Quit Picking on the Republicans

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Kuwait - different Bush was involved and that was none of our business.

Regardless, the ME offered events that both Bushes and Obama have involved themselves with.

Need I remind you of Iraq, Afghanistan and Gitmo?

Solyndra- just another gentle reminder that it was Bush who started it. See my earlier links.

You only deluding yourself... The current admin needs to man-up and take responsibility

NOLA - again, see my earlier links which proved his order to abandon the city saved one million lives.

Would have saved a lot more and helped FEMA had the order been given when it should have.

Buddy waited until it was way too late... No debate on that one gopher


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
All Leaders have quite a few advisors . It's not like they make all of their decisions on all things on their own. It's kinda like FDR taking most of the credit for the New Deal programs because of course he's in the spotlight. But he had many advisors including people like Frances Berger. (hopefully I remembered the name correctly), and also his wife. And of course the right hated him and the left loved him. That's the way it is. We judge the person wearing the hat.

Eggs Zachery!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There is no question that some Democrats did try to stop Bush and that the impeachment effort was part of it. But that's because he started two needless wars that killed thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners, and cost us over a trillion dollars. Obama has never dome anything like that. As for executive orders, Bush did even more without right wing objections.

Afghanistan was needless... but Libya was A-OK?

Every knows he dropped the ball on Katrina though some right wingers here remain in denial. Moreover, some deluded right wingers tried to put the blame on Dem mayor Nagin and Dem governor Blanco for the fiasco even though they should have been credited for saving lives. Bush's response: "you're doing a great job Brownie".

Everyone knows that Obama dropped the ball in the BP Oil spill and Hurricane Sandy.

And Nagin was to blame for the lack of response... but like a typical Dem he passed blame to others.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Another one who fails to read posted links which proves his delusions are dead wrong.

But so typical.

So, you're saying that the mayor of NOLA was correct in waiting until the levies broke, the transportation infrastructure was flooded and damaged and any proactive measures like using transit and school buses to evacuate people was an impossibility - and then declare a state of emergency and evacuate the city?

Sounds like a perfect plan

With that being the case, what did you expect Bush to do?... Click the heels of his ruby slippers and wish he was in Kansas?... Dream of cinnamon buns and hope that a flock of unicorns would fly in and whisk away the stranded citizens?...

Get over it already... And Solyandra was all the Dems


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
99% of your link are lib links so why bother? They aren't saying anything you aren't.

The truth hurts - that's why you won't see it.


Meanwhile quick picking on Republicans:



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
63 Texas Republicans Put It In Writing: Marriage Equality “Could Lead to the Recognition of” Pedophilia & Incest

Last Monday, Texas Republicans proved once again that they have little grasp of reality when it comes to the consequences of marriage equality.

Texas’ ban on same-sex marriage was struck down in February, but U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia suspended the decision pending an appeal from the state. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has pledged to reinstate the ban, and 63 Republican lawmakers who are part of the Texas Conservative Coalition want to show their support.


Texas anti-gay leader’s wife leaves him for another woman

Mere months before Jonathan Saenz became president of the anti-gay group Texas Values, his wife left him for another woman, according to Hays County district court records .

The revelation could help explain Saenz’s seemingly abrupt transformation from socially conservative lobbyist to homophobic firebrand.

Saenz, a devout Catholic, has been a right-wing operative in Texas for many years — working on abortion and religious liberty cases as a staff attorney for the Plano-based Liberty Legal Institute as far back as 2005.

However, it wasn’t until recently that Saenz emerged as one of the state’s best-known — and most extreme — anti-LGBT voices.

In early 2012, with their divorce still pending, Saenz would take the helm of Texas Values after the organization spun off from the Liberty Legal Institute, where he’d risen to chief lobbyist.

With Saenz as president, Texas Values has led the charge against not only same-sex marriage, but also passage of LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination ordinances in San Antonio and Houston. In fighting the ordinances, Saenz has often repeated the debunked right-wing myth that sexual predators would use the laws to prey on women and children in bathrooms.

Saenz helped push an amendment to the 2014 Texas GOP platform endorsing the discredited practice of gay conversion therapy. In media interviews, Saenz has stated that same-sex marriage will lead to polygamy and people marrying their stepchildren, and suggested that gay activists want to put Christians in concentration camps. Last week, Texas Values filed an amicus curiae brief calling on a federal appeals court to overturn a district judge’s decision striking down the state’s marriage bans.
EXCLUSIVE: Texas anti-gay leader Jonathan Saenz's ex-wife left him for another woman | Lone Star Q — Texas Statewide LGBT News Source


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Conservative Poll: Women Think The GOP Is 'Intolerant'

Conservative Poll: Women Think The GOP Is 'Intolerant'

A poll commissioned by two conservative groups found that the Republican party is failing to win over women voters, according to a copy of the report obtained by Politico on Wednesday.

The report found that women think the GOP is "intolerant" and "stuck in the past," and that women are "barely receptive" to Republican policies. Women think Republicans "fail to speak to women in the different circumstances in which they live."

“This lack of understanding and acknowledgment closes many minds to Republican policy solutions,” the report reads, according to Politico.

The report, titled "Republicans and Women Voters: Huge Challenges, Real Opportunities," found that the party does "especially poorly" among women in the Northeast and Midwest.

But while single women viewed Republicans unfavorably, 48 percent of married women prefer Republicans and just 38 percent of married women favor Democrats.

Dan Conston, a spokesman for the American Action Network, told Politico "it’s no surprise that conservatives have more work to do with women."

"The gender gap is hardly a new phenomenon but nevertheless it’s important for conservatives to identify what policies best engage women and our project found multiple opportunities," he said.

The report offered a few solutions for the Republican party, such as to “deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion, then move to other issues" and "pursue policy innovations that inspire women voters to give the GOP a 'fresh look.'"

Crossroads GPS and the American Action Network commissioned the survey of 800 female voters and eight focus groups to assess where the party stands with women, according to Politico.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
The 5 Worst Conservative Memes Of The Week

After debunking a false meme posted by a candidate for the Florida House of Representatives earlier this week, I was asked why I didn’t do the same thing for conservative memes. To be honest with you, I thought that would be a one time deal – but since the Tea Party and conservatives offer up so much easy material, perhaps it’s time we start running a weekly column addressing the dumbest conservative memes circulating on social media.
To be fair, there’s some pretty dumb or false ones on the left as well, and we will address those as necessary. But it seems that when it comes to posting ridiculous, easily debunked rubbish, conservative memes have no competition.

Have you ever received those email forwards that tell you how people are putting HIV-loaded syringes on gas pump handles or that if you forward within 10 minutes, you’ll meet the person of your dreams? Yeah, that kind of rubbish that preys on the gullible or pulls on your heartstrings – and in this case, it’s in the form of memes.

Before we get into the worst conservative memes of the week, here’s quick little background on web memes for you. They’ve been around since the beginning of the internet in one form or another, and Smithsonian Magazine has compiled a list of top ten unforgettable web memes which includes “Chuck Norris Facts.” Anyone else remember those?

Web memes often serve as advertising, especially on Facebook, for pages which use them to draw followers which they hope to translate into customers or traffic to their respective websites. Out of all of these, the most famous is probably George Takei, although there are much larger pages which do the same thing. For the sake of transparency, we here at Forward Progressives create memes as well in order to advertise our site, as do many other sites.

Now, with that brief rundown out of the way, on to the dumbest conservative memes.

5. Number five comes to us from the Facebook page “The Revolution” which claims to be “The Best Conservative News Source” and runs stories from dcgazette.com and universalfreepress.com.

A "Missing" poster from the conservative Facebook page called "The Revolution."
A “Missing” poster from the conservative Facebook page called “The Revolution.”

The stupidity behind this meme is that it relies on the constant narrative that the President is always on vacation, as well as a shot at his wardrobe which is meant imply that he isn’t “a real man.” As Allen Clifton pointed out a few days ago, the conservative complaints about President Obama’s vacations (he’s on pace to take half the vacation days that George W. Bush did) or playing golf are utterly ridiculous. They’re even more ridiculous when the Republican-controlled Congress is on yet another break and has done little else other than to constantly attempt to repeal or defund the Affordable Care Act – when they’re not holding another investigation or trying to sue the President.
On top of all that, the image wasn’t even created by “The Revolution,” they just swiped the advertising for another site and didn’t even bother to credit them. So much for “liberals are lazy,” huh?

4. Number four is from the Facebook page “Being Conservative.” In this image, they attempt to blame current gas prices on the President, a favorite disingenuous tactic that you’ll see in conservative media from blogs all the way to Fox News.

A gas price meme posted on the Facebook page "Being Conservative."
A gas price meme posted on the Facebook page “Being Conservative.”

Remember, if you’re a resident of Bull**** Mountain, anything that goes wrong is President Obama’s fault. Conversely, anything that goes right is not of his doing – up to and including killing Osama Bin Laden. The stupidity of this image rests with the fact that, other than launching airstrikes on oil-rich nations and unsettling the world oil market, the President really has no control over oil prices. Oil prices are set by global supply and demand, and higher gas prices are usually indicative of an economy that is on the upswing. When President Obama took office, gas prices were about half of what they are now – because the economy was in a downward spiral. Shortly before the bubble burst, I remember paying over $4 for a gallon of gas and I can’t recall any of the conservative pundits placing the blame on George W. Bush – can you?

But hey, if you think the page Being Conservative is actually about being a conservative and not a front for collecting your personal information via the petitions from groupstand.org that they constantly push, then believing that the President controls gas prices is right up your intellectual alley.
3. Any time I want to see something really, really stupid, I go to the Facebook page “The Tea Party.” No, it’s not the actual Tea Party page, it’s set up to use the name recognition of the Tea Party to promote the ridiculous website tpnn.com. At this site, you will see stuff that poses as news that even Fox producers would decline out of journalistic integrity. Yeah, it’s that bad.

Anti-immigration meme from the page "The Tea Party" on Facebook.
Anti-immigration meme from the page “The Tea Party” on Facebook.

This image promotes the idea that refugees and immigrants come here for free stuff, not because they’re seeking opportunity, or because the chance of dying on the journey here is better than the certain death that awaits them back home. If you’re gullible enough to believe that this Facebook page officially represents the Tea Party, then you’re probably also likely to believe that immigrants are all lazy moochers who want free handouts but somehow also want to steal our jobs.
In case you’re wondering, only one person on my friends list “likes” this page but they also believe if they like and share that picture of the little girl in a hospital bed, Facebook will donate $1.00 to her medical fund.

2. This gem comes from the Facebook page “Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children” which uses a nickname for the United States Marine Corps to push their website for “The Best Non Politically Correct Conservative News” as well as sell merchandise, none of which has been approved by the actual Marine Corps. In fact, Facebook has terminated this page at least 2 or 3 times. But like a case of herpes, they just keep popping back up.

Crusader image from the page "Uncle Sam's Misguided Children" on Facebook.
Crusader image from the page “Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children” on Facebook.

Aside from the hilarious confusion the creator of this meme has with the proper use of the words “you’re” and “your,” this image is aimed solidly at the keyboard commandos who litter the comments section of Yahoo! with ALL CAPS rants about Obama and how he’s coming for their guns and freedoms. I doubt many of them have ever seen combat outside of a paintball range or Call of Duty, yet in their minds, the only thing standing between ISIS and Lady Liberty is their AR-15 with a Molon Labe sticker on it. Very likely, followers of this page still have “Benghazi” listed as their middle name on Facebook and actually subscribed to Sarah Palin’s horrendous TV channel. These folks are easy to spot online and in real life as they’re likely to have the skull and crossed knives as their profile picture or a bumper sticker on their truck at Open Carry Texas rallies.

1. The absolute dumbest conservative meme I’ve seen this week comes from the page “Conservative Lady” which represents the website GopTheDailyDose.com. This meme manages two dogwhistles in one image – the racist reference to Trayvon Martin as well as the Tea Party favorite rumor that Obama is secretly a Muslim.

Image from the page "Conservative Lady" on Facebook
Image from the page “Conservative Lady” on Facebook

Not only is this incredibly stupid, it is also unbelievably offensive. I’m pretty sure the family of James Foley would be horrified to know that their son’s death was used to make a disgusting political statement and advertise a website of any kind. While I have seen some pretty offensive memes come from liberal pages, I don’t think I’ve ever seen something as low as this. Racism, stupidity and the fact that it’s outright disgusting is what earns this the title of the worst conservative meme of the week.

The 5 Worst Conservative Memes Of The Week


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
This Week At The Lampoonist's RINO Flog

The Sanctimonious "Snooty" Marxists Unleash Their and Hate on NASCAR,

Tony Stewart and America & Apple Pie - Nailed the B.S. Trifecta

For the uninitiated, the Lampoonist's "Bullsh!t Trifecta" is #1 - Contrived [bullsh!t] #2 - Stupid - [the yammering of a blithering idiot] #3 - Lie - [propaganda].

By Tempestuous Fugh-It, Editor in Chief of The Lampoonist-American

All of a sudden, snooty media leftists, the social conscience of America that wouldn't be caught dead in the stands with barbecue and a Bud-Lite at a Saturday Night dust-up on the rural dirt tracks of America, have an abiding interest in NASCAR. They can't pass up the opportunity to rush their pansy-asses to a computer and take advantage of a sad turn of events to pile-on and take cheap shots at one of auto racing's "bad boy" icons, one Tony Stewart. According to one the few surviving relics from the coterie of Borsht Belt sports journalists who spent 40 yrs squeezing sports commentary through the prism of feminism, homosexual rights, racism, African American issues and Muslim theology, Phil Mushnick, rolled-out his petty biases stereotyping Stewart as a "macho shoot 'em-up, car racing version of a wild west gunslinger" He forgot brawling and the parade of hot hussies. Pssst, the main event or feature race of the evening at race tracks is "The Shoot Out!" Call his therapist!




Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Re: Why We Won't Quit Picking on the Republicans

Arizona's GOP Vice-Chair: I'd Sterilize Poor Women On Medicaid; Test For Drugs, Alcohol

Arizona's GOP Vice-Chair: I'd Sterilize Poor Women On Medicaid; Test For Drugs, Alcohol

by librarisingns

Former Arizona state senator, now Vice-Chair of the GOP in the state, and author of Arizona's SB1070 Russell Pearce says if he were in charge of Medicaid he would make sterilization mandatory for poor, unemployed women, and subject their homes to government inspections.
We've just become toooooo much like a socialist/communist country! Just look at California! Why, in Berkeley, they are given poor people medical marijuana. Can you believe that?!

And, besides that, it's all the fault of immigrants illegally crossing the border.

From The New Civil Rights Movement:

“You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I’d do is get Norplant, birth-control implants, or tubal ligations,” Russell Pearce told listeners on his talk show this week on station KKNT, The Patriot "Intelligent Talk" radio.
"Then we’ll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to [reproduce] or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job.”

Pearce, who is now the the Vice Chair of the Arizona GOP, and takes an $85,000 per year government salary for a job that was reconstituted just for him, but claims to be a champion of small government. His latest government job? Convincing elderly Arizona residents to sign up for government assistance.

But Pearce is fervently against government assistance, at least he says so on his conservative talk radio show.

“No cash for Ding Dongs and Ho Hos, you’d only get money for 15-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and powdered milk – all the powdered milk you can haul away,” Pearce, discussing food stamps, said this week. “If you want a steak or frozen pizza, then you’d have to get a job.”

People on government assistance programs, again, were he in charge, would be told they have to maintain their property "in a clean, good state of repair, and your home will be subjected to an inspection at any time, possessions will be inventoried."

"If you want a plasma TV or an X-Box 360, then get a job," Pearce added, not mentioning that Medicaid recipients are often employed, but live at, near, or below the poverty line.