Feeling threatened and a bit misogynistic?
Found a new word in a dictionary .....?hahahaahaa
.....what a...
Why I want to leave Canada written by an European immigrant currently studying in University ,
1. Terrible weather. Canada has some of the worst weather in the entire world. There is no single place in this country that has a nice weather. Where I live (close to Toronto) in winter the temperatures can fall below -30 degrees Celsius (-22 Fahrenheit) and the air is really dry and lots of windchill. In January I often have to shovel 50m of snow every other day. Winter also lasts very long usually from November to April. There is no spring. It basically is winter then summer. The summer is really warm and humid. Sometimes it is so humid that it feels like you are breathing in water instead of air . Fall is usually very rainy.
2.Terrible women. Canadian women are very similar to American women. Many are radical feminists that hate men and masculinity. Canadian women are also very cliquish and business alike. They are cold, don't flirt with men and expect to be left alone. Flirting with women in Canada, unless they are in your clique can get you charged with sexual harassment. Canadian women are also glued to their smartphones texting and rarely make eye contact with anyone. They even text while they are driving
. Unless you belong to a specific clique in Canada meeting and interacting with women is very difficult if not impossible. Canadian women have a tendency to view males that are not part of their clique as creeps. Canadian women are also very masculine and dress bad. Canadian women are one of the main reason why I want to GTFO of Canada.
3.Busy/Workaholic society. Canada is one of the most workaholic countries of in the world. It is basically like America when it comes to working but with lower wages and higher taxes. When I was in high school a lot of people worked even though they had a lot of school work. Some even worked 2-3 jobs on top of being involved in a lot of extracurricular activities and having difficult courses. Even where I am in University a lot of people still work. Life in Canada is focused mainly on a career and working and consuming.
4. Antisocial society. Canadians may be polite but they are cold and distant. They also don't want to talk about interesting and meaningful things. Many prefer to work or to talk about weather or sports. They are also very ignorant about the rest of the world. They also lack curiosity. They want to keep to themselves and don't like mixing with other people unless it is with their clique. Canadians also like to be very independent just like Americans. It doesn't matter if you are a good intelligent guy if you don't fit into a specific clique here your social life will be almost nonexistent. Thankfully I managed to make a few friends in University.
5. Can't go anywhere without a car. Here where I live it is difficult to go shopping or somewhere else if you don't own a car.Distances are long and places are few and far between, the weather is also terrible like I already said.
6. Canada is boring. Canada is a very boring country. Just google "Canada most boring country" and you will see what I mean. All across the country there is nothing interesting to do or see other than go see a movie or go to a shopping mall or work. If you are school or university it won't be that boring, but if you are done with your education then there is almost nothing interesting to do. Cities in Canada all look the same, you won't people walking around like you would in Europe or in other countries. Canadians use their cars to get everywhere. Rarely would you see people walking. Canada has no culture and it is extremely politically correct and because of all that very boring.
7. I don't fit into the fake social culture here. I am an immigrant European male currently in university. I have always felt like I don't fit or belong here. I tried to fit in but I failed. People here are very fake for my liking.