Canadian Content Forums goes to war.
Bah! Those are mere borderline skirmishes!
Canadian Content Forums goes to war.
Eight Tornados now.
to everything there is a season.
is war actually the right time to be belittling one's allies?
how about we get through this thing first?
there'll be plenty of time to flaunt your anatomies later.
Oh 8!
So after all the well deserved criticism of the brits showing up late and with practically nothing they scrape up two more 1970's jets.
I have to go with BL on this one. His Tornados beat our CF 18s hands down.
We should have replaced our aging CF18s with Supers awhile ago.Depends how they use them. The Tornados should be better, they are years newer. The SuperHornet would likely be superior to the Tornado. Hopefully, they are on the same side,
Yes we have to do something about thugs in these countries because we are not immune
from them training fighters to destroy our facilities at home. Having said that if we can afford
the war effort we can no longer claim we can't afford post secondary education for our young
people, we can afford to look after seniors, veterans and those on the marginal edge of society.
If we can afford to destroy things with weapons we can afford to enrich the lives of Canadians.
The government must stop taking us backwards and they must cease the dismantling of our
social infrastructure. Me thinks however that that will only happen once the current government
becomes the Canadian Government once again and not Harper's Government as he has laid
claim to.
Even viewing these slim forum vote numbers as unscientific as they are they paint a slight
Canadian picture of what citizens are thinking and if I were Mr Harper I would be careful as
to what he commits too. Most Canadians do not support outright war at the moment and
they will support it less once the discussion is held. As much as i don't like the Tories and I
don't support Harper, this is a genuine case of we had better stop it there than have it here.
The 2003 Iraq war was waged on false pretenses and flawed intelligence. It was a mission that destabilized the region, sowed further conflict, cost our allies around three trillion dollars, and cost thousands of people their lives. The world is still dealing with the consequences of that mistake.
True enough. What McParland doesn't say here is that he was one of the primary purveyors of that pretence.
Depends how they use them. The Tornados should be better, they are years newer. The SuperHornet would likely be superior to the Tornado. Hopefully, they are on the same side,
10 Cold War aircraft and one destroyer... and late as usual.
What's with this missile only you've been saying it is sought after. We've been using similar missiles for years now. Our old Mavericks are better than that.
Even your own countrymen are laughing at the briddish effort.
The brits are late and are having little if any impact.
I am so not shocked by this development. lol