they were once call service stations now no service and nothing but junk food
Thanks. Where have all the garages gone? How did they make any money at all when there was so many of them? I can remember when thee were half a dozen garages around here, now you have to go twenty miles. Progress? right !
In Canada remember the old Shell Stations with the rounded glass front.
Or the old White Rose filling stations? How about Royalite Stations
Its when there was a measure of competition until the big companies
bought out the little guys and screwed the consumer.
I worked for Gulf. I remember Phillips 66, Texaco, and a bunch of others. That first picture.
Look at all those employees.
Yep, well groomed lot and that photo was fairly recent, probably in the late '50s.
Only in America are petrol station attendants well-groomed and dolled up.
Would that not be a good thing?
In America it may be, where they like that poncy squeaky-clean image, in which some hunky, Brylcreemed airhead with a permo-smile and whitened teeth fills your car up before saying "HAVE A NICE DAAAY!" as you drive off.
In more down-to-Earth Britain, though, we don't care what the person looks like filling up your tank as long as they fill up your tank. Why make a bloody fuss over it? If some guy fills up a car in Britain with a permanent grin on his face before shouting "HAVE A NICE DAAAY!" he won't make many friends.
The Yanks love all that pointless glamour though.
Would that not be a good thing?
Thats because we got class & a good work attitude. Unlike britain where working people have no pride and are looked down on by the snots.
For some of them gas was just a side line, they usually had a mechanic which was more often needed as cars weren't quite as reliable back in the day and tires were much poorer quality, so often needed repair.