And The Internet Just Keeps Giving and Giving


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Phoenix mom who left kids in car during job interview receives $91,000 in online donations

By Terry Tang, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – Mon, 7 Apr, 2014

By Terry Tang, The Associated Press
PHOENIX - A Phoenix woman arrested after leaving her two kids in a hot vehicle during a job interview is fighting to clear her name in court, with the support of a New Jersey woman who has raised more than $91,000 to help her effort.
Unemployed and on food stamps, Shanesha Taylor went to the job interview last month at a Scottsdale insurance company.
The 35-year-old wasn't able to find a sitter, so she left her 2-year-old son and 6-month old baby in her Dodge Durango with the key still in the ignition and the windows rolled down an inch.
A witness found the infant crying hysterically and sweating profusely as temperatures inside the SUV exceeded 100 degrees.
Taylor was arrested after returning to the vehicle, and her tearful mugshot later caught the attention of 24-year-old Amanda Bishop of New Jersey.
Bishop said she was inspired to set up a fundraising web page for Taylor because she could relate to growing up in a family that doesn't have a lot of money.
"I had a mother and family in general who struggled raising us and had to rely on other resources to provide for us and sometimes made not the greatest choices," Bishop said.
Taylor pleaded not guilty Monday at her arraignment.
Prosecutors point out that her actions put the safety of her children in danger.
According to court documents, Scottsdale firefighters found the vehicle's windows rolled down only an inch and no running air conditioning to keep the children cool.
The baby was described as wearing a short-sleeve shirt over a long-sleeve shirt, as well as a blanket. Taylor arrived back at the vehicle more than an hour after her interview time, the documents said.
"Everything is focused on the mother and understandably so. It seems to be a very compelling human interest story," County Attorney Bill Montgomery said at a recent news conference. "But I'm equally concerned and compelled about the circumstances those two children were in."
Montgomery said it's too soon to determine if Taylor will receive a prison term or face losing custody of her children. Her offences could amount to a sentence ranging from probation to seven years in prison, prosecutors said.
Neither Taylor nor her court-appointed attorney has responded to requests for comment.
Bishop established the fundraising site on with the goal of raising $9,000. She was flabbergasted when the site reached the goal in four days and then exceeded it by tens of thousands of dollars.
The site also has received more than a thousand comments, some of which accuse Bishop and other supporters of endorsing child abuse. Bishop said Taylor should not be condemned for one bad decision.
"She could have been at a bar or at a club and leaving her children in the car," Bishop said. "Here's a woman who is an example of someone who is trying — who is trying to better her situation and doing what she can to provide for her children."

There is no way I would condone or excuse what she did, she was flat out wrong a missed job opportunity does not equate with endangering your children's lives. On the other hand, taking this situation entirely at face value and assuming there's nothing more to her story (no history of neglect, etc) to be facing seven years in prison and the loss of her children potentially just seems, I don't know, kind of harsh. Or is it? How many parents have left their kids in cars to go into a store, or a casino or a bar and she was going to a job interview. She was at least trying to improve her situation. In attempting to do a responsible thing she did a completely irresponsible one.

Can't sweep it aside, nor should we, but at the same time I hate it when the villain of the piece is not so easy to identify. I like my bad guys firmly mustache twirling, black hat wearing, tie 'em to the train tracks bad. This woman, while I hate what she did and think something needs to be done to ensure it never happens again, I still can't help but feel sorry for her.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I have done so for minutes before. Boy was asleep in car seat, I need to go inside to quickly get something. It was not in the summer though as I know it can get hot in a car.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
It's a hard call...yes at least she was trying to get a job...I don't know what the answer is here. Her babies could have died.

It is not black and white...but death is permanent. Trying to feed your kids is too.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Prosecutors have taken back their deal. Some supporters want their money returned.

Her private lawyers have quit. Now the civil rights activist who stood by Shanesha Taylor says he has had enough.

Civil rights activist Rev. Jarrett Maupin, who once led the charge to support Taylor, says he's done.

He says, after helping to broker the deal of a lifetime with Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery, where there would be no charges if she attended drug and parenting classes and put some of the money donated to her in a trust for her children, Taylor has "no follow through so our hopes turned into nightmares."

Taylor once again faces charges for leaving her kids in a hot car after saying she wouldn't spend $40,000 of the more than $100,000 she received in support money on her kids.

"The money is gone," Maupin said. "It's been spent. It's been wasted on designer clothes, Michael Kors."

"We want to see the bank statements because we see her in designer jeans, and we understand that she paid for studio time for her baby daddy's rap career," he continued. "I am flabbergasted by that."

Maupin says they have reports that Taylor spent $6,000 on studio time for the father of her children. He believes that the once-estranged father came back only after Taylor had the donated money.

Maupin says he couldn't be more disappointed in Taylor.

"I just hope we haven't spoiled that goodwill throughout the country because there is going to be someone else that is going to need help," he said.

Taylor was assigned a public defender after her lawyers quite earlier this week.

Her trial is scheduled for Dec. 10.

Read more: Civil rights activist: I'm done with Shanesha Taylor | Phoenix


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Reading both linked reports, zero sympathy for her. Send her to jail for the maximum and take her kids away.

Being poor does not allow you to be stupid.

This of course was my position before I read the follow up report which only cements my position further.

Seriously, she couldn't find a baby sitter for her kids for an hour or two? Then you ask to reschedule the interview if possible.

But chances are if she couldn't find a sitter for just an hour or two, what makes anybody think she'd be able to find a sitter to cover the kids while se worked full or even part time?

At the very VERY least, she could have brought the kids into the reception area of the place she was being interviewed. Still a hell of a lot better option than leaving them in a car.

And on top of all that she blows the donated money on crap, including some deadbeat's rap career.... Which sure as sh*t doesn't sound like much of a career.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Who was going to take care of the kids for two weeks maybe three weeks until pay day if she got a job?

This reminds of the fools who donated to Zimmerman.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Who was going to take care of the kids for two weeks maybe three weeks until pay day if she got a job?

This reminds of the fools who donated to Zimmerman.

I did some reading up on this and after all this happened she was offered jobs. She's refused them all.

She has gone back to the internet to ask for more donations.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Hopefully her kids will land in a good place with some good role models and hopefully she won't get them back anytime soon.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Phoenix mom who left kids in car during job interview receives $91,000 in online donations

By Terry Tang, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – Mon, 7 Apr, 2014

By Terry Tang, The Associated Press
PHOENIX - A Phoenix woman arrested after leaving her two kids in a hot vehicle during a job interview is fighting to clear her name in court, with the support of a New Jersey woman who has raised more than $91,000 to help her effort.
Unemployed and on food stamps, Shanesha Taylor went to the job interview last month at a Scottsdale insurance company.

I hear you, SLM.............. a very stupid woman with misguided intentions. She should get the minimum sentence required to get the point across!