Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
She is no longer the ugliest woman in the race though.
Looks aside , can you imagine Horvath at the helm with a majority, !shudders!
There is no one in that provincial party even with a semblance of fiscal responsibility.
The fact she snubbed the grand daddy of all NDP esque budgets shows she is self serving and not the socialist worry monger she would have people believe.

Serioulsy , she would never have had the kahhunnas to even sugest that sort of budget for the people she so defends and supposedly works for.

If anything Wynne showed her for what she is. A gift that should keep on giving through out the campaign. Wynne will work it into her speeches and debates.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
In this thread we find out that deficit spending is inherently evil.

Except when Harper did it.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
In this thread we find out Harper is allowed deficit spending but no one else is.
Quantitative easing is a whole other ball of wax than just blowing money on programs and social issues not actually aimed at keeping the economy from free fall.

It's a tight rope best served shortly, and it's odd but you might have touched off a nerve centre.
Using QE as an excuse to spend like drunken sailors is not it's intent, but could be viewed as such by not so brilliant administrations of governments to come.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Fixed election dates would make life easier for everyone.

I was giving some thought to splitting all elections into two year blocks like many municipal ones are where half the seats are up for election every two years.The benifit would be mainly in contenuity. WWwworks well wih independents, not sure how it would work with parties. I hope it would force them to work together to do what is best for the province/country rather than the party.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
I hope it would force them to work together to do what is best for the province/country rather than the party.
They never work together to do what is best.

The opposition lives for the others' failure. When the government fails the opposition gloats.
All oppositions.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Don't be a pesimest. The object is to change the system to make it work for us, not them.
Do you think by posting that that I actually support this paradigm.
Look to the south of us and the deep divide and living hatred the two parties have developed in their supporters .
The parties get together after the election in the States and ask the people to get along, after they inflame them with billions of dollars spent on attack ads for years.

It has nothing to do with pessimism .

It's reality.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Do you think by posting that that I actually support this paradigm.
Look to the south of us and the deep divide and living hatred the two parties have developed in their supporters .
The parties get together after the election in the States and ask the people to get along, after they inflame them with billions of dollars spent on attack ads for years.

It has nothing to do with pessimism .

It's reality.

Accepting is the same as supporting. I am looking for ways to fix the system. Of course I have been somewhat of a rebel my entire life.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Accepting is the same as supporting. I am looking for ways to fix the system. Of course I have been somewhat of a rebel my entire life.

So what part of my first sentence

Do you think by posting that that I actually support this paradigm.
is me supporting the present state of affairs.
It's one thing to have disdain for the way our governments govern, it's another to think one should ignore the paradigm for one would appear to be accepting it.

Your being a rebel needs a tad tweeking.

Attacking reality and pretending is not really rebellious by nature but more fitting of a fantasist nature .


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Looks aside , can you imagine Horvath at the helm with a majority, !shudders!
There is no one in that provincial party even with a semblance of fiscal responsibility.
The fact she snubbed the grand daddy of all NDP esque budgets shows she is self serving and not the socialist worry monger she would have people believe.

Serioulsy , she would never have had the kahhunnas to even sugest that sort of budget for the people she so defends and supposedly works for.

If anything Wynne showed her for what she is. A gift that should keep on giving through out the campaign. Wynne will work it into her speeches and debates.

I don't think Horvath had a good choice. Support it and Wyn will say 'who needs the NDP. The Libs are doing it all for you'. Of course, she will say the same thing now. And yes I have no doubt that Wyn's strategy will heavily target NDP supporters.

Hudak should target fiscally responsible Liberals (the small subset that exist). Because they would be put off by the shift to the left of the Lieberal party. That may be his best shot at a majority. If Wyn's strategy works, it will decimate the NDP and give either her or Hudak a majority. I don't really see the NDP in a strong position at this time.

Of course, the campaign is only 1 day old.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Voter and party focus on debt is in some ways the wrong way to view it.
Debt for the hell of it is not in anyone's interest however debt for the
means of investment in things that will benefit society is a good thing but
it has to be managed debt and that is where governments go wrong.
Ontario has to get control of its current debt situation. The Province was
once the powerhouse of industry and the world changed, the Province did
not. They waited for the industry to come back. Wrong move they should
have been working on the assets of a trained workforce and invested in
new industry and a new revitalized training of its workforce to meet the demand.
Instead across the country we burden young people with debt beyond their
ability to get ahead and they train them in the same old way for jobs that may
or may not exist in ten or twenty years.
We have to go to the drawing board and discover who we are and what our
role will be in an international workforce
From there we the people provide the education and training and through a
supervised apprenticeship we would get some of the training value back by having
the graduates do contract work for government to revamp of infrastructure and so
on. The rest of our financial return would come from a productive and trained work
force paying taxes to support what we are doing growing the economy
In the beginning it would cost more but this type of investment would cost a lot less
in the long run and the next generation would not be burdened by direct debt.
As for the election? It is a tossup I just hope the Tories don't get in.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Whoever wins I suspect it will be a minority. A lot of people hate the Liberals, but Hudak isn't well liked by very many people either. This is probably his last chance to win as leader. If he loses the PCs will no doubt force him out.

I love elections. They're exciting.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Voter and party focus on debt is in some ways the wrong way to view it.
Debt for the hell of it is not in anyone's interest however debt for the
means of investment in things that will benefit society is a good thing but
it has to be managed debt and that is where governments go wrong.
Ontario has to get control of its current debt situation. The Province was
once the powerhouse of industry and the world changed, the Province did
not. They waited for the industry to come back. Wrong move they should
have been working on the assets of a trained workforce and invested in
new industry and a new revitalized training of its workforce to meet the demand.
Instead across the country we burden young people with debt beyond their
ability to get ahead and they train them in the same old way for jobs that may
or may not exist in ten or twenty years.
We have to go to the drawing board and discover who we are and what our
role will be in an international workforce
From there we the people provide the education and training and through a
supervised apprenticeship we would get some of the training value back by having
the graduates do contract work for government to revamp of infrastructure and so
on. The rest of our financial return would come from a productive and trained work
force paying taxes to support what we are doing growing the economy
In the beginning it would cost more but this type of investment would cost a lot less
in the long run and the next generation would not be burdened by direct debt.
As for the election? It is a tossup I just hope the Tories don't get in.
You sound very conservative grump why do you hate them so much ?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I heard Sheila Copps on the radio yesterday saying that the gas plant closure wasn't that big a deal. I believe she felt the same way about the helicopter cancellation when Jean Chretien ended up costing us more than and it would have to buy the new choppers. At ny rate, they will have the support of the people who vote Liberal no matter what.

Hudak needs to sh!tcan his politician yack and talk like he isn't made out of cardboard.

As to what Lothian said about John Tory. He would have been a good Premier, had he not allowed himself to framed up in that religious school malarky. The death knell sounded on his campaign after the Left and the Catholic School Lobby which is a pretty strong group boxed him in. BTW, I think Tory did himself in by not reversing his position until it was too late.

Ontario needs change, even if it is for one term to shake out this arrogant, corrupt, narcissistic, party. Ontario needs a reset, but I wouldn't be laying any bets at this point.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
As to what Lothian said about John Tory. He would have been a good Premier, had he not allowed himself to framed up in that religious school malarky. The death knell sounded on his campaign after the Left and the Catholic School Lobby which is a pretty strong group boxed him in. BTW, I think Tory did himself in by not reversing his position until it was too late.

Ontario needs change, even if it is for one term to shake out this arrogant, corrupt, narcissistic, party. Ontario needs a reset, but I wouldn't be laying any bets at this point.
As for Tory, you got that nailed.
I just think he wants in as an elected official so bad it is laughable. It's like a carrot dangling in front of him but as luck will have it.

Ontario needs change indeed , and methinks this one term option you are referring to is a NDP term.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
As for Tory, you got that nailed.
I just think he wants in as an elected official so bad it is laughable. It's like a carrot dangling in front of him but as luck will have it.

Actually, I can't say I agree with you. Tory was pretty off on politics after his defeat against McGuinty. This new bid for Mayor came after a very big push. If he beats Chow—he may not—Toronto will have a Mayor who will be fiscally conservative and still able to work with other counselors.

Ontario needs change indeed , and methinks this one term option you are referring to is a NDP term.

On this I hope you're wrong. I'd like to smack Tim Hudak around a bit, try and get him to wake the F up, but I don't think he understands how phoney he sounds. It's too late for a leadership call.