Ukraine Govt Military forces move against eastern areas where pro Russians have taken


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Oh I am surprised - Russia states they will intervene in Eastern Ukraine.

As Biden lands, Russia warns Kiev to back off - The Washington Post

MOSCOW — Russia warned Monday that Ukraine’s government is igniting a civil war in the eastern regions of the country, and it said that Moscow is prepared to step in if those efforts do not stop.

Ukrainian officials said Moscow has already stepped in — and that is the problem. Mounting photographic evidence suggests that Russian special forces have been active in eastern Ukraine for at least the past week, in support of pro-Russian militants.

But the Russian threats held out the possibility that Moscow will be on the move — and soon.

“Those who are deliberately pursuing a civil war, in a possible attempt to start a big, serious bloody conflict, are pursuing a criminal policy,” Lavrov said. “And we will not only condemn this policy, but will also stop it.”


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oh it is coming. The old Russia is what Putin has talked about. And that includes Ukraine and parts of other countries.

There is only one way to and from Crimea and that is through Ukraine. Crimea gets its water and energy fro Ukraine. What is the point in keeping the lights on and water flowing for Ukraine? What is the other option for Putin to keeps the lights on? Take control of more of Ukraine.

Only a complete and total moron would be blind to the fact he has no choice but invade and is going to invade.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
A head gasket.
It's pretty obvious you two have blown out your a.s.s gaskets. Kanada obviously has tasted blood via their victory over Libya so now as the NATO's most recent victors we get to take on Russia while trying to sell stuff to China, and you call me stupid? Perhaps we will wake up the wrong bear instead.

Confronting Both Russia and China 'Strategic Mistake' for US – Russian Lawmaker | World | RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, April 21 (RIA Novosti) – The United States runs the risk of making a huge foreign policy blunder by simultaneously antagonizing two major world powers, Russia and China, a senior Russian lawmaker wrote on Twitter Monday.
“For the United States, Russia is an enemy and China is a potential enemy. But the confrontation course with both major powers is a strategic mistake,” Alexei Pushkov, who chairs the foreign affairs committee in Russia’s lower house, wrote.
US President Barack Obama denied last month that Moscow was Washington’s number one geopolitical foe, calling Russia “a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors, not out of strength but out of weakness.”

Oh I am surprised - Russia states they will intervene in Eastern Ukraine.
“Those who are deliberately pursuing a civil war, in a possible attempt to start a big, serious bloody conflict, are pursuing a criminal policy,” Lavrov said. “And we will not only condemn this policy, but will also stop it.”
The people in the Eastern Ukrain need to be asking the UN for Peacekeepers, perhaps some that are familiar with the local customs and, perhaps the language as well. A member of the Security Council would be the best remedy and the the UN could be assured elections will follow the same pattern as is unfolding in Crimea as we speak.

The US and the usual suspects would even be able to dismantle their NATO toys in exchange for cheap NG and other raw products geared towards the production of useful items once Governments are sidelined in exchange for Governments run by referendums and all bills get a lot of air-time once the propaganda machine has been taken off the air.

What kind of harbor needs to be 75ft deep and cost $3B? (the 3 sq mi one off the coast of Gaza wasn't even going to cost that much)?

There is only one way to and from Crimea and that is through Ukraine. Crimea gets its water and energy fro Ukraine. What is the point in keeping the lights on and water flowing for Ukraine? What is the other option for Putin to keeps the lights on? Take control of more of Ukraine.

Only a complete and total moron would be blind to the fact he has no choice but invade and is going to invade.
Both of which are being restricted, a war crime.
Run some lines from Russia across that 10 miles of water, bring in some ships designed to be generators. How much behind is Crimea on their water and electricity bills compared to the billions owed on NG? Use powers of 10 if that is easier.

How much will the I*MF bill go up when no revenue is coming in from Crimea in the form of utility payments, just to suit the blood lust of the US?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Biden is in Kiev meeting with the terrorist who outed the elected President and the people dieing are from the eastern part of the Ukraine so it would appear that the US is the one that is illegally in the Ukraine.

Russia on the other hand is in Crimea by invitation at first and now it is like it is Alaska becoming another Province in Canada (Alaska is looking for a new home BTW) and we accept them as being fully equal. Do you really need this issue blackboarded out for you?