When following behind another vehicle, you are required to ensure that you have a safe distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you to ensure that you have enough room and time to stop should the need arise. Obviously the motorcyclist didn't. His fault.
Your an idiot. Remember Karma, she is a friend to people like me, for people like you. You are saying the man and his daughter deserved what they got, death? Why because they were on a motorcycle.
I hope the stupid broad gets life. I am sick and tired of the stupid ignorant no minded drivers out there and especially the a-holes on cell phones. I would have ran the ducks over.
a thousand dollar fine and license suspended,,,wow now that is what is wrong with this country and why so many people are out there doing stupid things. I bet she has no remorse.
The motorcylcist fault,,on a road with a curve, yeah he seen her ahead. Driving to fast,, with his daughter on back...not likely, and to assume he was is only making an *** out of the one assuming.
I hope she gets life in prison, and her cell mate is a biker...lol!
I think most of the comments against the biker and his riding skills comes from those that do not know what riding a bike is about. Also could be a few haters of bikers.
How was it that she was able to stop when a motorcycle with a shorter stopping distance couldn't stop. Also, how is it possible that a curve on a highway is so blind, that a person travelling at a safe speed can not stop once something becomes visible to them? Also. In a hypotheticall situation where visibility is reduce by road hazard or fog, why didn't the driver slow down so he wasn't overdriving his reaction time?
Have you tried to make a panic stop on a motorcycle????
I was wrong. Motorcycles generally stop faster than cars. It depends on which cars and which motorcycles.
So what do you ride Juan?