Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Are these supposed economists the same ones who agree with tax and spend..??

All economists have pointed out the flaws in Hudak's math.

During the debate he tried to defend it by telling us his 6 year old daughter supports it.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
The truth is that she doesn't want to reveal that she will be reducing spending to almost Harris levels after the next budget.

It's bad optics during the debate so the focus on investments was a smart one.

Wow, Hudak got creamed

Poll after the debate about best performance:

Hudak -- 36%
Wynn -- 27%
Howarth -- 26%

Of course, you probably thought John Turner's federal performance in 1984 was stellar too.

I didn't watch it since I have already voted but the excerpts shown by media this morning were not flattering to Wynn. Hudak and Howarth had more sound bites which actually counts for the most for those who don't watch it live.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Are these supposed economists the same ones who agree with tax and spend..??

They are economists who understand what "person years of employment" are.

Individual parts of his plan come from economic projections, but the plan itself was cobbled together by people who obviously don't understand the individual pieces.

Managing an economy is a complex job where you have to make a lot of cost/benefit choices. If you can't tell the difference between 8 jobs and one person working for 8 years, you are going to make bad choices.


New Member
May 28, 2014
They are economists who understand what "person years of employment" are.

Individual parts of his plan come from economic projections, but the plan itself was cobbled together by people who obviously don't understand the individual pieces.

Managing an economy is a complex job where you have to make a lot of cost/benefit choices. If you can't tell the difference between 8 jobs and one person working for 8 years, you are going to make bad choices.
Absolutely.. I agree, putting a plan together with mis-information is not great, but how is it any different than every other plan put out by the liberals.

Don't worry the HST is revenue neutral, you will actually see the cost of consumer items go down..

If you don't believe it is do-able to create 1million jobs over 8 years, on average 125,000 jobs per year than don't vote for PC.. at one time in this province's history when we were a "have" province we probably were adding those kind of job numbers, now we are a "have not" province, basically on welfare because of Liberal policy....

As far as the "economists" I have only heard them referred to in the general terms, just who are these economists and why won't they put their name to their opinion?? I say opinion because, just in case you have not figured this out, ANY number or statistic can be "interpreted" in any number of ways based on what the needs of the person or group is...

TAY above claims the "Koch brothers" want to destroy government and Ontario, seems like they may already be in bed with the Liberals, and if the Liberals are voted in again they may just get their way...

People will vote for whatever party they choose, that is the democratic way, however when all you see is lies, innuendo and predictions (predictions are not fact) to "scare" people into voting a certain way (all parties are guilty of that), it takes away from the political process.. Leaves me wondering who is in charge of this province because I think they all need to go back to Kindergarten and learn how to get along with others...

I want to see and hear facts not fiction when it comes to a parties plan for our future.. Put your name on the dotted line or go away.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Poll after the debate about best performance:

Hudak -- 36%
Wynn -- 27%
Howarth -- 26%

Of course, you probably thought John Turner's federal performance in 1984 was stellar too.

I didn't watch it since I have already voted but the excerpts shown by media this morning were not flattering to Wynn. Hudak and Howarth had more sound bites which actually counts for the most for those who don't watch it live.

Hudak definitely seemed the most composed through the whole thing, but I don't think this really turned the tables for anyone. Wynn had a rough start, but looked a lot better by the end.

The main thing I was disappointed in was that she didn't go on the offensive as much as she could have.

When Hudak was pressing her about signing the document to cancel the gas plants, she should have asked him why he stood in front of a gas plant during the same election and promised to cancel the plant himself.

When he asked her about what she didn't like about Dalton, she should have told him it was a stupid question and invite him to tell us what he didn't like about Mike Harris first.

When Hudak told us how great his daughter was at math, she should have suggested that Miller give him some help with his economic plan.

She really should have tried harder to link the bad math in his Million Jobs Plan to a lack of understand of economics that would lead to making bad choices as Premier.

libruls gettin' nervous



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
A lot of people fall for anecdotes during debates but anyone with a critical eye could see right through WhoDaddy's scripted pandering.

Before the Tuesday telecast, voters who tuned in said they preferred the Liberals over the Conservatives by 37 per cent to 31 per cent. Afterward, the Liberals were at 40 per cent and the Conservatives at 35 per cent.

"While viewers may feel they have an opportunity to refine their choice of candidates, this poll shows that minds are not easily changed by TV events like debates and, if anything, anyone who takes part benefits from the exposure," Forum Research president Lorne Bozinoff said in a statement Wednesday.

Hudak 'won' debate, but may not win election, poll says


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Ontario election 2014: Wynne unveils 20-day plan

A re-elected Liberal government would bring back the Ontario legislature within 20 days of the June 12 election and re-introduce the budget that triggered the vote, Premier Kathleen Wynne said Wednesday.

Asked if she would table the same $130.4-billion spending plan — which would hike Ontario's deficit to $12.5 billion — even if it means triggering another election, Wynne dismissed it as a "hypothetical question."

"That will be up to the people who are sitting in the legislature," she said. "But if we are re-elected, we will have been re-elected on the plan that we have brought forward to the people of Ontario, and that's the plan that we'll be ready to implement."

Ontario election 2014: Wynne unveils 20-day plan

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I'm predicting pretty much the same government with near the same split after the election as before - only now Wynne will have proof of voter approval and Hudak can STFU with his Tory temper tantrums and spoiled brat pouts. Maybe he can settle into some ADULT discussion before a new (and hopefully capable) leader takes his chair.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
I'm predicting pretty much the same government with near the same split after the election as before - only now Wynne will have proof of voter approval and Hudak can STFU with his Tory temper tantrums and spoiled brat pouts. Maybe he can settle into some ADULT discussion before a new (and hopefully one with capability) leader takes his chair.

I can't imagine Hudak will be around if he isn't Premier Hudak.

Watching the debate, the only thing I really concluded is that I think the Green Party is going to do great this year. Not as in win any seats, but get a huge bump in their popular vote as people tired of the same old crap from all of the main party leaders look for a respectable protest vote.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
The fact Hudak wouldn't take part in the Northern Debate speaks volumes about how much he cares about the North. He was proud of his "fact" that as a former Minister of Northern Development and Mines, he already knew all there was to know about Northern Ontario. Even as a Minister, he didn't....