Merger of the Century: Why Canada and America Should Become One Country


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Is a Canada-U.S. merger the cure for ‘creeping takeover’ by the world's big players?

Veteran National Post columnist Diane Francis has written 10 books. Merger of the Century: Why Canada and America Should Become One Country is easily her most ambitious.

Perhaps a little too ambitious, many readers might conclude.

It is also, in a way, her most personal. As an American-born dual citizen, Ms. Francis writes passionately about the many historical and cultural ties that bind her ancestral and adopted countries. Merger of the Century makes the case for erasing the formal distinction between the two entirely. “After all, we’re both melting-pot societies,” she says. So why not turn the whole continent north of the Rio Grande into the world’s biggest pot?


Jonathan Kay: Diane Francis’ plan to merge Canada and the United States has many, many problems | National Post


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Not a chance in hell. We should give up our sovereignty I don't think so
Dual citizen indeed but I am a citizen of one nation Canada and I want to
keep it that way.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Merger proposal: The United States of North America - Canadian Business



Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
America, is like a rotten Canada.

Where always 20 years less fu-cked up then they are, but will always eventually get there.


Electoral Member
Dec 15, 2005
BC interior
Not a chance in hell. We should give up our sovereignty I don't think so
Dual citizen indeed but I am a citizen of one nation Canada and I want to
keep it that way.
I entirely agree and I am a dual citizen. We immigrated here in '69 and became citizens in '75 for a lot of good reasons and certainly don't want to lose the benefits of Canadian citizenship nor be submerged in their gun-crazy, free-for-all capitalism.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
The 'merge' is happening a lot cheaper via Corporate takeovers and Conservative weakened investment rules.

And the Americans don't have to pay a whack of money to us (the citizens) just a small amount to select Politicians to change the rules.

Before NAFTA we had something called The Auto Pact which covered all aspects of manufacturing, which is why Canada had so many American manufacturers here. Most were just across the border which resulted in the Golden Horseshoe around Lake Ontario.

It was Golden because of the employment opportunities for Canadians.

The basis of the Auto Pact was that if you wanted to sell cars or appliances or whatever product in Canada you could avoid duties (to an extent) if you manufactured 51% of that product in Canada. If that was the case you could export the remaining 49% at a lower or zero tariff.

I have read and listened to Diane Francis for a long time and I could not count at the number of times she just marvelled and praised Canada Health Care system as being so superior to America's mess.

And no one should forget that she is a 'pro business' writer first, human second.

Maybe someone should write a story on why we should amalgamate with say a Scandinavian Country with all of it's social values instead of joining one with none.

But no, I don't want an American merge 'legislatively'.

The American mindset is a scary one from it's schadenfreudeattitude of most Politicians and the majority of Corporate leaders to the militarization of it's police and it's world status plus everything else that wrong down there, no, I don't want my kids or grandkids to have to experience that.

The 'Ugly American' still rings true...........

The Ugly American is mandatory reading for the citizens of a participatory democracy, in terms of understanding the mistake of the past and in order to prevent their repetition in the future.

The Ugly American

Dam, I almost forgot about TPP.............

A Corporate Coup of a Different Order: The Growing Resistance to the Trans-Pacific Partnership

If the TPP only concerned trade—imports tariffs and exports quotas, for example—perhaps citizens and elected officials would not be so alarmed by the lack of transparency. But as Sharon Treat, a member of Maine’s House of Representatives, explains to Toward Freedom,“These agreements cover soup to nuts: you’re talking about everything from financial regulations to environmental regulations to labor policies to, well, everything.” Treat is a member of one of 28 committees that are granted access to portions of the TPP’s negotiating text, ostensibly as a way for officials to receive public input; however, the vast majority of those who sit on the committees, more than 600 individuals, are corporate executives and lobbyists. She went on, saying, “I know more about this sort of thing than the average person, yet I’ve been taken aback by some of what I’ve learned in terms of how these agreements reach into everything and could potentially overturn many of the laws and regulations that protect public health and the environment.”


A Corporate Coup of a Different Order: The Growing Resistance to the Trans-Pacific Partnership


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Well because of NAFTA in Smiths Falls Hershey closed it's doors and took 500 Canadian jobs to Mexico..

I guess NAFTA is great for the Liberals because they get to redistribute wealth around the world, and it's great for Big Corporations because the top 1% can get richer off the middle class while exploiting the very poor.

When is a politician with some balls is going to scape NAFTA before the middle class disappears.

Lou Dobbs Tonight "NAFTA Superhighway" - YouTube


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I would move!

I have zero desire to have their problems overwhelm us like a tidal wave. People that like that type of gun toting, everyone for themselves mentality should just move a few feet to the border and hop over permanently. Let the rest of us continue on with our moron Prime Ministers that we keep electing.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
I am not sure the people in the USA are ready to be the eleventh province of a Greater Canada with a prime minister, parliamentary democracy, and peace, order, and good government.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I am not sure the people in the USA are ready to be the eleventh province of a Greater Canada with a prime minister, parliamentary democracy, and peace, order, and good government.
I think you need to purple the good government part...otherwise ya got it. :D


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I am not sure the people in the USA are ready to be the eleventh province of a Greater Canada with a prime minister, parliamentary democracy, and peace, order, and good government.

They should start thinking about giving Britain back the 13 original colonies before they start thinking about becoming part of Canada.