Costco -- the Bible is fiction

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Nice of them to forgive me, though I'd be interested to know how you know they have, but I wasn't trying to disprove their existence, that can't logically be done. I was merely making a pedant's point about the inaccuracy of your previous statement. If there were no Nordic gods--real or imaginary--Tuesday to Friday would have different names unrelated to Nordic gods, that's all, and in fact in most languages, they do.
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Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
As you well know, the days of the week in English and western European languages owe their names (Latin, Nordic,equivalents etc.) to the ancient Egyptians who called the days of the week after the seven wandering gods (planets) -the sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. (Please don't tell me the sun is not a planet).
In more Judaic-Christian countries such as Russia, Saturday is the "sabbath" and Sunday is the "Ressurection".


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The Bible should not be in the non-fiction section. I, and many hundreds of millions of others, find the fact that it is, in that library, to be extremely offensive.

As for the Koran, every copy should be burnt.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Ah the old "If I like something, it's good and if someone else likes something, it's crap" school of logic. :roll:


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Ah the old "If I like something, it's good and if someone else likes something, it's crap" school of logic. :roll:
And anti/pro religious nutters are having a field day


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
The Bible should not be in the non-fiction section. I, and many hundreds of millions of others, find the fact that it is, in that library, to be extremely offensive.

As for the Koran, every copy should be burnt.

I was unaware that Costco was a library. Good on you for pointing that out.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
The Bible should not be in the non-fiction section. I, and many hundreds of millions of others, find the fact that it is, in that library, to be extremely offensive.

Then march down to Cosco and tell them to stop labeling your scripture as something requiring faith to believe.

Don't waste time on the labelers - they'll just drool out one side of their mouth as they tip their head towards the arm holding the label-gun as they ponder what you're saying - go to management... management in big-box stores are trained to make cool-headed decisions (like WalMart management's decision that employees not making enough to pay for a Thanksgiving dinner should not expect the traditional food-corporations' gift of a turkey from the company's bloated freezers... rather, they should troll for food donations from other equally underpaid WalMart employees).

First see if he's dumb enough to put it under "History". If not, tell him to add a new category to his stock classification system, and after he's fumbled with the buttons long enough to find out how from his assistant, see if he's blank enough to add a category called "Immortality". If he thinks that's too confusing, tell him to label it "Truth". If he doesn't bite, tell him to go back to basics, and add a category called "Gospel Truth"... and tell him if he puts that label on a Koran you're going to torch his store. Leave with a sense of satisfaction, and don't forget to toss some alms at the greeter on your way out.

As for the Koran, every copy should be burnt.
Hmm... well... actions speak louder than words, so how about if someone ships you a crate of Korans, and you do a step-by-step YouTube educational video showing all the propper procedures... you know... one page at a time while uttering a curse on each... dosing it in gasoline and using it as a molotav cocktail against mosques... hollowing out some pages and loading it up with C4 and leaving it on a park-bench for some unsuspecting reader...

To underscore your point, film it in Israel, standing on the Temple mount in front of the Dome of the Rock, and don't be a coward wearing a ski-mask like jihadists before they saw off an infidel's head.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Then march down to Cosco and tell them to stop labeling your scripture as something requiring faith to believe.

Don't waste your time on the labelers - they'll just drool out one side of their mouth as they tip their head towards the arm holding the label-gun as they ponder what you're saying - go to management... management in big-box stores are trained to make firm and wize decisions (like WalMart management's decision that employees not making enough to pay for a Thanksgiving dinner should not expect the traditional gift of a turkey from the company's bloated freezers... rather, they should troll for food donations from other equally underpaid WalMart employees).

First see if he's dumb enough to put it under "History". If not, tell him to add a new category to his stock classification system, and after he's fumbled with the buttons long enough to find out how from his assistant, see if he's blank enough to add a category called "Immortality". If he thinks that's too confusing, tell him to label it "Truth". If he doesn't bite, then tell him to go back to the basics, and add a category called "Gospel Truth"... and tell him if he puts that label on a Koran you're going to torch his store. Leave with a sense of satisfaction, and don't forget to toss some alms at the greeter on your way out.

I can't be bothered reading such silly, patronising drivel (which the Left are rather good at), so I'll just crack on with the bare facts.

The Bible is a non-fiction book and should NOT be labelled as fiction.

If this library had been following the Dewey Decimal system properly (which, obviously, it hasn't) then the Bible would be placed in the reference section in the 220 classification, as it is in the vast majority of other libraries worldwide.

Hmm... well... actions speak louder than words, so how about if someone ships you a crate of Korans, and then you do a step-by-step YouTube educational video showing all the propper procedures... you know... one page at a time while uttering a curse on each... dosing it in gasoline and using it as a molotav cocktail against mosques... hollowing out some pages and loading it up with C4 and leaving it on a park-bench for some unsuspecting reader...

To underscore your point, film it in Israel. Better yet, do it standing on the Temple mount in front of the Dome of the Rock, and don't be a coward wearing a ski-mask the way jihadists do before they cut off an infidel's head.

I'd gladly film myself burning the evil Koran, although I don't see why I should have to travel 2384.9 miles from Bolton to Jerusalem to do it.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I can't be bothered reading such silly, patronising drivel (which the Left are rather good at), so I'll just crack on with the bare facts.

The Bible is a non-fiction book and should NOT be labelled as fiction.

If this library had been following the Dewey Decimal system properly (which, obviously, it hasn't) then the Bible would be placed in the reference section in the 220 classification, as it is in the vast majority of other libraries worldwide.

Costco isn't a library, it's a store. It doesn't use the Dewey Decimal System.

I'd ask you to confine yourself to commenting on what you know about, but that would be the same as silencing you entirely.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
I'd gladly film myself burning the evil Koran, although I don't see why I should have to travel 2384.9 miles from Bolton to Jerusalem to do it.

Wow... so... if you were to open a P/O box in Bolton and tell people the box number, and people were to ship you Korans, you'd litteraly stand in front of a video camera and burn Korans, and then post it on YouTube?

Why don't you just man-up and tell your family you've been diagnosed with terminal cancer and that you're looking for a way to die quickly in a blaze of evangelical martyrdom?

By all means, go ahead. You'd get nominated for a Darwin Award... which might be post-humously embarrasing given how you probably don't believe Darwin's teachings.

Darwin Awards. Homo sapiens decline; Neo Sapiens rise! February 2013


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Costco isn't a library, it's a store. It doesn't use the Dewey Decimal System.

"Costco" should take the Bible out of the fiction bit and place it in a more appropriate non-fiction bit where it belongs.

But I shan't hold my breath. It's obviously got your lot working for it.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Geez... well... if you want to fold some patriotism into it, inform Homeland Security that you want to be Al Quieda-bait, and let them surround you with snipers to pick off wild suicide-bomb encased jihadists rushing towards you sitting on a fold-out chair in the middle of a stadium.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Wow... so... if you were to open a P/O box in Bolton and tell people the box number, and people were to ship you Korans, you'd litteraly stand in front of a video camera and burn Korans, and then post it on YouTube?

Why don't you just man-up and tell your family you've been diagnosed with terminal cancer and that you're looking for a way to die quickly in a blaze of evangelical martyrdom?

By all means, go ahead. You'd get nominated for a Darwin Award... which might be post-humously embarrasing given how you probably don't believe Darwin's teachings.

Darwin Awards. Homo sapiens decline; Neo Sapiens rise! February 2013

The fact that Muslims are violent, maniacal thugs who get violent just when a mere book is burnt is not my fault. They should learn to be more tolerant. Or is it only Christians who have to tolerate the disrespect of their religious book?


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
The fact that Muslims are violent, maniacal thugs who get violent just when a mere book is burnt is not my fault. They should learn to be more tolerant.

Yeah... tolerant like an evangelical seeing the Bible labeled as fiction.

What's more damaging? Burning a book of scriptures, or mislabeling it?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Yeah... tolerant like an evangelical seeing the Bible labeled as fiction.

What's more damaging? Burning a book of scriptures, or mislabeling it?

Costco is the one who mislabelled the Bible. It's labelled a book of non-fiction as fiction. There's a reason why Bibles are placed in the reference section in libraries and not in the non-fiction section.

The Bible is non-fiction, and no amount of whining on this thread by out-of-touch, anti-religious liberals will change that fact.

It's a sticker.

I'd beat you up for sh*t you've said and I'm not Muzzie.

And the sad fact is, you'd agree with me had I said such things about Christians.

We musn't upset the Muslims, though, have we?


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Costco is the one who mislabelled the Bible. It's labelled a book of non-fiction as fiction. There's a reason why Bibles are placed in the reference section in libraries and not in the non-fiction section.

The Bible is non-fiction, and no amount of whining on this thread by out-of-touch, anti-religious liberals will change that fact.

You didn't answer the question.

What's worse? Burning a book of scriptures, or mislabeling it?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You didn't answer the question.

What's worse? Burning a book of scriptures, or mislabeling it?

Mislabelling the Bible is worse than burning the Koran. The Koran is just a book, and anyone should have the right to burn it. After all, it's just fiction, isn't it? The Koran is just fairytale nonsense.

However, ALL books should be labelled properly in a bookshop.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The Bible should not be in the non-fiction section. I, and many hundreds of millions of others, find the fact that it is, in that library, to be extremely offensive.

As for the Koran, every copy should be burnt.

How very christian of you.
BTW Costco is a store.