1/3 Population of Puerto Rico Gets Food Stamps from U.S. Gov’t


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
A subsidy is a cash hand out.

In tax theory circles, a tax break is usually considered a subsidy.

The theory is that there are two economic ways to encourage desired behaviour: cash payments or tax breaks. Which one you favour in any given situation is a matter of philosophy, politics, and certain practical considerations.

From a taxation and accounting point of view, receiving money and being relieved of having to pay money are the same thing.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
It's interesting- G- while you & I argue for 'more devolved responsibility'- and produce studies to that effect- 'smack and 'morgan are agruing for statist colonialism. So much for our 'capitalist paragons'. Say white, they say-'black'

There you go again. Calling in back-up because you are floundering.

Gopher posts that there are less people on welfare than in certain states but leaves out the fact that the US government has put a welfare cap on the territory of PR.

But you swallow it all. Sad.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Of course not. Go to sleep, dear.
In accounting there are only Credits and Debits and no third column called Malarkey.

There you go again. Calling in back-up because you are floundering.

Gopher posts that there are less people on welfare than in certain states but leaves out the fact that the US government has put a welfare cap on the territory of PR.

But you swallow it all. Sad.
Is it a territory or a possession? A territory would be incorporated wouldn't it?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
It's interesting- G- while you & I argue for 'more devolved responsibility'- and produce studies to that effect- 'smack and 'morgan are agruing for statist colonialism. So much for our 'capitalist paragons'. Say white, they say-'black'

I notice that you are completely unable contest any of the fundamental elements that have successfully sunk your socialist boat.

Kinda funny really - albeit not at all surprising.

It's generally considered a subsidy.

No it isn't

In tax theory circles, a tax break is usually considered a subsidy.

The theory is that there are two economic ways to encourage desired behaviour: cash payments or tax breaks. Which one you favour in any given situation is a matter of philosophy, politics, and certain practical considerations.

From a taxation and accounting point of view, receiving money and being relieved of having to pay money are the same thing.

In theory circles in addition to actual practice and reality, those tax breaks are only of value for those corps that generate an operating profit. Furthermore, they are generally a byproduct within those economies that represent an uncompetitive tax environment to start with.

Funny the way that the relationship exists, eh?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I should have said unincorporated territory... which is what PR is.
Which by all rights is deserving of a capped budget if they are unwilling to invest that money into putting plow to soil. There is no obligation like there would be as a State deserving of or the obligation to contribute to the it's piece of the Federal pie. If they went from the US to USA things would be a lot different.


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
The government can create an excise tax and other disincentives for sending capital and jobs overseas. After all, under the Constitution's commerce clause its power in that regard is virtually unlimited. Besides, that, it can recall all of the capital sheltered overseas in tax free accounts as I have said a number of times on this forum.

D1ck Cheney's employers in Halliburton made that much money alone in 2003 from war profiteering. It made nearly a total of $40 billion from Bush's war:

FOCUS | Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War

This should get your goat even more if you are as principled as you imagine yourself to be.

The majority in PR voted for statehood.

Isn't strange (no, not really) how the Republicans and their wannabes on this forum defended Bush for creating a war ostensibly to promote democracy and majority rule in Iraq but conveniently ignore the wishes of the majority in Puerto Rico?

Ohhh are the on board Ayn Ranians ever going to squeal abut this one...
but its hardly a secret that they just fire in comments off the top of their noggins.
Shame on you, Gopher, doing all that research...


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
I notice that you are completely unable contest any of the fundamental elements that have successfully sunk your socialist boat.

Kinda funny really - albeit not at all surprising.

Funny the way that the relationship exists, eh?

Actually, I've simply been ignoring you because , as the Diamond thread showed, you've morphed into thesite's malordourous troll and I don't believe in feeding your morph over.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Captain morgan,

The simple solution here that is to everyone's benefit is to craft conditions in the local NorAm economies that is business friendly and bring back the jobs, corporate taxes and bennies that way.

It's amazing how this simple and effective solution consistently eludes the logic of the lefties of the world

But President Obama has already done that because his policies have created the highest corporate profits since 1900 and the highest Wall Street activity in 22 years.

We have repeatedly gone through this but you keep ignoring this truth.


Actually, I've simply been ignoring you because , as the Diamond thread showed, you've morphed into thesite's malordourous troll and I don't believe in feeding your morph over.

As I mentioned President Obama has already surpassed Reagan and the two Bush's in making the atmosphere ore capitalist friendly. Yet he continues to pretend this is not so.

He is trying to make talking points but is only repeating himself needlessly.


Ohhh are the on board Ayn Ranians ever going to squeal abut this one...
but its hardly a secret that they just fire in comments off the top of their noggins.
Shame on you, Gopher, doing all that research...

All I did was to present proof that the right wingers can never refute. I have done so hundreds of times on this forum and will continue to do so.

It's generally considered a subsidy.

Certain credits such as child care credit can result in refunds to those without tax liabilities. Other "refundable credits" include:



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The majority in PR voted for statehood.

Isn't strange (no, not really) how the Republicans and their wannabes on this forum defended Bush for creating a war ostensibly to promote democracy and majority rule in Iraq but conveniently ignore the wishes of the majority in Puerto Rico?

What part of NOT being a state are you and Hun having difficulty with?

Ohhh are the on board Ayn Ranians ever going to squeal abut this one...
but its hardly a secret that they just fire in comments off the top of their noggins.
Shame on you, Gopher, doing all that research...



Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
But President Obama has already done that because his policies have created the highest corporate profits since 1900 and the highest Wall Street activity in 22 years.

We have repeatedly gone through this but you keep ignoring this truth.

As I mentioned President Obama has already surpassed Reagan and the two Bush's in making the atmosphere ore capitalist friendly. Yet he continues to pretend this is not so.

He is trying to make talking points but is only repeating himself needlessly.

All I did was to present proof that the right wingers can never refute. I have done so hundreds of times on this forum and will continue to do so.

Certain credits such as child care credit can result in refunds to those without tax liabilities. Other "refundable credits" include:

That would explain his surprisingly high rating.
while dealing withthe enormous fiscal mess the Republicans left behind.

Amazing- the party of Eisenhower became the Weapon of Monetary Distruction under GHB...

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Actually, I've simply been ignoring you because , as the Diamond thread showed, you've morphed into thesite's malordourous troll and I don't believe in feeding your morph over.

You're just upset that you got called out for being the cheap bugger that you are

But President Obama has already done that because his policies have created the highest corporate profits since 1900 and the highest Wall Street activity in 22 years.

We have repeatedly gone through this but you keep ignoring this truth.

The private sector has done that in spite of the Fed policies... But I guess that you want to assign credit for a growing global economy.

BTW - how does the foreclosure and unemployment rates stack up against the relative rates since 1900?

As I mentioned President Obama has already surpassed Reagan and the two Bush's in making the atmosphere ore capitalist friendly. Yet he continues to pretend this is not so.

I guess that's why the major auto mfgrs, Apple and Google are securing money offshore or building plants in China... Say, how about Halibuton deciding to move their HQ to the UAE in the last few years.

Makes you wonder why they would do that considering that Obama has made the US such a corporate friendly place


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
What part of NOT being a state are you and Hun having difficulty with?

What part of the 61.16% who voted for statehood don't you understand?

Captain Morgan

I guess that's why the major auto mfgrs, Apple and Google are securing money offshore or building plants in China... Say, how about Halibuton deciding to move their HQ to the UAE in the last few years.

Makes you wonder why they would do that considering that Obama has made the US such a corporate friendly place

Companies have been moving offshore largely since Reagan regime. Are you blaming Obama for that as well?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Companies have been moving offshore largely since Reagan regime. Are you blaming Obama for that as well?

You were the guy that was wanted to look at the corporate friendliness of the current admin and compare it to the 1900's.... How come you don't want to look at the actual (record) dollar amounts that have fled under the same admin?

BTW - I notice that you decided not to address the unemployment and foreclosure rates under this admin... Why's that buddy?