Costco -- the Bible is fiction


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Mustn't upset the Muslims, eh? Christians are okay to pick on, but it just isn't PC to attack Islam, is it?

Anyway, back in the real world, the fact is that the ten most evil teachings in human history are all found in the Koran. The size of the Koran is irrelevant.

Of course you are insane. At this time in the west the PC hordes never miss a day pounding Muslims with unceasing Israeli sponsered bull ****.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Waiting for the DVD


rigid member
May 31, 2007
Silence, heretic! The Dewey Decimal System was ordained by GAWD!

Dewey was a Yank, by the way. Seems Blackloaf hates Moose-lums even more'n he hates us. Ain't that sweet?

It does seem to be one his more endearing qualities.


Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
If the only options for categorizing the Bible are fiction or non-fiction, there's no rational basis on which to decide where to put it, because it has major elements of both in it. Many of the people, places, and events it mentions are known to history from other sources, so to that extent it can't be fiction, but it also describes many events, like the two creation stories in Genesis, that we now know are not true, so to that extent it's fiction. That's why in all book shops there are other categories than just fiction and non-fiction, not everything falls neatly into one or the other. In fact most things don't, the "Fiction and Literature" section in the Chapters and Coles shops I frequent occupies a small fraction of the floor space and there are dozens of other categories. Costco, however, is not primarily a book shop, it's a discount bulk goods shop and the book section of every one I've ever seen is a relatively small part of it and it's not divided up into labelled sections, it's just a bunch of tables with books all over them. There's some structure to it, the cookbooks are all in one place, current best sellers are all together, children's stuff is all together, and so on, but it's not organized like a book store or a library because that's not what it is. I'd bet the low level part time functionaries charged with putting the price labels on books had a very limited range of price stickers to choose from and didn't think much, if at all, about what they were doing, they just used what they had available. To think that this means Costco itself thinks the Bible is fiction is just dumb, this is a storm in a tea pot.

There is methodology to deer hunting?
If you actually want to get a deer, yes there is. They're very wary and not easy to get, you have to know what you're doing or you'll fail.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
since the bible has, turning water into wine, turning people into salt, parting of seas, talking bushes and snakes, the dead escaping sealed caves, etc., I would say paranormal/supernatural stickers would be more appropriate. ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Being offended by it isnt an argument against putting it in the fiction section.

Being offended by burning the Koran isn't an argument against burning it.

Of course you are insane. At this time in the west the PC hordes never miss a day pounding Muslims with unceasing Israeli sponsered bull ****.

I'm a big supporter of Israel. A great country; the only democracy in that part of the world, surrounded by barbaric medieval Muslim nations that need to be wiped off the face of the planet.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Being offended by burning the Koran isn't an argument against burning it.
There's Blackloaf's philosophy in a nutshell. Brits and Christians should be protected from offence, and Brits' and Christians' right to offend anyone who is not a Brit and a Christian should be protected and promoted.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
If you've never read the Koran, how do you know this little tidbit?

I've never read Fifty Shades of Grey, but I know what it's about.

There's Blackloaf's philosophy in a nutshell. Brits and Christians should be protected from offence,

Too right. It's about time we got the same protected species status that the Muslimes enjoy.

If the only options for categorizing the Bible are fiction or non-fiction, there's no rational basis on which to decide where to put it, because it has major elements of both in it.

As I've already pointed out, the Bible is considered to be a work of non-fiction.

Have you ever wondered why people are getting in a flap over the morons at Costco labelling it as fiction? The reason there is such a flap is because the Bible is NON-fiction.

No amount of whingeing will change the fact that the Bible is considered to be non-fiction and that Costco should not have put it in the non-fiction section.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I've never read Fifty Shades of Grey, but I know what it's about.
The funny part is that you presumably have read the New Testament, yet you have no idea what it's about.

Too right. It's about time we got the same protected species status that the Muslimes enjoy.
And also time that "protected species status" was removed from all who are not British and CoE. You've made that abundantly clear.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The funny part is that you presumably have read the New Testament, yet you have no idea what it's about.

I've read the Old Testament as well.

And also time that "protected species status" was removed from all who are not British and CoE. You've made that abundantly clear.

I want attacks against the British and the Church of England to be as non-PC as attacks on Islime.

As for the non-British and non-Church of England, what people say about those peoples and religions is not my problem.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
As for the non-British and non-Church of England, what people say about those peoples and religions is not my problem.
You support official, legal, mandatory discrimination against anyone who is not British by citizenship, English by parentage, and CoE.

Not that I have a problem with that, mind. I just want folks here to be clear on your positions.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You support official, legal, mandatory discrimination against anyone who is not British by citizenship, English by parentage, and CoE.

Not that I have a problem with that, mind. I just want folks here to be clear on your positions.

You support official, legal, mandatory discrimination against anyone who does not fall outside the WASP male section of society.

Not that I have a problem with that, mind. I just want folks here to be clear on your positions.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You support official, legal, mandatory discrimination against anyone who does not fall outside the WASP male section of society.

Not that I have a problem with that, mind. I just want folks here to be clear on your positions.
Seriously? "I know you are, but what am I?" is your response?

I rather suspected you had the mind of an eight-year-old, and a not particularly bright one at that. Thanks for confirming.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
There's Blackloaf's philosophy in a nutshell. Brits and Christians should be protected from offence, and Brits' and Christians' right to offend anyone who is not a Brit and a Christian should be protected and promoted.
You do realize that the opposite of that is already being forwarded, right?