Well watching a show the other night I was struck by the statements of one of the subjects .If you show up at a medical conference and tell people that you don't believe that penicillin is an antibiotic, then don't expect to be taken seriously by the other doctors. If you show up in a course on relatvitiy and say that you don't buy that whole E=mc^2 business, don't expect to be taken seriously by other scientists.
And in case you think is just us big bad AGW proponents picking on teyh Galileo like skeptics, keep in mind that WUWT (the most popular skeptic website out there) says that the electric universe theory is hooey adn won't discuss it on his site. Roy Spencer--a heavy hitting skeptic scientists--states that he has absolutely no time at all for people who refute the greenhouse theory.
She stated one of the exciting things about science is finding yourself wrong .
the show and her statement were in no way connected to global warming or whatever it is now but I liked her point .