Neil Young calls Fort McMurray oilsands 'a wasteland'


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Everything?.. Are Alberta's oilsands (extraction, production, et al) the only affect that humanity has on the planet?
No. What does that have to do with the environmental degradation caused by exploitation of the oil sands, the benefits derived, and possible ameliorative measures?

Did you actually look into what it takes to produce cement?
No, because it's not relevant to the topic.

Admit it... You were on the verge of an aneurysm
Been there, done that. Ain't no big thing.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Chris Byrne, a DJ at Fort McMurray radio station Rock 97.9, said they were
starting a "No Neil" day and promoting the #notawasteland hashtag on

Right.. when lesbian vegan kd lang started her anti-meat campaign in Alberta cattle country, where she's from.. i remember a radio station there giving out 2 20 ounce T Bone Steaks, plump, fresh and ready to sizzle of the BBQ for the first person to call in every time a kd song was played.

Maybe Rock 97.9 should offer a grand prize of red 2014 415hp.. Corvette Coupe.. for people who call in every time Southern Man is played. Heck.. i'd call in for that... and burn through some of that good ol' Alberta crude.

It certainly better than starving in the depopulated eco-utopia of radical environmentalist dreams.
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Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Neil Young probably doesn't know if his a$$ is punched or bored, but the Tar Sands are a dirty, filthy, smelly, eyesore. You can smell the tar sands from forty miles away. The tar sands people could clean up their act a lot by just being less sloppy. The tar sands are a mixture of heavy oil, some kind of tar, and dirt. The big trucks track the sh-t for miles. Granted, there is a lot of oil there but we have to use a bit of common sense....a lot of common sense.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Progress is degrading youre life support system? Progress is making the planet unihabitable for your grandchildren? You can't eat money or oil.

And the argument that the oil was always there is just plain stupid. There were bison, deer, moose, wolves and all manner of wildlife where there is now and unihaibitable wasteland. Humans are not the only species on this planet but they are the only species that is destroying it. We are a blight on the planet and the sooner we kill ourselves off, the better it will be for the rest of the species.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Neil Young probably doesn't know if his a$$ is punched or bored, but the Tar Sands are a dirty, filthy, smelly, eyesore. You can smell the tar sands from forty miles away. The tar sands people could clean up their act a lot by just being less sloppy. The tar sands are a mixture of heavy oil, some kind of tar, and dirt. The big trucks track the sh-t for miles. Granted, there is a lot of oil there but we have to use a bit of common sense....a lot of common sense.
There isn't a drop of tar and you can't smell it from 4 miles let alone 40.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Diamonds, gold, oil, logging, you name it...some whiny little group will always cry tears of's their job. Some of them get paid pretty well too.

Anyway, cry moar, I don't care.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
There isn't a drop of tar and you can't smell it from 4 miles let alone 40.

B.S. Pete
I worked for GCOS for about three years in fort mac in the late sixties. I know what a smelly mess it was. I hope they've improved the way do things but it was still a bloody eyesore five years ago.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
45 years ago? Yeah, things have come a long way in 45 years.

It's just like a any other clear but the oil is removed and forest replanted.

The trees replanted 45 years ago have been harvested again once again and in another 5 years harvested again. White spruce, poplar and birch grow like weeds and can be harvested in 20-25 years.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Seems like all the aging celebrities are making waves on this and other issues.

Gotta wonder if Neil is planning on releasing a new album in the near future... No doubt, all of the proceeds will go to saving Mother Gaia

In Neil's defence, he didn't exactly wait until he got old to make waves. "Look at Mother Nature on the run, in the 1970's"

He's right--the oils sands do look like a moonscape. He's probably way overstating the associated health impacts though, based on the research I've seen, anyways.

As far as celebrities shiming in on these issues, I remember an old Dave Berg "Lighter Side of..." panel. A hippie guy going "all these cars, and machines, and modcons and actories and smoke and pollution...I don't need any of that. All I need is my trusty old guitar....and a plug for my amp."


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Right.. when lesbian vegan kd lang started her anti-meat campaign in Alberta cattle country, where she's from.. i remember a radio station there giving out 2 20 ounce T Bone Steaks, plump, fresh and ready to sizzle of the BBQ for the first person to call in every time a kd song was played.

Indeed. That sort of reaction is quite childish.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Neil Young isn't much of a Canadian. He lives in Northern California where the palm trees meet the redwoods.

Still a Canadian citizen. He has never even attempted to change that. Still uses the Canadian passport as well.

Well I hope Neil Young will remember... the McMurray man don't need him around anyhow.

ha. Written in fun. Lynyrd Skynyrd's singer was buried in a Neil Young t-shirt.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
In Neil's defence, he didn't exactly wait until he got old to make waves. "Look at Mother Nature on the run, in the 1970's"

He's right--the oils sands do look like a moonscape. He's probably way overstating the associated health impacts though, based on the research I've seen, anyways.

I've heard thatbabout clearcuts too from the uninformed. But then so does a freshly ploughed field. Trees just have a longer crop cycle.
I have been to a couple of abandoned minesites that to the best of my knowlege have never had any real treatment done as they were closed in the late sixyies, early seventies. Been there off and on since 1977 and they were a moon scape then. Trees and brush are growing out of the setlement ponds now. Same with the spoil piles.