Soldier is hacked to death by Muslim men just yards from barracks in London


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Of course. Now you can try to find fault with the data!!

Non-Christian prison chaplains chopped by Ottawa - British Columbia - CBC News

You can see from the data below, that Christians make up less than 1% of their population (75% Christians in Canada)
First Nations make up about 1% of their pop( about 5% of Canada is first native)
There are about 1% of Canadians are Muslims, yet they make up 4.5 times their per capita population in our prisons!!


57% of inmates Christian
There were nearly 23,000 inmates in federal custody in 2011 and a large majority of them identified themselves as Christian:

37.5% are Catholic.
19.5% are Protestant.
4.5% are Muslim.
4% First Nations spirituality
2% are Buddhist.
fewer than 1% are Jewish.
fewer than 1% are Sikh.

Now that your numbers have been shown to be bogus I will explain one more thing for ya.

It is Karrie - It is not "GOT THE FACTS KARRIE". So mind your manners.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Now that your numbers have been shown to be bogus I will explain one more thing for ya.

It is Karrie - It is not "GOT THE FACTS KARRIE". So mind your manners.
The facts still remain that the percent of Christians in jail are far lower than the general Christian population.
And the percent of Muslims in jail are for HIGHER than the general population of Muslims in Canada.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Of course. Now you can try to find fault with the data!!

Non-Christian prison chaplains chopped by Ottawa - British Columbia - CBC News

You can see from the data below, that Christians make up less than 1% of their population (75% Christians in Canada)
First Nations make up about 1% of their pop( about 5% of Canada is first native)
There are about 1% of Canadians are Muslims, yet they make up 4.5 times their per capita population in our prisons!!


57% of inmates Christian
There were nearly 23,000 inmates in federal custody in 2011 and a large majority of them identified themselves as Christian:

37.5% are Catholic.
19.5% are Protestant.
4.5% are Muslim.
4% First Nations spirituality
2% are Buddhist.
fewer than 1% are Jewish.
fewer than 1% are Sikh.

No atheists. We're a mighty law-abiding, peaceful bunch, clearly. :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No atheists. We're a mighty law-abiding, peaceful bunch, clearly. :lol:
31.5% but they aren't factored in.

The facts still remain that the percent of Christians in jail are far lower than the general Christian population.
And the percent of Muslims in jail are for HIGHER than the general population of Muslims in Canada.
1 in 3 in the pokey are atheist. How many atheist Muslims?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The facts still remain that the percent of Christians in jail are far lower than the general Christian population.
And the percent of Muslims in jail are for HIGHER than the general population of Muslims in Canada.

Then why is the First Nations incarceration rate so high.


Jan 6, 2007


YES I HAVE!!!! Muslim's make up almost exactly the same percentage of the prison population, as they do the Canadian population, which is 3.2%, not the 1% that you claim. The discrepancy is not what you claim. Added to the fact that it's been proven time and time again, in the US, in Canada, that sentencing is disproportional for those convicted who do not share cultural markers with judges, and it's actually a lot smaller of a discrepancy between the slightly lower percentage of Christians, and slightly higher percentage of Muslims, than I would have expected.

Religion in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No atheists. We're a mighty law-abiding, peaceful bunch, clearly. :lol:

I wanna see the math where you added all those numbers up to 100. lol.

Besides, atheists get tetchy when you label atheism as their religion. ;)


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
It is time to get tough either a special prison to house them for ever or worse.
Another solution, if we can have a no fly policy deport them and not allow any
of them to return. They can murder where ever just not in the west.
First we need a united international policy, no not the UN a Western Nations
policy. If you come here you swear a loyalty clause, if you break the law out
no second chances.
If you are a citizen of the nation being born there and you commit an act of
terror its life never on the street or death penalty.
Personally I have had enough even by Canadian standards. We allow people
to join us and for the most part they are good people. There are certain ones
who push the envelop and want this that and the other where we are expected
to change the fundamental principals of our laws. NO. If you cannot live by the
rules of the country and you are offended leave. We gave many refuge here,
we didn't say they could start moving the institutional furniture around.
I have nothing against immigration, or different peoples from different places.
I do however expect them to obey the law and understand we have an open
society where they may be offended by some of the ways we have put up or
leave. I am not talking about discrimination, I am saying we have those who
think differently and they should not be killed or bombed because there is a difference
of opinion. That isn't even Muslim its criminal activity


Jan 6, 2007
Does anyone know how many limeys are hacked to death by other limeys after or during football games? No of course you don't because it ain't even boring news.

Well, there was no football game, but this was a 'limey' killing a 'limey'.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


House Member
May 18, 2010
Anybody related to EL from this Form here?

Vancouver Forum • View topic - British soldier killed in London by Muslims

You know what I think?
I sense victory.
I can't say that I am sorry about this.
To me it is clear that Europe is getting weaker and Islam is growing in strength.
If we are to believe Dr. Bill Warner, Europe was hammered, absolutely HAMMERED--by the Islamic invasion previously. There was a brutal=very brutal=assault conducted in campaigns by Muslims. They fought 548 battles. And a total of 270 million--over a quarter BILLION--infidels have been killed in 1,400 years.
And now, it appears to be happening again.
Europe and America are reduced to the status of a beaten dog, an abused child, a raped wife.
This isn't going to stop. It will only intensify, until our final victory.
And these people really don't care whether they live or die; and they don't care whom they kill. They know beforehand, when they act, that this will most probably result in their deaths. In the case of 9/11, it was a 100% probability, and they planned their own deaths two years in advance. But they went ahead and did it anyways.
So HOW are you going to fight that? The moment it is justified by religion, it is unstoppable.
Meanwhile, us peaceful Muslims want nothing more than to live in serenity. We fast; and we pray. We pray five times a day, minimum. Even I pray frequently; and even more frequently when I am under stress, like now.
You do NOT talk about this stuff at the Masjid. It is taboo. People find this talk of jihadi violence deeply disturbing and avoid it, quickly changing the subject. They want to have nothing to do with it. The Masjid is about fasting and prayer.


Jan 6, 2007
So HOW are you going to fight that? The moment it is justified by religion, it is unstoppable.
Meanwhile, us peaceful Muslims want nothing more than to live in serenity. We fast; and we pray. We pray five times a day, minimum. Even I pray frequently; and even more frequently when I am under stress, like now.
You do NOT talk about this stuff at the Masjid. It is taboo. People find this talk of jihadi violence deeply disturbing and avoid it, quickly changing the subject. They want to have nothing to do with it. The Masjid is about fasting and prayer.

That speaks volumes to me. When the West says 'this is what Islam is', they perpetuate it as religious justification, rather than fringe terrorists. When the West says 'if you're Muslim, you're violent', they give it a foot hold stronger than these terrorist freaks could ever gain on their own. Take away the religious justification. Hold moderate Islam up as an example, rather than trying to lump them all together.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Hold moderate Islam up as an example, rather than trying to lump them all together.
How many moderate Muslims do you think there are? Maybe very few!!

How many moderate muslims have you seen carrying a sign or something telling radical Muslims to conform and embrace Canadian values ?
Maybe all these Muslims you THINK are moderate are really radical but they just sit quietly hoping the radical element takes hold and starts to get an upper hand?

I do a lot of participation in runs/walks, but I very seldom see them volunteering to benefit a charity, but I see many of them whenever a visit hospitals and medical clinics!!
Sort of like, they don't give but they sure like to take!!

I think we have to see a lot more promising activities by Muslims before they will ever gain much respect from Canadians.
In Canada, you have to earn respect to get it, you can't demand it because you belong to a certain religion !!