1/3 Population of Puerto Rico Gets Food Stamps from U.S. Gov’t


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Percentage of population on welfare:

Puerto Rico 1.394 per 100 people

Indiana 2.241 per 100 people

Arizona 1.875 per 100 people

Tennessee 3.026 per 100 people

Alaska 2.4 per 100 people


Wow! They have that many on welfare and they are not even a state! No wonder why they want to become a state.

And although Puerto Rico receives $4.2 BILLION in aid, their aid is capped because they are not a state. So because they are an unincorporated territory they would not receive the funds that Indiana, Arizona, etc. would qualify for.

Fair effort Gopher... but as usual you left a bit of info out.

Puerto Rico actually voted 61% for statehood in the 2012 referendum. They are the potential IT & tech sector resource for the Caribbean.

That is right Hunboldt. You seem to put at bit of weight into that vote.

So... what else was on that referendum?


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Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Percentage of population on welfare:

Puerto Rico 1.394 per 100 people

Indiana 2.241 per 100 people

Arizona 1.875 per 100 people

Tennessee 3.026 per 100 people

Alaska 2.4 per 100 people

Total Recipients > Welfare Caseloads statistics - states compared - StateMaster

Let's assume the $2 billion annually in food stamps is statistically correct. $2 billion divided by 1.37 million people = $1460.00 dollars per person per year or $121.00 per month. This is considerably less than many other states:

Average Monthly Food Stamp Benefits Per Person | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation


Alaska $170.07

Hawaii $213.65

You may want to throw in a couple of other territories which also do not pay income taxes.

Now consider the fact that businesses in the Fortune 500 deduct expenses for employee meals and business lunches/dinners which are subsidized by taxpayers. That should get your goat, too but, as is usual for this forum, I haven't seen a word of protest about these welfare giveaways.

Good Research.

You forgot the main reason The on board waterboarders oppose PR statehood- Latins vote Democrat.

As the old Nevada Rancher sez,
"I rised five trueb lue Republican sons- and that darn Dem'crat Elmer, who learned readin' an' riting..."


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I am sure you approve of his research. It says what you want it to say... and he left out what he didn't want you to see.

You are now an official member of the uninformed!


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Demand that this deduction be outlawed and follow it up with an increase in corporate taxes... That'll make 'em think twice as they are doubling their workforce in India and scaling back operations in America.

You are rather unfamilliar with India's economic history, which has been anything but Laissez faire capitalism.. India is 'betting' on unimpeded access to Western markets. Remove that artificial incentive,and you have a pretty quick revision to the 'old RaJ'.

Corperate personal expense deductions are a 'new phenomena', and are an abuse of the tax code. Cut them & kill your deficit.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Demand that this deduction be outlawed and follow it up with an increase in corporate taxes... That'll make 'em think twice as they are doubling their workforce in India and scaling back operations in America.

The government can create an excise tax and other disincentives for sending capital and jobs overseas. After all, under the Constitution's commerce clause its power in that regard is virtually unlimited. Besides, that, it can recall all of the capital sheltered overseas in tax free accounts as I have said a number of times on this forum.


Puerto Rico receives $4.2 BILLION in aid, their aid is capped because they are not a state

D1ck Cheney's employers in Halliburton made that much money alone in 2003 from war profiteering. It made nearly a total of $40 billion from Bush's war:

FOCUS | Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War

This should get your goat even more if you are as principled as you imagine yourself to be.


Good Research.

You forgot the main reason The on board waterboarders oppose PR statehood- Latins vote Democrat.

As the old Nevada Rancher sez,
"I rised five trueb lue Republican sons- and that darn Dem'crat Elmer, who learned readin' an' riting..."

The majority in PR voted for statehood.

Isn't strange (no, not really) how the Republicans and their wannabes on this forum defended Bush for creating a war ostensibly to promote democracy and majority rule in Iraq but conveniently ignore the wishes of the majority in Puerto Rico?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
You are rather unfamilliar with India's economic history, which has been anything but Laissez faire capitalism.. India is 'betting' on unimpeded access to Western markets. Remove that artificial incentive,and you have a pretty quick revision to the 'old RaJ'.

Take a walk through your local Walmart and then talk about access to Western markets.

But on a more direct note, many NorAm jobs are being outsourced to foreign nations because the cost of doing business is getting too expensive in NorAm... That said, you want to increase those costs further? Expect a reaction from the private sector that will look at less expensive alternatives

Corperate personal expense deductions are a 'new phenomena', and are an abuse of the tax code. Cut them & kill your deficit.

So are taxes for that matter

The government can create an excise tax and other disincentives for sending capital and jobs overseas. After all, under the Constitution's commerce clause its power in that regard is virtually unlimited.

Sure they can, all it will do is create an environment that will shrink investment into NorAm all the same... Your problem still remains and now the wall is a little higher and there is less incentive to attract capital in developing the local economies.

Besides, that, it can recall all of the capital sheltered overseas in tax free accounts as I have said a number of times on this forum.

You can try.... More often than not, the capital is deployed (quite legally I might add) in the form of a wholly owned foreign subsidiary of the parent company. Ironically enough, when the parent company has a need for capital, the subsidiary can 'loan' the money to the parent, thereby extracting more cash from the NorAm parent to be directed into the sub in the nation of operation.

It's not nearly as cut and dried as you'd like to think.

The simple solution here that is to everyone's benefit is to craft conditions in the local NorAm economies that is business friendly and bring back the jobs, corporate taxes and bennies that way.

It's amazing how this simple and effective solution consistently eludes the logic of the lefties of the world


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Take a walk through your local Walmart and then talk about access to Western markets.

But on a more direct note, many NorAm jobs are being outsourced to foreign nations because the cost of doing business is getting too expensive in NorAm... That said, you want to increase those costs further? Expect a reaction from the private sector that will look at less expensive alternatives

So are taxes for that matter

Sure they can, all it will do is create an environment that will shrink investment into NorAm all the same... Your problem still remains and now the wall is a little higher and there is less incentive to attract capital in developing the local economies.

You can try.... More often than not, the capital is deployed (quite legally I might add) in the form of a wholly owned foreign subsidiary of the parent company. Ironically enough, when the parent company has a need for capital, the subsidiary can 'loan' the money to the parent, thereby extracting more cash from the NorAm parent to be directed into the sub in the nation of operation.

It's not nearly as cut and dried as you'd like to think.

The simple solution here that is to everyone's benefit is to craft conditions in the local NorAm economies that is business friendly and bring back the jobs, corporate taxes and bennies that way.

It's amazing how this simple and effective solution consistently eludes the logic of the lefties of the world

What you appear to be promoting is 18th century merchantillism as a structure with '21 century corporate benefits'.

I'm not so much a 'leftie' as a hard headed realist.

For Example:

In the 20th century, Joe Hoo invests a better mousetrap, patents it, enhances his economy .

In the 21st centy , Joe Hoo invents a better mousetrap, Megacorp's searchbots locate it on line, have their Chinese subsiduary manufactor it in Hunan, import it through Walmart and tie him up in court until he is bankrupted.

Then get bailed out by Taxpayers as 'too big to Fail"
end product: too many megacorps bailed out, no Joe Hoos.

It's amazing how this simple and effective solution consistently eludes the logic of the Far right of the world[ Hmm,sounds familliar).

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
What you appear to be promoting is 18th century merchantillism as a structure with '21 century corporate benefits'.

I'm not so much a 'leftie' as a hard headed realist.

For Example:

In the 20th century, Joe Hoo invests a better mousetrap, patents it, enhances his economy .

In the 21st centy , Joe Hoo invents a better mousetrap, Megacorp's searchbots locate it on line, have their Chinese subsiduary manufactor it in Hunan, import it through Walmart and tie him up in court until he is bankrupted.

Then get bailed out by Taxpayers as 'too big to Fail"
end product: too many megacorps bailed out, no Joe Hoos.

It's amazing how this simple and effective solution consistently eludes the logic of the Far right of the world[ Hmm,sounds familliar).

Instead of creating these hypothetical fantasy-lands, why not address the underlying issue of the base cost of doing business and how altering that formula would achieve the lofty goals you seek.

Bottom-line is; your perpetual call for more taxes and crippling social entitlements is what has lead to the weak NorAm economy today.


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Instead of creating these hypothetical fantasy-lands, why not address the underlying issue of the base cost of doing business and how altering that formula would achieve the lofty goals you seek.

Bottom-line is; your perpetual call for more taxes and crippling social entitlements is what has lead to the weak NorAm economy today.

WHERE are you getting THAT from?


captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
so, shat you are REALLY trying to say is that you can't find a quote to back up a silly allegation & you are too stubborn to admit it..

Take a look at your 'hard headed realism' and how it assumes I base my arguments on '18th Century Mercantilism'

You want to pick and choose the reference points and then form an argument from there.

This isn't something that a 'hard headed realist' would do now, is it?


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Take a look at your 'hard headed realism' and how it assumes I base my arguments on '18th Century Mercantilism'

You want to pick and choose the reference points and then form an argument from there.

This isn't something that a 'hard headed realist' would do now, is it?

Ohhhh- weasel weasel weasel....I call weasel on your argument.

My point is that you can't call for 'voodoo capitalism'- darwinian exploitation coupled with 'tax rip off'.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Nope.... The observation is that in maintaining a balanced approach, the opportunity to enjoy benefits for the majority of the population will be the result.

You want a reference point: consider what Hollande is doing in France and the impact that it is having.... People will be worse-off because of these policies as the balance has been lost


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Nope.... The observation is that in maintaining a balanced approach, the opportunity to enjoy benefits for the majority of the population will be the result.

You want a reference point: consider what Hollande is doing in France and the impact that it is having.... People will be worse-off because of these policies as the balance has been lost

Hollande has NOTHING to do with Puerto Rico.
You really should take the tiime to think through your agrument points rather than posting madly in the hope something sticks..

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Hollande has NOTHING to do with Puerto Rico.
You really should take the tiime to think through your agrument points rather than posting madly in the hope something sticks..

18th Century Mercantilism and Voodoo capitalism have nothing to do with Puerto Rico either.

Does this mean your house-of-cards arguments are beginning to crumble?


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Google corporate welfare and you'll get all the info you want

Yes! Make PR into a state so that we can have two more patriots as senators and at least 3 more electoral votes. While we're at it, let's do the same for Washington DC to insure more patriotic victories.

It's interesting- G- while you & I argue for 'more devolved responsibility'- and produce studies to that effect- 'smack and 'morgan are agruing for statist colonialism. So much for our 'capitalist paragons'. Say white, they say-'black'

Might as well let them have the last yap. All they are doing is trolling on reasoned posts.
Pity, that....


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A subsidy is a cash hand out.



  • A sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service...
  • A sum of money granted to support an arts organization or other undertaking held to be in the public interest.
subvention - grant - grant-in-aid