George Galloway 'beaten over Israel comments'


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
History forced the issue and they even put their own of the throne
as it were Scotland had its own identity and government and so it
should return. It is time to end the English occupation of several
hundred years now. You call it a union but its really an occupation
just like they did to Ireland until they fought for their freedom


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
So Galloway was attacked for his racist, inflammatory, hate speech, which incited racial hatred - one which led to him being arrested by police - and yet you hope Galloway's thugs get their own back for beating up Galloway's anti-racism attacker?

This is the REAL "non-racist" Left we're seeing right now.

Put it this way, had Galloway been a member of the BNP and he called for Bradford to be Muslim-free or blacks-free you and your other hypocritical anti-Semitic Galloway apologists would have called for his head, calling him a "racist" and a "bigot".

This coming from someone who openly endorses the bigotry and exclusionism of the BNP.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
It took a long time for someone to blacken Galloway's eye but I'm not surprised it happened.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Does Britain have the same protection to Freedom of Speech, like the USA's 1st Amendment or is it more like Canada with the CHRC??

I love how everyone equates Freedom of Speech as a right, but it's not. There is responsible speech.. for example, you enter an airport and say "bomb" or in a crowded theater say "Fire" - see where your Freedom of Speech gets you.

Freedom of speech by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UK Laws

"...contains in Article 10, into its domestic law under the Human Rights Act. However there is a broad sweep of exceptions including threatening, abusive or insulting words or behavior intending or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress or cause a breach of the peace (which has been used to prohibit racist speech targeted at individuals)"


Upside, he has a broken jaw.. hope it takes a long time to heal.. the world can do without his drivel.
Sure there's freedom of speech. You've only been given the bad little boy treatment a few times (time out) not banned


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
This coming from someone who openly endorses the bigotry and exclusionism of the BNP.

He's an extreme jingoistic white supremacist.. I'm not sure where he gets the gall to be calling people racist but I always thought he was either a troll or a terribly stupid person without a grasp on any self-awareness...


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Nonsense in an open society one should have the right to say what side they are on.
Perhaps many differ but how would some like to be beaten for supporting Israel.
This is the slow undoing of democracy at least what's left

What is left I wonder?

George is a good man, that's why the sionists and their stooges hate him.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
I'm not saying he can not go around a spew his hate speech, but I don't feel bad somebody kicked his azz..

"Of course, one cannot condone violence."

Why not? He does.

George Galloway Inciting Violence and Murder - YouTube

he was standing up for Muslim women and making it clear he and the Muslim friends around him wouldn't tolerate any violence towards them by the racist group EDL... this is incredibly ironic that you post this considering you keep saying all Muslim women are beaten and oppressed in Islam.. :lol:


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
he was standing up for Muslim women and making it clear he and the Muslim friends around him wouldn't tolerate any violence towards them by the racist group EDL... this is incredibly ironic that you post this considering you keep saying all Muslim women are beaten and oppressed in Islam.. :lol:

yup over 100,000 bodies... his words.

But you're a Muzzy, so I can see how you would hear it a different way.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
But you're a Muzzy, so I can see how you would hear it a different way.
You say that like it is a bad thing. When conversion alone is looked at they would be the highest.
Do your parents know what you do on the weekends?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
5 Reasons Why No One Should Be Glad That Galloway Was Beaten Up

I really hope my cohorts don't stoop to the depths that leftists do when they advocate and condone violence and vandalism today.

George Galloway was beaten up on a London street. As yet the motives are unclear, but apparently his assailant shouted something about the Holocaust.
Already I've seen people saying that they're not surprised. And that might be true. But we shouldn't be gleeful or celebratory about violence, even when it is committed against someone as egregious as Galloway. Here are some other reasons, beyond basic morality, why:
1. He's a sad, doddery old man
Galloway is in his sixties now. He can't be doing too well heath wise, I mean look at him. It's not nice when older people suffer from an attack like this. Especially if the rumours about him breaking his jaw are true. It'll take a good long time to heal, and will likely be incredibly painful. Galloway causes a lot of emotional suffering to people he perceives as his enemies, but he'd be unlikely to lamp an elderly person in the street, even if they were draped from head to toe in an Israeli flag.
2. He needs his jaw, and so do we
I reckon every time Galloway opens his mouth, he does more for the pro-Israel cause than he would like to think. I mean he's a Grade A loon and everyone apart from the leftist hordes that have nothing better to do with their Saturdays but sit in Hyde Park with a keffiyeh and a Hezbollah flag knows it. The silent majority of Britain know him not as a great orator, or a man of significant intellect, but as a man who pretended to be a cat on Big Brother. So let's be having more of him.
3. But really, we DO need him
One of the best speeches of the past few months has been Galloway's pro-United Kingdom speech, where he slammed the Scottish Independence campaigners. On the run up to the Scottish Referendum, I reckon those who want the UK to stay together will need Galloway on the stump, convincing his fellow Scots to stick with England and those other places and give Salmond a bloody nose. Ok maybe a distasteful metaphor right now. But really – Galloway can't do these things over the next three weeks if his jaw is wired shut.
4. It undermines 'our side' if we condone it
I've been intimidated at left wing rallies, threatened with violence, been sent death threats, and so on and so forth. It isn't something we on the right typically do – because we have morals, and aren't sociopaths, and don't need physical force to prove our points. And if we did, it would totally and utterly rid us of the high ground that we currently occupy.
We don't go into supermarkets and trash the places. We don't shout people down for disagreeing with us. We don't believe in a freedom for 'our' press and no freedom for 'their' press. And we certainly don't condone violence. The second we allow ourselves to become happy, and thus inured to these things, that's when we begin to lose the arguments.
5. It could have been a lot worse, and I don't want him to be 'martyred'
No doubt Galloway will trade off this incident for years now. I can hear it already, in his Arab-inflected, pidgin English: "Aye was brrrrutally... attacked... on the stritssss, of Lundun! By a rabid! Zionist! Imperiaaaalissst!"
It's inevitable really. But we shouldn't let him follow that with, "And just loooook at the reaction, on Twutter! They all loved it! They all loved a suxty-year-old maaan... being punched in the face!"
Boring, right? He'd love the martyrdom. And it could have been worse. Imagine Galloway had been beaten to death tonight (stop it)... he'd be a Saint to the left in a matter of minutes. Owen Jones would be on the TV talking about "his good friend George" and there'd be a campaign to have the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square dedicated to him. They'd probably build a Qassam rocket launch site or something. Yikes.
No. Galloway mustn't suffer. And he must NEVER die. Because that is a truly terrifying prospect.

5 Reasons Why No One Should Be Glad That Galloway Was Beaten Up


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Is that your new name, 'No one.'? Not very original and first glance it looks like the same side of the same leaf, like I heard in your last 6 posts.

What's with the watery eyes, in Glasgow and here it seems tearing and irritation is 'more' than in previous photos of him? Is he going Lord Monkton on us?