Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Other than "burn, loot, and trample," we haven't heard too much in a concrete way from Hoodat.

Wow big surprise there. Actually MF, if you had posted that the Union was voting for Hudak, That would have blown me away. This? Not so much.

More people had paid attention a few years ago, we wouldn't be dealing with federal cons now.

Don't need or want them in Ont.

RCS has a valid point about the rift between the right and unions.

Wally is just a confidence booster.

Every red he gives continues to propel this forum in the direction he likes least.

Yes he does, MF, but it's an obvious point. Every con leader in Canada is doing their level best to get rid of unions.
I like Wally's reds. Like you say - a confidence booster.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Comparing Austerity Plans..........

They are calling NDP leader Andrea Horwath a right-wing Margaret Thatcher and Rob Ford clone. This isn’t stretching the truth a little. It’s outright lying.

In my opinion, a party willing to do anything for power doesn’t deserve it. But this is something for voters to decide.
Campaign left, govern right

Voters should also be aware that a Bloomberg analysis of Wynne’s platform reveals it to be anything but “pro-social”.
They say she’s a “less draconian Harris” planning the “biggest Ontario cuts since 1995” when Mike Harris came to power.

Which platform is more progressive?

PolicyLiberalNDPWinnerMinimum wage$11/hr indexed to inflation.$12/hr indexed to inflation.NDPCorporate taxesKeep McGuinty’s $2.4-billion a year in tax cuts.Reverse tax cuts by $760-million a year. Close tax loopholes.NDPIncome taxesRaise taxes on top 2% by $600-million.Raise taxes on top 2% by $600-million (taken from 2014 budget.)Tie$29-billion TISAP transit planSupport plan.Support plan.TieSocial assistance & disability rates1% rate hike.Index to inflation (average 2% increase a year.)NDPPersonal Support Worker wagesRaise by $4/hr.No committment.OLPChild careComplete roll-out of full-day kindergarten$260-million investment in child care spacesNDPElectricity rates 33% hike next 3 years, cut debt charge, 10% low-income assistance program.Cut HST & debt charge, plan to reduce rates.NDPExtended pension planOntario plan. Maclean’s: good for high-income earners, bad for low-income.Like other provinces, wait until 2015 federal election before proceeding.NDPOntario Child BenefitIncrease $8.33/month (8.3%), index to inflation ($1310/yr.)Increase $8.33/month (8.3%), index to inflation ($1310/yr.)TieStudent tuitionKeep 30% tuition cut.Keep 30% tuition cut + freeze tuition + 0% interest on student loans.NDPChild nutrition$11.6-million a year increase.$15-million a year increase.NDPDental care for kidsExpand coverage for 70,000 kids.Expand coverage for 100,000 kids.NDPHealth clinicsOpen 36 new health clinics.Open 50 24-hour health clinics, alternative to ER.NDPCutting ‘waste’$1.25-billion a year. $600-million a year.NDP

This election, vote on facts and vote on principle.

Democratic Voting Canada: Don’t listen to Liberal lies, compare platforms for yourself


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

Ontario Election Advice with Frank Underwood

Everyone needs help sometimes, especially these three

There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain. The sort of pain that’s only suffering. Tuesday night’s Ontario leaders debate was from the latter category: pure suffering. I have no patience for useless things.

Watching Kathleen Wynne get body slammed with the second coming of the common sense revolution on the right and hip checked with the crutch that held her up for 16 months on the left was a gory and unpleasant sight.

It’s high time somebody with authority weighs in on this Ontario election and gives these leaders the kind of grandiose, omnipotent advice they so desperately need. So sit back and relax and let FU show you how it’s done.

Kathleen, it’s time we had a little chat. Over ten years ago your government promised the people of Ontario that their taxes wouldn’t go up “one cent.” Less than a year later taxes rose and they haven’t stopped rising since. You said you’d balance the budget. Don’t make me laugh. You doubled the province’s debt. And I’m not even sure how it’s possible to throw a billion dollars away but you seem to have done it. Don’t try to pass this on to your predecessor Kathleen. You were there and the whole province knows it. You told the people of Ontario that circumstances had changed. The nature of promises, Kathleen, is that they remain immune to changing circumstances. The road to power is paved with hypocrisy, and casualties. I suspect yours will be next.

Andrea, you are like a lone tree in an empty field – you lean whichever way the wind is blowing. Have some backbone. Have some courage. You’ve taken your party to the brink of destruction. Infighting. Compromising of values. You are a disaster. You lead a party committed to destroying the provincial economy, and here you are actually making some sense? It’s pathetic. You want to balance the budget. You won’t even raise taxes. What kind of New Democrat are you? Like your followers, I have zero tolerance for betrayal. You are the worst kind of politician. A self-made martyr escorted to the executioner’s chair by your own party. What a martyr craves more than anything is a sword to fall on. So, you sharpen the blade, hold it at just the right angle, and then… on June 12th… 3,2,1…

Tim, you’ve really taken my motto to heart. I always say there’s no better way to overpower a trickle of doubt then with a flood of naked truth. Except Tim, you’ve taken it too far. You’ve trusted the people with information they can’t handle. People are like cattle; you need to herd them in the right direction without letting them know you’re sending them to the slaughterhouse. Lies. Deceit. That’s how you win the game Tim. Just look at the Liberals, they’ve been lying and deceiving the people for over a decade and now they have a political dynasty. I know you take a lot of pride in your manhood, Tim, it’s impressive. But as big as it is, Kathleen can still shut the door on it. The people see through your million jobs plan, and the loss of 100,000 jobs scares people, even if it is through attrition. People can be so fickle. Remember, when you’re fresh meat, kill and give them something fresher. Talk about The Liberal record, and the election is yours to lose.

You Canadians think you’re so cute with your constitutional monarchy. What has your governing system given you? Over a decade of Liberal scandals and wasted tax dollars and an opposition leader who can’t do basic mathematics? *slow clap* Well God save the Queen. I became President of the United States without a single vote cast in my favour. I am my own monarch. Democracy is so overrated.

With less than a week to go until the province goes to the polls, I have one final piece of advice for all leaders. There is but one rule: Hunt or be hunted. Let the butchery begin.

Ontario Election Advice with Frank Underwood | The True North Times


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
I like Wally's reds. Like you say - a confidence booster.
Me as well.

I like your posts nuggler and you are voted my most informed and common sense poster here.

Hip hip hoorrrahh for the nuggler.

Other than "burn, loot, and trample," we haven't heard too much in a concrete way from Hoodat.

More people had paid attention a few years ago, we wouldn't be dealing with federal cons now.

Don't need or want them in Ont.

Yes he does, MF, but it's an obvious point. Every con leader in Canada is doing their level best to get rid of unions.
I like Wally's reds. Like you say - a confidence booster.

Ontario Election Advice with Frank Underwood

Everyone needs help sometimes, especially these three

There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain. The sort of pain that’s only suffering. Tuesday night’s Ontario leaders debate was from the latter category: pure suffering. I have no patience for useless things.

Watching Kathleen Wynne get body slammed with the second coming of the common sense revolution on the right and hip checked with the crutch that held her up for 16 months on the left was a gory and unpleasant sight.

It’s high time somebody with authority weighs in on this Ontario election and gives these leaders the kind of grandiose, omnipotent advice they so desperately need. So sit back and relax and let FU show you how it’s done.

Kathleen, it’s time we had a little chat. Over ten years ago your government promised the people of Ontario that their taxes wouldn’t go up “one cent.” Less than a year later taxes rose and they haven’t stopped rising since. You said you’d balance the budget. Don’t make me laugh. You doubled the province’s debt. And I’m not even sure how it’s possible to throw a billion dollars away but you seem to have done it. Don’t try to pass this on to your predecessor Kathleen. You were there and the whole province knows it. You told the people of Ontario that circumstances had changed. The nature of promises, Kathleen, is that they remain immune to changing circumstances. The road to power is paved with hypocrisy, and casualties. I suspect yours will be next.

Andrea, you are like a lone tree in an empty field – you lean whichever way the wind is blowing. Have some backbone. Have some courage. You’ve taken your party to the brink of destruction. Infighting. Compromising of values. You are a disaster. You lead a party committed to destroying the provincial economy, and here you are actually making some sense? It’s pathetic. You want to balance the budget. You won’t even raise taxes. What kind of New Democrat are you? Like your followers, I have zero tolerance for betrayal. You are the worst kind of politician. A self-made martyr escorted to the executioner’s chair by your own party. What a martyr craves more than anything is a sword to fall on. So, you sharpen the blade, hold it at just the right angle, and then… on June 12th… 3,2,1…

Tim, you’ve really taken my motto to heart. I always say there’s no better way to overpower a trickle of doubt then with a flood of naked truth. Except Tim, you’ve taken it too far. You’ve trusted the people with information they can’t handle. People are like cattle; you need to herd them in the right direction without letting them know you’re sending them to the slaughterhouse. Lies. Deceit. That’s how you win the game Tim. Just look at the Liberals, they’ve been lying and deceiving the people for over a decade and now they have a political dynasty. I know you take a lot of pride in your manhood, Tim, it’s impressive. But as big as it is, Kathleen can still shut the door on it. The people see through your million jobs plan, and the loss of 100,000 jobs scares people, even if it is through attrition. People can be so fickle. Remember, when you’re fresh meat, kill and give them something fresher. Talk about The Liberal record, and the election is yours to lose.

You Canadians think you’re so cute with your constitutional monarchy. What has your governing system given you? Over a decade of Liberal scandals and wasted tax dollars and an opposition leader who can’t do basic mathematics? *slow clap* Well God save the Queen. I became President of the United States without a single vote cast in my favour. I am my own monarch. Democracy is so overrated.

With less than a week to go until the province goes to the polls, I have one final piece of advice for all leaders. There is but one rule: Hunt or be hunted. Let the butchery begin.

Ontario Election Advice with Frank Underwood | The True North Times

Well done MF!!!

I'm in love!!!


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
One thing for sure. It will likely be a minority.

Poverty in Ontario would grow under Hudak

A Progressive Conservative government under Tim Hudak would be a step backwards for poverty reduction in Ontario, according to a non-partisan analysis of party platforms for the June 12 election released Tuesday.

“All three parties made a commitment: they voted for the Poverty Reduction Act in 2009,” said Greg deGroot-Maggetti of the 25 in 5 Network for Poverty Reduction, a provincial coalition dedicated to ensuring all political parties uphold the province’s landmark anti-poverty legislation.

Oh look a Star article that is against Hudak. Another huge surprise. You never fail to deliver MF. :p


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
I tend to believe it was a simple clerical error. But with the Lieberals being desperate, they may try to make it more than it is.

Can you do us all a favor and find some place to ski tomorrow, please!

First you tell the world you know Hudak's job plan but will only knock one of Wynn's platforms instead of doing the right thing and telling us the Hudak job plan.

Now it's baseless denial.

I tend to believe it was a simple clerical error. But with the Lieberals being desperate, they may try to make it more than it is.

One thing for sure. It will likely be a minority.

Oh look a Star article that is against Hudak. Another huge surprise. You never fail to deliver MF. :p
Glad to see your back, I was worried.

I offer you my hand , an olive branch and a promise I will no longer challenge you.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006

Can you do us all a favor and find some place to ski tomorrow, please!

First you tell the world you know Hudak's job plan but will only knock one of Wynn's platforms instead of doing the right thing and telling us the Hudak job plan.

Now it's baseless denial.

Could you do us all a favor and just come out of the smegma pantry. ;)


Glad to see your back, I was worried.

I offer you my hand , an olive branch and a promise I will no longer challenge you.

Oh I'm not going anywhere Doc. I just have to work and pay the bills man.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Could you do us all a favor and just come out of the smegma pantry. ;)

Had to google that one.
Smegma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I feel violated now.

So we're cool then.

Oh I'm not going anywhere Doc. I just have to work and pay the bills man.
ahh it's still the Sleeper programming .
You would do yourself a favor and choose your online friends more wisely.

You jump through their hoops and believe their BS. It's unhealthy. They had some guy banned for typos that appeaered to be this Doc guy's. The Sleeper said it's my typo's that gave it all way. You buy into that. I don't make typo's, can't !!!!!spell checker takes care of that. So it's zero typo's, they tell you it's the same guy and you go bonkers .

You really deserve better RCN. I mean that from the heart .


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Had to google that one.
Smegma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I feel violated now.

So we're cool then.

ahh it's still the Sleeper programming .
You would do yourself a favor and choose your online friends more wisely.

You jump through their hoops and believe their BS. It's unhealthy. They had some guy banned for typos that appeaered to be this Doc guy's. The Sleeper said it's my typo's that gave it all way. You buy into that. I don't make typo's, can't !!!!!spell checker takes care of that. So it's zero typo's, they tell you it's the same guy and you go bonkers .

You really deserve better RCN. I mean that from the heart .

Nope it's got nothing to do with DaSleeper. It`s you Doc. I wish you would just come clean. I`m not a Mod here or Admin and too be honest pal, there were times you really made me laugh. Maybe Andem will cut you a break.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON

Can you do us all a favor and find some place to ski tomorrow, please!

First you tell the world you know Hudak's job plan but will only knock one of Wynn's platforms instead of doing the right thing and telling us the Hudak job plan.

Now it's baseless denial.

I have already voted as I will be on a company picnic tommorow. Thanx for your concern.

Wynn's platform of lies deserves to be knocked. It is outright stupid and will bankrupt Ontario.

I don't see your comprehension problems regarding Hudak's plan? Seems pretty simple that if you reduce taxation burden, more businesses will come to Ontario and create more jobs. But perhaps you would be better off with this link: Ontario PC Party - Million Jobs Plan

I hope that helps.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I have already voted as I will be on a company picnic tommorow. Thanx for your concern.

Wynn's platform of lies deserves to be knocked. It is outright stupid and will bankrupt Ontario.

I don't see your comprehension problems regarding Hudak's plan? Seems pretty simple that if you reduce taxation burden, more businesses will come to Ontario and create more jobs. But perhaps you would be better off with this link: Ontario PC Party - Million Jobs Plan

I hope that helps.
Is a tax burden any more costly than the Hyrdo burden? It wasn't taxes that sold Kidd Met on moving to Quebec


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
I have already voted as I will be on a company picnic tommorow. Thanx for your concern.

Wynn's platform of lies deserves to be knocked. It is outright stupid and will bankrupt Ontario.

I don't see your comprehension problems regarding Hudak's plan? Seems pretty simple that if you reduce taxation burden, more businesses will come to Ontario and create more jobs. But perhaps you would be better off with this link: Ontario PC Party - Million Jobs Plan

I hope that helps.

You see the problem lies in lucidity. There is none pertaining to an actual plan to create anything.

Sure he shows you a need, but it is simple rhetoric.

It's like buying something you need to build and they refuse to enclose the instructions.

People that do not demand honesty and lucidity from their government and settle for sheer mediocrity are a shameless lot.

I cannot vote for the Liberals for they conned us, one too many times this past decade.

The conservatives have only rhetoric, for he cannot give you a plan he does not have. It's perfect for morons, they have nothing to say when he does not deliver. He can keep the rhetoric up forever with these sort of people.

The NDP are getting my vote so I can look myself in the mirror and know I'm not some dumb *** sheep sewing my eyes and ears closed in order to stay loyal .


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
You see the problem lies in lucidity. There is none pertaining to an actual plan to create anything.

Sure he shows you a need, but it is simple rhetoric.

It's like buying something you need to build and they refuse to enclose the instructions.

People that do not demand honesty and lucidity from their government and settle for sheer mediocrity are a shameless lot.

I cannot vote for the Liberals for they conned us, one too many times this past decade.

The conservatives have only rhetoric, for he cannot give you a plan he does not have. It's perfect for morons, they have nothing to say when he does not deliver. He can keep the rhetoric up forever with these sort of people.

The NDP are getting my vote so I can look myself in the mirror and know I'm not some dumb *** sheep sewing my eyes and ears closed in order to stay loyal .

I find it amazing that you see rhetoric on one party when you fail to see the same (but different) rhetoric in the other parties. Wynn is full of s-h-i-t and spews it on a daily basis and Horvath isn't any better.