you soothing your own denial? :lol:

I have no doubt that honest science will correct that merciful fault.

well... what are your denier "honest scientists" waiting for? What are they holding out on? Why can't your guys break through and find that mystical, magical AGW killer? Do you think you need a better brand of denier scientist?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Here is the scoop Fagro. Theoretically CO2 is a GHG and going by CO2 content there SHOULD be warming but it's not acting as theory dictates.

Everything about future doom and gloom is still 100% hypothetical.

Fact is we are still in cold spell going by real long term millennial climate evidence.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So... since you flat out deny the greenhouse effect, I take it you presume it's the sun that's keeping the earth warm to the level of basic human survival - yes? :lol:

I get your point, but your construction is so sloppy it makes you out to be an idiot. Yes I firmly and without reservation believe the sun provides for the basic level of human survival.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
I get your point, but your construction is so sloppy it makes you out to be an idiot. Yes I firmly and without reservation believe the sun provides for the basic level of human survival.

no need to insult... simply relish your denial! You clearly believe you know more than mainstream scientists, global-wide national academies of science, national & international scientific organizations, international and national scientific federations/unions/societies, etc.. And you showcase your belief by refusing to support your belief - go figure!

Awwwwwe poor fagro.
petros dance!

How about you start a thread to see if anyone else knows who you are.

Are you up for it?

bring it on lil' man, simple mind!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
LMFAO do you what global-wide national academies of science, national & international scientific organizations, international and national scientific federations/unions/societies, etc amount to?

$1000 bimonthly magazine subscriptions for members who have no choice but join.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
no need to insult... simply relish your denial! You clearly believe you know more than mainstream scientists, global-wide national academies of science, national & international scientific organizations, international and national scientific federations/unions/societies, etc.. And you showcase your belief by refusing to support your belief - go figure!

You have poor creative skills which force your to keep to script. You clearly believe that you know what I believe when I have not posted it.
Your second sentence is nothing more than a classic appeal to authority and authority does not rule science.

( "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts." ) That's a well known quote that Fenymen borrowed from some long dead Greek.

Money is the root of all bull sh it.

LMFAO do you what global-wide national academies of science, national & international scientific organizations, international and national scientific federations/unions/societies, etc amount to?

$1000 bimonthly magazine subscriptions for members who have no choice but join.

For sure petros----and they'll go with the flow or they won't go at all


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
You have poor creative skills which force your to keep to script. You clearly believe that you know what I believe when I have not posted it.

I only go by what you post... if you're now telling me you don't believe what you post, well... that's a whole new wrinkle you're adding, hey!

Your second sentence is nothing more than a classic appeal to authority and authority does not rule science.

says the guy who name drops and links to his presumed authorities... tell me, with your fixation on that Casey guy, are you fronting him as the next Galileo? :lol:

( "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts." ) That's a well known quote that Fenymen borrowed from some long dead Greek.

which is in line with skepticism being a fundamental precept of science... of course, that's genuine skepticism, not fake skepticism that deniers hide behind in their "denial for denial sake"!

How about you start a thread to see if anyone else knows who you are.

Are you up for it?
bring it on lil' man, simple mind!

still waiting.......


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
That's my point, I can point at the searing blinding climate regulator with my finger, and you're claim is supported by invisable benevolent harmless gas. I am dim but you're blind.

If climate is only from the sun, why isn't earth's climate like that of the moon? They are both the same distance from the sun, more or less.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Which Came First?

Posted on November 19, 2014 by Prof. Donald E. Scott
Coronal loops showing fine structure. The image was treated with a Gaussian sharpening filter with a radius of 3 pixels. Credit: SDO/AIA (193 Å channel)

Nov 19, 2014
Electric currents create magnetic fields in the Sun.
“Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Asking this question always gets a chuckle from a group of kids who haven’t been asked that before. For adults, it confirms their conviction that unanswerable questions must be laughably ignored. For a farmer who gets into the egg business by purchasing a group of laying hens the answer is easy. “My chickens came first; that’s how I got my eggs.”
Solar astrophysicists who try to explain what causes coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have a similar conundrum: “Which came first, the change in electric current, or the change in the solar magnetic field?” Until the present day there has been no mention of electric currents in space by solar astronomers. There has been no acknowledgement whatever that electric current is needed to create magnetic fields or that it even exists.
In 1908 Kristian Birkeland suggested that electrical flows from the Sun caused the auroral displays that we see. Astronomers such as Sidney Chapman ridiculed him. When it came to descriptions of solar coronal mass ejections and similar phenomena, all we have heard about for decades was that magnetic fields move around and twist – their “magnetic lines of force” come together, touch, and then fly apart carrying matter with them. This is called “Magnetic Reconnection.” Solar astronomers never mention electric currents. We are to believe that magnetic fields do it all by themselves, without help.
Recently things seem to have changed. A new paper entitled “A Current Filamentation Mechanism for Breaking Magnetic Field Lines During Reconnection” (9 June 2011 Vol. 474 Nature p. 187) mentions electric currents – but as an effect rather than a cause of magnetic field movements. The authors performed particle-in-cell simulations, not real laboratory experiments. Real lab experiments would have required them to set up electric currents to create the magnetic fields they wanted to measure. So they reported results of their computer simulations as experimental fact.
Electrical engineers and classical physicists have known for decades that only movement (flow) of electric charges causes magnetic fields. Electric current is the only cause of magnetic fields. Varying the strength and direction of those currents will move the magnetic fields around and vary their strength. Shutting off the causal electric current will cause magnetically stored energy to be released.
In the abstract of the paper mentioned above the authors state, “…we find that when the current layers that form during magnetic reconnection become too intense, they disintegrate and spread into a complex web of filaments that causes the rate of reconnection to increase abruptly.”
They have it backwards. They are oblivious to the fact that variations in the direction and strength of the causal electric currents are what produce the observed changes in the magnetic fields. Do they think that magnetic fields posses volition? Do magnetic fields just “take it into their heads” to move around and “reconnect”? What prompts their movement in the first place? What is the primal cause of the phenomenon they observe and call “magnetic reconnection”?
They report in this paper that changes in magnetic fields produce electric current filaments. It is the electric filaments that produce the magnetic fields and cause their movements. This paper offers us the first glimmer of hope that these ideas may be awakening in an embryonic state in the minds of solar astrophysicists.
At this point, they still have their eggs before their chickens. Maybe someday they will realize that. And get it straight.
Professor Donald Scott (ret.)

which is in line with skepticism being a fundamental precept of science... of course, that's genuine skepticism, not fake skepticism that deniers hide behind in their "denial for denial sake"!
still waiting.......

Let me help you a bit. You are over using your crutch (denier). This does not compliment your already weak performance. You are beginning to remind me of Avro and if that is in fact the case you will in time froth and spew uncontrollably just like Avro did.

If climate is only from the sun, why isn't earth's climate like that of the moon? They are both the same distance from the sun, more or less.

Like Petros has said there's very little M so there's very little E field. The moon is also a recent arrival on our shores. Weak E-field thin atmosphere.

The moon and the earth formed in different field conditions at different times.
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House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Let me help you a bit. You are over using your crutch (denier). This does not compliment your already weak performance.

"crutch (denier)"... get over it! It's simply an identifying label; one not intended as a pejorative. You deny global warming, you deny AGW, you deny the greenhouse effect... you're a denier in that regard. Again, it's an identifying label; nothing else.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
"crutch (denier)"... get over it! It's simply an identifying label; one not intended as a pejorative. You deny global warming, you deny AGW, you deny the greenhouse effect... you're a denier in that regard. Again, it's an identifying label; nothing else.

Well if that's the case I can't see that you would object to the idiot label. It's just an identifier akin to moron and lunatic.