Ferguson riots: Clashes, looting in Missouri following vigil for teen shot dead by po


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Attacking Ferguson Police, Betraying the Country to the U.N. And The Obama Mafia

CNN alleges there is a movement to fire Officer Wilson and Chief Jackson, the two most controversial figures in the Ferguson debacle. If it’s true, the Obama administration and Holder’s Department of Justice are undoubtedly behind it. There is also a move to appeal to the U.N. to settle the case.

In the end, the only ones being held accountable are the police.

Appealing to the U.N. is an act of treason and one can be certain that the communists and Islamo-Fascists present at the Ferguson protests played no small part in this.

Michael Brown’s mother, Leslie McSpadden, and other family members have joined with “grassroots organizations” – code for communist and socialist organizations – to press the U.N. to intervene in “U.S. police violations of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment”. This was revealed onWednesday.

You can be sure that the Obama administration is supportive of this as well.


Attacking Ferguson Police, Betraying the Country to the U.N. And The Obama Mafia | www.independentsentinel.com


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
holy doodle

I Felt A Great Disturbance In The Narrative

Smoking Gun:
A police report detailing a fight last month between members of Michael Brown's family over the sale of commemorative t-shirts identifies the late teenager's mother as one of the "attackers" who beat and robbed vendors selling the merchandise from a tent in a Ferguson, Missouri parking lot.

I Felt A Great Disturbance In The Narrative - Small Dead Animals



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Remember in the LA Riots happened and in Korea Town the owners of shops had guns on the roof ready to shoot looters? Good Times.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
oBoLa cRaCkA ‏@HouseCracka

#Ferguson you better not look at this. You can't handle the truth.



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
latest update on some mental midgets and assorted animals:

#Ferguson Activist Brags About Going to UN to “Slap These Ferguson Pigs With War Crimes”

Next week several local activists from Ferguson will fly to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland to deliver a speech on US police crimes.The group consists of Leslie McSpadden (Michael Brown’s mother), Michael Brown, Sr. and a couple other vocal activists including rapper Tef Poe.

The #FergusonToGeneva contingent is comprised of:

  • Michael Brown Sr. —Sponsored by US Human Rights Network
  • Lesley McSpadden —Mother of Michael Brown. Sponsored by US Human Rights Network
  • Attorney Daryl Parks
  • UN Shadow Report Authors Justin Hansford & Meena Jagannath
    Activist Kareem Jackson (aka Tef-Poe) & Charles Wade.

Michael Brown, Sr. is a convicted felon.

Leslie McFadden was charged last month for beating and robbing Mike Brown’s grandmother in the street.

Michael Brown, Jr. was filmed robbing a store the morning of his death.

The anti-American group that is sending the couple – US Human Rights Network – seeks
“to challenge the pernicious belief that the United States is inherently superior to other countries of the world, and that neither the U.S. government nor the U.S. rights movements have anything to gain from the domestic application of human rights.”
Earlier Saturday Tef Poe bragged about his appearance in front of the United Nations – “to slap these Ferguson pigs with war crimes and torture charges.”

From his Instagram account:
If I’m telling you the truth .. yes I am very nervous .Next week we go to the U.N. To slap these Ferguson pigs with war crime charges and torture charges. Shoutout to Justin Hansford for having so much trust in me . Shoutout to Autumn for thugging it out all day with me. Peace to the Brown family for being the strongest people alive at the moment. God Bless their conquest for justice . Next week we testify in front of the U.N. Via Geneva .May the universe bless our efforts .Watch these young black men and women organize . Anything is possible!!!
The grand jury verdict in Michael Brown’s shooting has not been announced yet but already local activists are getting invites to the UN.

It’s a crazy world.

#Ferguson Activist Brags About Going to UN to “Slap These Ferguson Pigs With War Crimes” | The Gateway Pundit


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC

No doubt to curb the wild celebrations should the verdict be guilty.

You haven't been following this very carefully, have you?

A grand jury does not find people guilty. It either hands up an indictment, or refuses to hand up and indictment.

If it hands up an indictment, then there is a trial.