Seniors and the generation spending gap


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
When you say Gov't employee you are talking about 2 different groups, one is politicians who can retire after 6 years and the other are normal working stiffs who contributed 5% of their pay for 35 years in order to qualify for a full pension. As one of the latter I can attest to the fact that for the first ten years I worked for a wage below that paid to the private sector in exchange for better job security. People in my situation certainly didn't become rich (unless they had an inheritance).

I took less when I moved to the public sector just so I could be around while my kids grew up. The two youngest graduate next June. I've already got my feelers out looking for something in the private sector....much better remuneration and nowhere near the headaches. Things may be like Taxslave says in Lalaland but that's a goofy place.

He's talking about your claims.

Want to see the quotes?



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I took less when I moved to the public sector just so I could be around while my kids grew up. The two youngest graduate next June. I've already got my feelers out looking for something in the private sector....much better remuneration and nowhere near the headaches. Things may be like Taxslave says in Lalaland but that's a goofy place.
That's interesting, coming from an admitted liar.

I can see why you would want to take that route. You seem to be made uncomfortable about your own words.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You have to love how the guy that cries about personalizations, peppers almost every post with derogatory personalizations.

Oh man, you can't even make this stuff up, lolz

The sad part is he can't see himself for what he really is. YA DON'T BAD MOUTH AN ENTIRE DEMOGRAPHIC.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I totally agree with you that extending discounts to seniors carte blanche is a thing that is now obsolete. I also pointed out some years ago on this forum that seniors born post depression are a different bunch than those born pre depression. I, myself do not need these discounts to get by but like everything else it's natural to take what you can get. I just pass it forward by doing stuff like contributing to the food bank at Xmas and other times.

It's a natural inclination for people to want to hold onto what they have, we react to any change with some skepticism.

You know I watched my grandparents, both born pre-depression, and believe me the earned everything they had. Came from nothing and built up quite a bit. I would not categorize them as wealthy but they had a very comfortable lifestyle. They were also fairly well blessed with exceptional health up to the last few months before they died. They also didn't 'need' these discounts to get by, and I can remember my Grandmother saying to me sometimes she felt guilty about taking some of them. For instance, the one prescription she had to take was Lipitor, and because she was 65 years of age she received this prescription for $2 after paying the $100 annual fee. Meanwhile my Grandfather, who was very much into vitamins and herbal rememdies, spent literally hundreds of dollars of his own money each month on those. Now I'm not trying to besmirch them, goodness knows they were exceptionally generous people who gave a lot as well. But when I juxtapose that information and compare it with my mother, who also was required to apply to the Trillium plan to pay for her medication while on MS (of which the costs were outrageous) and on a much more limited income, I can't help but compare the two distinct personal situations when acknowledging that they were both subsidized, one based on need and the other based on age alone.

As I've said, S.L.M. I'm in agreement with most of what you've said if not all, what I am in disagreement with is some raving lunatic hi jacking your thread by attacking an entire generation and characterizing them as selfish, greedy people. I know I lose patience quite quickly with people like Cannuck, when I should just laugh at them realizing they really for their own protection should be in an institution. I know some pretty fit "young" seniors who would take his head off in a Hollywood minute. -:)
You could opt to ignore those who wish to turn a discussion into an argument. But that's your call.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Yes you can, but you have to be able to back it up.

He only requires proof when someone else does it, he does it with only his opinion, peppers responses with personalizations and acts all superior.

Meh, he's just a run of the mill hypocrite.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

When you switched from "red negs" to "lolz" I would have thought the change was for the sake of improvement, but I can assure you one is just as mindless as the other! -:) Oooh I think I'm getting it, the mods advised you to change your M.O. or get off the forum. Your imagination knows no bounds. Hey, you ever thought of listening instead of talking? "Listening" doesn't generally divulge your stupidity. -:)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
That has what to do with your single mom living in a $2million home collecting welfare, which has what to do with greedy seniors, while you ignore realty affects on property taxes and values, exactly?

You're so all over the board, you're starting to read like MHz.


Btw, I wonder how people would feel about giving welfare payments to a single mother living in a paid for house worth 2 million?

Interesting that nobody has answered the question


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
What is "the" question?
He thinks all seniors live in $2million paid for homes and collect social assistance.

Either that or he's trying to vilify retirees with exaggeration and hyperbole.

In either case, it's something he oft sites as abhorrent in others, its' always funny to watch his hypocrisy come screaming out.