How Feminism Destroys Femininity in Women and Love


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.

"Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal... If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters."

- Cato the Elder

At the tender age of 82 years Young Cato up & married the 17 year old daughter of one of his clients...​

Cartage Deleta Este, indeed....​

Don't care how ya bring'em - just Brigham Young !!:lol:

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
It's a form of mind control, probably set up by the Global Elite, or New World Order, as the conspiracy movement calls them, to divide and conquer us. It's just another way they use to set us against each other, so that we don't unite and rise up against the real enemy, which are the Global Elite who are running the show. Aaron Russo, in an interview with Alex Jones, revealed that Nick Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller dynasty, told him that the Rockefeller Foundation created and funded the feminist movement, for instance..
And credibility drops to zero right there.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Hahaahahaah, I don't know what gives you the Idea that I am being dominated or what ever ,,,hahahah. Some over my best friends are women ( here in Canada ) .When I go abroad is not for "escaping domination by women " hahaha .....

It's weird, I wasn't really saying that you where being dominated.......
Nope that's not at all what I was saying.....

Are you feeling susceptible?

What I was saying is.
If anything is true in your original post.
Then what I'm saying would actually make sense.
But we all know it doesn't.

So ya, a BS reply for a BS thread.

I dunno, I'm dumb as a post and I was b*alls deep in yo mama last night.

Then you must of been, being dominated :lol:
I'm sitting here posting BS. Replying to this BS thread.

And y'all to dumb to understand I'm just having fun joking around.:lol:
You need to learn to lighten up party poopers...


The article is written up by a guy, whining that women are too dominant.
It's not to hard to conclude that probably he can't handle American women.
Whining about it in a article sounds like a real manly man thing to do after all.

And that's fine. But instead of going forward and insulting them and playing
The blame game, if the article creator would have looked at himself, maybe
He would realize he's not very dominating.

He sounds like a big wet noodle in his article.
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Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Not written by China


Are North American Women Really THAT Bad?

Photo by Borderfilms (Doug)

It’s been interesting to read the comments people have left on that article I wrote for Vagabondish. While the article was entitled ‘What It’s Like to be Female and Foreign in Japan’ (foreign, as in non-Japanese) the focus of discussion has strayed from the topic of a western woman’s perspective on dating abroad and zeroed in on the subject of North-American women and how self-centered, demanding, spoiled and unattractive they all are.
I wish I was exaggerating.
Here are a few of the comments:
“I have traveled all over the world conducting a multi-billion dollar business, and American/Canadian women are valued about as much as a homeless man in New York City. They are viewed as feminazis, narcissistic, histrionic, materialistic, shallow, and useless.
Now I am not one to generalize, but even from my own experience, I cannot say this viewpoint is not that far from the truth. Why else do you think America has one of the highest divorce rates in the world? Generally speaking, American women make the worst WIVES, but are known for being great for CASUAL UNATTACHED SEX.” – Allan
“…Western women have ridiculous material expectations of their men and expect to be put on a pedestal at all times (instead of being equitable partners). Bringing little to the sexless & boring relationship other than expensive bathroom faucets, obesity, credit card debt and demands to work harder to afford undeserved luxuries to fit in with their consumer culture.” – Tommy
“The problem is that American women are known the world over as being self-centered and demanding princesses who feel like men should be kissing up to their posteriors. Not so in Europe, and most assuredly not true in Japan.” – Jeff
“You can keep the Western women in the west. They are fat, evil and smell like yeast. in addition, they think that everyone should be nice to them. They seem to be expecting some thing that they do not deserve. I say stay away eeeuuuwwww!” – Unchi-kun
Holy moly.
I don’t know about you, but while reading some of these, I had a mental image of a giant, Godzilla-sized slice of wonder bread stomping around Tokyo hollering “Be nice to me or else I’ll eat you! Muahahaha!”
If this is how men abroad view the female population of North America, well then forget sewing a Canadian flag to my backpack, next time I leave the U.S. I’ll be going Russian all the way and wearing a fur hat. I’m kidding.
But in all seriousness, if you think that those few comments are an anomaly, try googling “demanding American women” or “spoiled American women” and you’ll see how many blog or forum posts have been written on the subject. Some of the sites even encourage men to boycott dating American women altogether; as if they were toxic mold or a hazardous chemical more deserving of a warning label than any decent man’s attention.
While it would certainly be easy to write their blog posts and comments off as the bitter words of the burned and broken-hearted, I think there’s some truth to their assertions. I’ve written about how Americans have a reputation for being shallow and superficial in the past and as anyone would agree, Americans won’t be winning any awards in the healthy eating department any time soon.
But aren’t these stereotypes (the idea that all Americans are overweight, demanding and superficial) equally true for both genders? Why are the female half of the population being given all the blame here?
Whether these mens’ reasons for their ban on North-American women are justified or not, it would seem to me that finding a life partner is hard enough as it is. Why make it any more difficult by swearing off 180 million citizens of this planet (the approximate number of women living in Canada and the US) just because they happen to be born in the wrong corner of the globe?
I think that so long as you and the other person share common values and interests and there’s some chemistry there, that little line under ‘place of birth’ in a person’s passport shouldn’t matter much.
What do you think? Is there any truth to the North American woman’s bad rep?


Jan 6, 2007
I would have to say. If a man is going to pass up dating North American women because he doesn't like the stereotype of North American women, well, that bodes well for North American women. He can go find a more suitable 'breedline', and pick a suitably tempered woman out of that bunch. Poor thing.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Vietnam...2nd happiest country in the world: survey

Vietnam is the second happiest country in the world, according to a survey by a British think tank, which, unlike usually for such surveys, has not focused on nations' economic performance.
The New Economics Foundation's Happy Planet Index (HPI) shows the extent to which 151 countries across the globe produce long, happy and sustainable lives for their people.

The three component measures of the HPI are life expectancy, experienced well-being, and ecological footprint.
Vietnam scored 60.4, behind only Costa Rica, which scored 64.
In 2009 Vietnam had ranked fifth out of 143 countries.
Except for Vietnam the nine other countries in the top 10 are South and Central American .
The countries with the lowest scores are Qatar, Chad and Botswana.
The US ranks 105th on the index.
“The Happy Planet Index measures what really matters – long and happy lives now and the potential for good lives in the future," Nic Marks, NEF fellow and creator of the HPI, said.
"For too long we have relied on incomplete measures of progress that focus only on economic activity, such as GDP.”
The NEF has released the HPI two times earlier – in 2006 and 2009.
Source: Thanh Nien News


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
5 Ways Working Abroad Helped Me Grow

Photo by Paulo Brandão
By Kelly Dunning
Can you pinpoint the pivotal time in your life when you became an adult? For me, it was when I finally left my home to go traveling.
I took a working holiday in New Zealand for six months and while I was there I met my English boyfriend and lived in England with him for 14 months. During these 20 months of travel I grew more than I ever could have if I had stayed in Canada.
When I left Canada at the age of 22 I was confused and conflicted. I wondered what my future would bring and I had only a slight inkling that there was so much more to see and do in the great big world out there. When I returned to Canada at age 24 after having worked and lived abroad in New Zealand and England for two years I was a strong and confident adult with a plan for my future. Here are five of the ways that working abroad helped me to grow up:
1. I learned to trust my future self

Before I went to work abroad, I used to get panicked when I thought about my future. I was worried that I would make a wrong choice and I would never be able to accomplish all of the things that I dreamed of doing.
Luckily, I found myself working as a tour guide at a creepy old haunted prison by the sea in New Zealand and met a confident, irreverent, hilarious and completely fearless English guy who taught me one of the most important lessons of my life; how to trust my future self.
He showed me that I didn’t have to have it all figured out. I needed to focus on the here and now. Lee gave me a huge gift, the confidence to trust myself to make the right choice when the time comes for that decision to be made. Now I still don’t know what I will do with my life, but I don’t worry about it anymore because I trust myself to make it awesome.
2. I learned when to quit

When I was in Christchurch New Zealand on a working holiday New Zealand visa I struggled to find a job for a while and finally got a position fundraising for Green Peace.
I wanted to do my part to help the environment but what I didn’t realize was that “chugging” (or “charity mugging” as they call it in the UK) was completely wrong for me. I hated approaching people who were simply trying to walk down the street and guilt-tripping them about melting ice caps and polar bears. Yes, the issues were important, but I felt uncomfortable using the pushy salesperson techniques that we had been taught to sway people into donating. I cracked under the pressure of making a quota every week.
One Tuesday afternoon only a few weeks into the job, I realized that I simply could not approach one more stranger. I quit. You might say that was a stupid decision because I really needed the money. However, I think it’s important to learn when to quit something if it is completely making you feel miserable every second of the day.
3. I gained a work ethic

Of course, since I had quit my job at Greenpeace and decided to go to England with Lee on a UK work permit I had absolutely no money and I was due to learn another important lesson.
When I arrived in Accrington, a small working class town in Northern England, I needed a job desperately and I took anything I could find. I ended up working at a nursery and I was immediately thrown into 45 hours per week of changing dirty nappies, calming down crying babies, entertaining restless three year olds and wiping up never ending spills. I enjoyed it because I love kids, but it was hard work.
Up until then, I had been a high achieving Canadian honour student who had studied Fine Arts at University. I had never had a full time job that had been more than a summer gig and those don’t really count because I always knew I would be taking it easy back at school in a few months. I worked in that job for 10 months and finally learned what a full work week is like.
4. I used that work ethic to create my dream job

The experience of working at the nursery in Accrington taught me two things. First of all, it was like endurance training which made me better at working hard for long hours. Second of all, it made me realize that if I had the potential to work this hard I wanted to be working for myself doing something I love, not for minimum wage for someone else.
Writing is my passion so I began building up a name for myself as a freelance writer on evenings and weekends. My writing portfolio slowly grew and I took on more assignments. After a while I reduced my hours to part time at the nursery because my writing had grown so much.
Eventually after about a year I was able to quit my “day job” and earn more money from writing full time. These days I make my own hours, work from anywhere in the world and have total control over the writing projects that I do. However, there was no way that I could have logged the hours to build the freelance career that I have now with a lazy university student sense of entitlement, I needed to have the work ethic that I learned in Accrington.
5. I made a life of my own design, not anyone else’s

Perhaps part of the reason why I had been so confused and conflicted before I went traveling was because I was so worried about making my life fit in with everyone else’s expectations. I was putting too much weight on what others would think.
Working abroad in another country gives you a chance to wipe the slate clean of all other previous constructs you have made of yourself. If you have been following a life path that is even a little bit designed to please others, it will never make you truly happy.
During those two years abroad I thought about what I really wanted to do with my life right now in my 20s. The answer was easy, I wanted to write and I wanted to travel. So what did I do? I worked as hard as I could to set up a career as a freelance writer so that I could making a living remotely and then took off to travel the world. Right now I am sitting in a hotel room in the Cameron Highlands region of Malaysia, looking out the window at the lush green jungle hills.
I have learned that trying to make your life fit into someone else’s expectations simply doesn’t work. What you will realize is that it is an impossible goal, because someone will always chime in with their two cents about what you “should” be doing. You can’t please anyone, so stop trying. Simply decide what it is you love to do and then direct all of your energy into making it your reality, even if it is unconventional.
Working abroad changed my life in so many ways and I have never been happier and more confident than I am now. I am so grateful for the things that my travels have taught me and as I continue to travel I look forward to learning more.


What a great woman....!


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon

Every day across this country, men who are less than 'ideal' land wives, have babies, build families. the people who sit around moping about the 'only' people who can do it (and yes, I mean men and women), are those who are *******s in some way shape or form that they aren't willing to acknowledge and change. It's the blame game, plain and simple. "I'm too pretty" "Women are too self assured"

Once again I am forced to agree with Karrie.
Whom I rarely actually agree with.
Moronic does not begin to cover it.
Sickening or Pathetic maybe.

A China, Angstrom mutual jerk.
A keep the bitche$ down, jerk.
Can't get laid so it's gotta be the bitche$ in Canada at fault.

Grow the hell up guys.

I have spent close to a decade in South Asia, I know all about honor killings, cooking fire injuries, fell into the Tandoori excuses.
Seen those mobile ultrasound vans tooling around the villages.
Abort those usless females before they drag the family down.
Can't afford the dowry.

Worked in Thailand multiple times.
Been for a beer in Patapong and Rue Cowboy with my coworkers once or twice.
And of course those hungry, uneducated little teenage Thai girls just totally lust after fat, stinky and sweating, middle age white guys.
Yes those girls are very cute but the reality is, those girls hate everything about white guys except the money.
Which they desperately need for their families and children.

And then there is the Muslims whom I have spent years working with.
Good guys, smart as hell MSc or MEng and all.
But keep those bitche$ down and in their place.
Slap training, in a big big way.
Just not in the face please, according to the religeous standards of the day.
And Muhammad, BPUH.
Just keep it to body shots and all is acceptable.

And as to China, China been there done that.
I am well aware what poor people with no hope will do to get ahead.

I got married in Canada.
Spent 25 years working all over the world.
And I stayed married in Canada.

If your a guy, and you can't get laid in Canada.
It's you.
Not them.
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Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Can't get laid so it's gotta be the bitche$ in Canada at fault.

Naaaaa , it's the other way around .

And as to China, China been there done that.
I am well aware what poor people with no hope will do to get ahead.

What do poor people do to get ahead ......get ahead .
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Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Naaaaa , it's the other way around .

What do poor people do to get ahead ......get ahead .

If you brag about publicly

You really are a pig.

What goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults is all good.

But bragging about taking advantage of the disadvantaged.



Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
If you brag about publicly
What is it that I'm barging about ?

You really are a pig.

Well , you must have hangups .
What goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults is all good.

It all depends what they're doing behind the closed doors .......(smile) .

But bragging about taking advantage of the disadvantaged.

What the f...k am I bragging about?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Once again I am forced to agree with Karrie.
Whom I rarely actually agree with.
Moronic does not begin to cover it.
Sickening or Pathetic maybe.

A China, Angstrom mutual jerk.

Well , yet a other clueless dink with no sense of humour.
Have you ever Hurd of this thing called a joke?

What is it that I'm barging about ?

Well , you must have hangups .

It all depends what they're doing behind the closed doors .......(smile) .

What the f...k am I bragging about?

Don't bother with him, he's one those clueless posters. Smarter then a 2 by 4 dumber then a 2by 6


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
What is it that I'm barging about ?

Well , you must have hangups .

It all depends what they're doing behind the closed doors .......(smile) .

What the f...k am I bragging about?

It's like this China.
The discussion on your part and Angstroms was about how great thirld world life is and how difficult Canadian women are to form relationships with.
According to you guys anyway.
After my post the discussion was about poor people in thirld world countries and how accomodating the poor and hungry females could be.

And then you said "what poor people do to get ahead.........GET AHEAD".

I read that as poor people(females) to get ahead...give head.
Which is nasty.
I really have no idea what else you could be talking about given the direction of this thread.
But then you have another thread going about Will.N Dowd going so who really knows whats going on in your head.

Perhaps you were not discussing taking advantage of uneducated and vulnerable young girls.
If so I take back that personnel statement.

This thread still sucks.
Bragging about taking advantage of the disadvataged.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
It's like this China.
The discussion on your part and Angstroms was about how great thirld world life is and how difficult Canadian women are to form relationships with.
According to you guys anyway.
After my post the discussion was about poor people in thirld world countries and how accomodating the poor and hungry females could be.

And then you said "what poor people do to get ahead.........GET AHEAD".

I read that as poor people(females) to get ahead...give head.
Which is nasty.
I really have no idea what else you could be talking about given the direction of this thread.
But then you have another thread going about Will.N Dowd going so who really knows whats going on in your head.

Perhaps you were not discussing taking advantage of uneducated and vulnerable young girls.
If so I take back that personnel statement.

This thread still sucks.
Bragging about taking advantage of the disadvataged.

We all just poking fun at each other. Don't take this so seriously bud lol.