You keep saying that, and though I agree, he is his own worst enemy, the hounds have been at his heels since day one. While greater acts of political corruption go by without even a remotely equal amount of energy expended.
That just smells to me. It smacks of yellow journalism and partisan politics.
Ford is hounded by the media because he has refused to speak with them in a normal fashion.
It is the media's job to hold our government to account. When a leader ducks the media, they can't just sit back and do nothing.
People act as if the media ignores other issues like the senate or the gas plants, but both of those issues received tons of media coverage. They just had competent people managing the fallout. The offending senators were turfed without pay. McGunity resigned. It isn't over, but they are limiting the daily fodder they hand the media.
By contrast, Ford refuses to listen to any sound advice on how to deal with the media. When that plan fails, he just complains that the media is being mean to him, but he has nobody to blame but himself.
BTW, how can it be yellow journalism if pretty much everything they were reporting about him actually turned out to be true?
There's a figurative civil war going on down here. Both sides will use any ammunition available. No one is blameless.
Lets be honest. This is one man using all his power to insist that his personal problems are drag the whole city down with him.