Transgender student files complaint against Christian university


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
No he did not.
I know the instructors.
I listened to a CBC interview a few days ago of a retiring Saskatoon Police Officer the other day.
He had left school, in trouble etc.
Joined the Military. The PPCLI as a matter of fact.
He stated that the soldiers he served with gave not a whit to your color, religion and such. They cared about if you could be a soldier. No tolerance for those that could not carry their fair share.
They judged him on his abilities, not the other crap.
Yes he was Aboriginal.
Retired as a police officer after 30 years or so.

Thought you said he was Sikh?

and if he didn't need the lawyers, then why bring it up, stir the racial pot much?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I'm of two minds about this.

One, the person is transgender; anyone who calls him "she" or "hesheit" is way, way beyond rude. He is a he and always has been, nature just went and fked up and he's trying to fix that wrong.

That said, he's an idiot for wanting to go to this school. They have every right to dictate the rules of their University and if you don't like it, don't go, pick another one more GLBT friendly. Stuff like this irks the holy hell out of me.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Thanks for engaging, Eagle. This may sound totally flaky and dumb but...why do you think it`s the worst thing?

I'm of 2 minds about giving attention. On the one hand he is clearly needing some kind of attention. On the other attention, at least the kind he is generating for himself, is only pandering to a wrong kind of need.

She applies for a Christian school and is admitted as a Freshman. I am making some assumptions here but seeing that this school year is about over I imagine this is for the upcoming Fall 2014 Semester. Now right out of the gate she is saying she wants to be in the boys dorms regardless of the rules. She is a woman and the dorms are separated between men and women. She does not care about the school rules and wants it her way.

She already has lawyers working on this. She is doing this for the attention.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Let him live in the boys dorm. This is a person who decided to change their gender because they obviously were uncomfortable in their own skin.

It's also a person who decided to attend a CHRISTIAN university. I don't see why a Christian University should ignore its Christian rules just to suit its pupils. He should learn to abide by the rules, and should have thought twice before attending a Christian university.

I'm of two minds about this.

One, the person is transgender; anyone who calls him "she" or "hesheit" is way, way beyond rude. He is a he and always has been,

By reading the article, I learned that he was actually born a she. There's a reason he's a transsexual. And that's because he changed his gender.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
She applies for a Christian school and is admitted as a Freshman. I am making some assumptions here but seeing that this school year is about over I imagine this is for the upcoming Fall 2014 Semester. Now right out of the gate she is saying she wants to be in the boys dorms regardless of the rules. She is a woman and the dorms are separated between men and women. She does not care about the school rules and wants it her way.

She already has lawyers working on this. She is doing this for the attention.

Makes you wonder how the law would react if a student attending a private, non-religious college demanded that the school reorganize their curriculum, facilities and living arrangements to accommodate their individual needs in the name of 'Rights and Freedoms'


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
By reading the article, I learned that he was actually born a she. There's a reason he's a transsexual. And that's because he changed his gender.

Thus showing your ignorance of what a Transgender person is; TG is not just the "change of one's gender" but more than that. It's fixing a mistake made by nature (or, as some would say, God). It's years of therapy to accept that it's okay to be TG. Years of abuse to get past from family, friends and strangers. Saying it's just a matter of "changing the gender" is over-simplifying just how complicated it is.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
It's also a person who decided to attend a CHRISTIAN university. I don't see why a Christian University should ignore its Christian rules just to suit its pupils. He should learn to abide by the rules, and should have thought twice before attending a Christian university.

I wonder if this is the only school she could attend or the only school that would accept her.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I wonder if this is the only school she could attend or the only school that would accept her.

I doubt it. It is a private college so I am sure she had other options.

Makes you wonder how the law would react if a student attending a private, non-religious college demanded that the school reorganize their curriculum, facilities and living arrangements to accommodate their individual needs in the name of 'Rights and Freedoms'

The same way although it probably would not make the news. I am just picking a school but I bet if Ohio St. had this issue it would be strait out no.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Thus showing your ignorance of what a Transgender person is;

No, I'm not. Transgender means you have changed your gender. This guy was born a girl and then became a boy. It's as simple as that.

It's fixing a mistake made by nature (or, as some would say, God).
God doesn't make mistakes. There were no mistakes. This person was born a female. He should have been a female.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
It's also a person who decided to attend a CHRISTIAN university. I don't see why a Christian University should ignore its Christian rules just to suit its pupils. He should learn to abide by the rules, and should have thought twice before attending a Christian university.

By reading the article, I learned that he was actually born a she. There's a reason he's a transsexual. And that's because he changed his gender.

I'm not sure I understand why anyone would want to attend such a bigoted, backward thinking, school either.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
To get attention.

Sounds to me like this has many elements that the complaint was done on a premeditated basis

Of course it is. And likely somebody suggested it might be an edgy idea and they'd back them up. Maybe a squeaky lawyer. You know how they are.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I'm not sure I understand why anyone would want to attend such a bigoted, backward thinking, school either.

There's nothing bigoted or backward in this school. It's a CHRISTIAN school and its pupils are Christians who have no problems with its rules at all (except this person).

If you have problems with the school's rules you shouldn't be attending that school.

Just because one person didn't respect the gender that God gave them and then decided, for mysterious reasons, to attend a Christian school and then throw his toys out of his pram because he was made to abide by that school's Christian principles then that's no fault of the school.

It's a Christian school. Deal with it, like he has to.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

Undo your pants, and take a long look at the equipment therein.

That will indicate your gender.

Expect to be treated accordingly.

Full stop.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004

Undo your pants, and take a long look at the equipment therein.

That will indicate your gender.

Expect to be treated accordingly.

Full stop.

For some, it's not quite that simple.