The causes are suspected, not know. I think the evidence is pretty strong, but a long way from the confidence level of, say, gravity.Yeah the causes are known. 2 of the worst were from H2S
The causes are suspected, not know. I think the evidence is pretty strong, but a long way from the confidence level of, say, gravity.Yeah the causes are known. 2 of the worst were from H2S
Only 100 years. Oh, no!The IPCC just released another report and they have effectively given us 100 years to bring our oil production down to NIL.
All good scientists say this.This is no longer debatable.
We'd better get off our asses and switch to NG as fast as possible even if it requires bullsh-t and heavy taxation to pull off.The IPCC just released another report and they have effectively given us 100 years to bring our oil production down to NIL.
I think we'll probably be off oil well before then, and not because of the IPCC. We'll just improve better, cheaper energy sources.The IPCC just released another report and they have effectively given us 100 years to bring our oil production down to NIL.
Here is where we need more investigation and debate.
Like NG and gas hydrates.I think we'll probably be off oil well before then, and not because of the IPCC. We'll just improve better, cheaper energy sources.
Yeah the causes are known. 2 of the worst were from H2S
VolcanismDinosaur farts or man made? According to the extremists Dinosaur farts causing extinction would be OK but if man did it that would be a bad thing.
JACKPOT!!! All doom gloom and fear with zero talk of benefits. It was climate change that advanced man to where we are today.There has been little said about climate change as an improvement. Here in the great white north, we should see an overall gain.
I think we'll probably be off oil well before then, and not because of the IPCC. We'll just improve better, cheaper energy sources.
JACKPOT!!! All doom gloom and fear with zero talk of benefits. It was climate change that advanced man to where we are today.
Where do I find the list of benefits in an IPCC report?
Coal is needed to make steel. Far more valuable for it's carbon than as a fuel.All the more reason to pump as much oil as we can while it still has a value. Coal too.
Or solar. Or zero-point energy. Or chemical compounds we haven't figured out yet, or some we're working on, like nitrogen-stabilised metastable helium. Or fusion. Or some physical concept we haven't even thought of yet.Like NG and gas hydrates.
Coal is needed to make steel. Far more valuable for it's carbon than as a fuel.
So we need to wait when NG is already there and being invested into at staggering rates?Or solar. Or zero-point energy. Or chemical compounds we haven't figured out yet, or some we're working on, like nitrogen-stabilised metastable helium. Or fusion. Or some physical concept we haven't even thought of yet.
No, we need to progress in research and development, and in the meantime overinvest in fossil fuels. Then at some point, the value of those investments will crash, a whole lot of people will go broke, and we'll shift more-or-less gradually to other sources, and people, companies, and countries that didn't see the change coming and diversify'll be hurting bad. Oldest story in the book. Like the silly twats who insist on scouring around for incandescent lightbulbs that burn energy like crazy, then burn out and need replacing, because they think they're making some kind of point other than "Hey, world, look how stupid I am!"So we need to wait when NG is already there and being invested into at staggering rates?
More than it will take in 100 years.There is plenty of research into making NG more efficient. NG has received the lion's share of eco-subsidies. GE and SIEMENS are raking it in.
How many solar panels does it take to make a 150mt batch of steel in a metal arc furnace?