Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Premier is a tough thing to be when you're relying on federal transfer payments to carry your budget. I know a lot of old MTO guys who, in retrospect, found Rae Days a lot better than NO days

Yep; sharing a job is a lot better than not having one.

But not according to the right wing nut bars in Ottawa and on CC,. who would like to do away with pensions and public health care

Rae inherited a piece of sh*t and did the best he could.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Yep; sharing a job is a lot better than not having one.

But not according to the right wing nut bars in Ottawa and on CC,. who would like to do away with pensions and public health care

Rae inherited a piece of sh*t and did the best he could.
And conservatives want to cut down all the trees and put a power plant on every corner .
We also aspire to poor houses and chimney sweeps .

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Anyone who believes there can be a fast-fix solution to repair so many years of arrogance, theft and mis-management in Ontario should book their rooms now at the local nut house. Sleight of hand and selling off the silverware to artificially make an economy look good for investors just hid the inevitable. Building monuments to compete with the monuments the guy erected after he destroyed those of the guy before is spoiled brat vindictive politics. It's time to act like co-operative adults and reach workable compromise in government.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
The rest of us remember his disasterous years as Priemier.

Personally, I like Bob. He is one of the few Lieberals I actually trust somewhat. But he made a piss-poor priemier in 1990.
Memory fades, things go astray.
I recall Rae days. He wanted to keep all the public servants , they would have all their benefits and pension plans but he wanted them to all to give up one day pay and have a four day week.

It killed him with labour.

Harris came in and axed 20 or more thousand jobs.

Chimney sweeps got cancer of the testicles. Good luck to you.
yeah but if you hang their cancerous testicles over your fireplace it brings you luck.
I got em all over the place and found a dime the other day so it works.
Every room in my home has chimney sweep cancer testis hanging from the ceilings and lampshades.

drives the wife bonkers.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Hudak is a moron , Wynne is a lacky of the Liberal power base, and the NDP don;t have a chance in hell for people will vote for their logo.
no one has the integrity to admit that both the liberals and the conservatives are so much poisin that they can;t vote for either.

The NDP is a nightmare scenario but at least if they win a majority it will clean house in both the liberals and the conservatives.

Hudak looks like the product of a chipmunk who got raped by a squirrel

A ZOMBIE chipmunk who got raped by a vampire squirrel...............but, you were damn close.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Raccoon eyes/skullface in his photo op with Gil Moore on CTV news last night make me wonder about that ... or another illness in office
i saw him and thought oh man he looks tired.
Then realized it's all makeup, a choice for him to look like this.
It has some effect on people with a penchant for the idiot.
Something like"Oh he is working so hard , look at the poor man, and all for me and my middle class family."

He pretty much is as empty as you get. There really isn;t much of a platform so far, just his high hopes people won't vote for Wynne.

we're fukced no matter what.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Hudak really likes the Federal CONS Temp Worker Program.............

Ontario Tories dismiss critisism over use of Russians in ad

The use of images from Russia in an election TV ad promoting job creation in Ontario is simply the nature of the modern advertising beast, the Progressive Conservatives said Tuesday.

While Tory Leader Tim Hudak did not immediately comment, a party spokesman said he had no idea where the footage came from but defended the commercial as current practice.

Part of the TV spot — called “Ontario Working Better” — features Hudak himself touting his job-creation plan over video of office workers at a computer screen.

Another shot shows teens reading in a classroom.

Both sets of images, according to the Ottawa Citizen, are sourced from a stock footage agency and come from Russia.

Hudak, who is promising to create one million jobs if he can topple the minority Liberal government in the June 12 election, said Wynne “lacks the discipline” needed to focus on jobs.

“I’ve got a clear plan: affordable energy, lower taxes, less government debt [and] a greater emphasis on the skilled trades so we can rebuild the backbone of our middle class when it comes to industry,” Hudak said.


‘We prefer to be talking about jobs’: Ontario Tories dismiss critisism over use of Russian images in ad | National Post


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Tim Hudak’s job-creation math: 1,000,000 – 100,000 = 900,000

Admittedly, my math is the back-of-the-envelope variety, but I think Tim Hudak just laid out why he now needs a 1.1-Million Jobs Plan.

Here’s how it works: The Ontario Tory leader came into the provincial election campaign with a “Million Jobs Plan” that would create that many positions over eight years. Today, as The Globe and Mail’s Adrian Morrow reports, he vowed to slash Ontario’s public sector by 100,000 positions over two years. Which means he has to make up an additional 100,000 jobs over the following six years, or change it to the 900,000 Jobs Plan.

Mr. Hudak proposes doing this via corporate tax cuts aimed at spurring on business investment and hiring, along with other measures such as bringing down inter-provincial trade barriers. He would also try to cut electricity costs for businesses by eliminating wind and solar energy subsidies.

What this all shows – and, yes, this is an election campaign with traditional promises, promises – is that you shouldn’t throw numbers around.

Because what Mr. Hudak suggests is near impossible. He’s no more likely to slash 100,000 jobs than he is to create 900,000 more.

As our chief political writer Campbell Clark notes, there actually has been an eight-year period when Ontario saw employment grow by almost 1 million, from 1998 to 2006. And that period, of course, while it had its ups and downs, was nothing like what we face in this rather dismal post-crisis era.

The forecasts of private sector economists don’t go out eight years, but projections for the next two alone might give Mr. Hudak some food for thought.

Just last week, senior economist Robert Kavcic of BMO Nesbitt Burns forecast that Ontario’s economy would expand by 2.2 per cent in 2014 and 2.4 per cent in 2015, below the national average in each year.

He predicts employment will grow by just 0.7 per cent this year, with a jobless rate of 7.3 per cent, and by 1.3 per cent in 2015, with unemployment still high at 7 per cent.

“Ontario’s labour market performance has softened, with employment up a modest 0.7 per cent year-over-year in Q1,” Mr. Kavcic said of the first quarter of this year.

“While public-sector employment has fallen in the past year, the private sector has picked up the slack. The jobless rate sat at 7.3 per cent in March, matching a cycle low, but little changed from two years ago.”

The latest reading of the Ontario labour market, released today by Statistics Canada, only serves to reinforce the long road ahead for the province’s 556,000 unemployed, and the tough task for whoever becomes the next premier, regardless of whether they have a catchy name for a jobs plan.

Unemployment in Ontario nudged up in April to 7.4 per cent, with employment levels little changed. Job gains over the course of a year have amounted to 74,000, or 1.1 per cent, and most of that was at the beginning, not the end, of that period.

My colleague David Parkinson, who writes for ROB Insight, notes that Ontario averaged annual economic growth of 3.4 per cent in those eight years, something this province hasn’t seen in quite some time.

And he calculates that it would take compounded growth of 1.7 per cent to get from 6.9 million jobs now to 7.9 million in the next eight years.

Funny enough, that was the average pace of growth in the years leading up to the latest recession. Since the recovery began, though, growth has only averaged 1.4 per cent.

As Mr. Parkinson sees it, and based on BMO’s assumptions, employment growth would have to run at a pace of at least 1.9 per cent annually from 2016 on to meet Mr. Hudak’s target. And it hasn’t done that in a decade.

While a stronger U.S. economy and a weaker Canadian dollar would both work in Ontario’s favour, BMO's Mr. Kavcic pointed out other factors.

“While the cyclical environment is improving, the longer-term story remains a cautious one for exports and manufacturing,” Mr. Kavcic said.

“Relatively high labour costs continue to pose challenges for the auto sector versus Mexico and the southern U.S.”

I’m not picking on Mr. Hudak here. We’re going to get a lot of promises from the others before June 12. But the other party leaders may learn from the Tories that they should stay away from a catch-phrase with a number they can’t deliver.

(By the way, when it all gets going, I’ll be the first to know. I signed via the Internet up to find about the Million Jobs Plan, and, after asking me to “like Tim on Facebook,” make a donation and volunteer, I got from the Tories in my inbox: “It's time to create a million new jobs in Ontario, make energy more affordable, increase take-home pay and fix our economy. You will be the first to know when the Million Jobs Plan launches.”)

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Time Out
Apr 6, 2014

Can you please leave this guy alone.
He is going to give a million new jobs to Ontario.

what he is not telling you is he is going have all the kids in school peddling stationary bikes that produce electricty for the province in class. He is going to give them a free education in the process up to grade 12.
He's mr Greenjeans.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
I had my first PC robo call today.
I listened to a promise of a million jobs, better education,better health care, a booming economy, far cheaper electricity bills,
and some blurb i cannot recall about day care.

The guy is a genius where has he been all of lives.

Can he be both premier and PM at the same time.

The man is a genius, has figured it all out.

did it tell you he is a genius.

Anyone not buying into Tim Hudak is a traitor to their country .


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I had my first PC robo call today.
I listened to a promise of a million jobs, better education,better health care, a booming economy, far cheaper electricity bills,
and some blurb i cannot recall about day care.

The guy is a genius where has he been all of lives.

Can he be both premier and PM at the same time.

The man is a genius, has figured it all out.

did it tell you he is a genius.

Anyone not buying into Tim Hudak is a traitor to their country .
Make sure you're voting for your local statist so they can use your money to do things for you.