Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Clever marketing. Of course, it seems somebody was asleep at the switch.

I don't know. When it is that wide spread, it does seem like a pretty serious deterioration of journalistic standards.

"Native advertising" has been on the rise, but I never thought newspapers would allow it to take over their front page.


New Member
May 28, 2014
I don't know. When it is that wide spread, it does seem like a pretty serious deterioration of journalistic standards.

"Native advertising" has been on the rise, but I never thought newspapers would allow it to take over their front page.
These were "free" newspapers...


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
libruls gettin' nervous

They were in 2011 too but still won. Hudak isn't doing as well this time around. Sure, he can still win but if he does it will be mostly because people hate the Liberals, not because they particularly like what Hudak is offering or doing.

Looks like Im going Green this time around. Yay protest vote.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I don't know. When it is that wide spread, it does seem like a pretty serious deterioration of journalistic standards.

"Native advertising" has been on the rise, but I never thought newspapers would allow it to take over their front page.

Journalistic standards? Like the Toronto Star reporters sifting through Rob Ford's trash?

The press will do anything for a buck. Why? Because printed press is dying a slow and painful death. Expect more shenanigans before they go kaput for good.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Journalistic standards? Like the Toronto Star reporters sifting through Rob Ford's trash?

The press will do anything for a buck. Why? Because printed press is dying a slow and painful death. Expect more shenanigans before they go kaput for good.

Investigating public officials is a pretty important thing for the press to do. Everything they printed wound up being accurate and clearly in the public interest, so I don't really know how you could say it didn't meet journalistic standards.

They have always needed to make money. It is tougher now, but you hope they would maintain some level of journalism.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Investigating public officials is a pretty important thing for the press to do. Everything they printed wound up being accurate and clearly in the public interest, so I don't really know how you could say it didn't meet journalistic standards.

They have always needed to make money. It is tougher now, but you hope they would maintain some level of journalism.

That hope left me a long time ago. But you can continue to believe what you will.


New Member
May 28, 2014
I watched "Down Wind" last night.. A documentary on the turbines and the Liberal "Green Energy Act" and I am truly disgusted and troubled by a government who has so clearly stepped on a municipality's right to decline the building of 5 story wind tubines, some are located less than 100m from peoples houses..

People have lost their houses (property values declined), municipalities and general population have tried unsuccessfully in court to get these wind turbine projects stopped. People are getting sick from the turbines, environments are being trashed, migrating birds are being killed and farm land is being decimated...

The worst part is, talking about bad math, the liberals are paying wind companies 13.5 cents (for 20 years) per kwatt and selling the unneeded excess for 1 or 2 cents per kwatt.. you wonder why our hydro bill is out of control.

I can't even begin to understand how a person is allowed to work for the government on committees and at the same time be the CEO for two of the biggest wind companies who were awarded projects for 100's of million dollars...


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Question: Is Ontario the “leanest government” in Canada?

Analysis: Yes.

In response to Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak’s announcement Friday he plans to axe 100,000 public service jobs in the province, Liberal leader Kathleen Wynne shot back that Ontario is “the leanest government in Canada.”

According to the Canadian Taxpayer Federation, the Ontario government spent less per capita in 2011-2012 – roughly $7,600 – than any other government in Canada with the exception of Quebec, which spent $7,196.

Ontario did spend far more (approximately $122 billion in 2011) than any other province, but that makes sense: Its 13-million-person population is significantly larger than that of any other province.

Additional data from Statistics Canada shows Ontario has fewer general government workers and fewer health care workers, per capita than any other province.

Ontario election reality check: “The leanest government in Canada�? - Toronto | Globalnews.ca

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I have not seen one. As a matter of fact all I have ever heard is those silly Katherine Wynn attack ads.
Never really noticed them until you mentioned it: 1 inch x 1½ inch smile from the ad side I seldom look at anyhow on FB versus 2 inch x 3 inch sneering mug on every page from which I attempted to extract a scanner download that didn't try to sell me something "free".

Could be my pissoffedness with the internet product gimmickry


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
One more week and it will be all over except for the gloating on one side or the other........and the excuses on the other side....

I fully expect Hudak to blow it. He has the charisma of a rock. Sad part is that this will allow a corrupt den of theives back into power with a budget that will make Bob Rae seem like a good Premier.